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Posts posted by JimmerJJ

  1. Hello all,  If I use a friends address to maintain a US address does that make me taxable in my friend's state?  Before moving to Thailand I lived in Nevada (no state income tax) but my friend lives in Wisconsin (has state income tax). I don't think it should since I file my taxes using my residential address here in Thailand.  Correct?

    Also is it legal to use a friend's address?  Many websites suggest it i.e. Experian the credit bureaus suggests to do this to maintain a USA address.  Text from their website copied below. I want a real residential address not a commercial (CMRA) street address as most US mailing services like IPostal and Anytime mail use.


    Thank you


    1. Maintain a U.S. Address

    The best way to maintain your credit while living abroad is to continue using your U.S. credit cards. However, to keep your existing cards, and to maintain your U.S. bank account or other financial accounts, you need a U.S. address. One option is to ask a relative or close friend if you can use their address for your financial accounts while you're overseas.

    If you don't want to ask anyone, there are plenty of paid mail forwarding services for this purpose. These businesses cater to digital nomads and expats who need a U.S. mail address that's not a post office box. Some companies physically ship your mail to your foreign address, while others scan and send digital copies.

    Once you've decided on what address you'll use, update all of your financial accounts to this new address.

  2. 'Make America Great Again' Trump recently placed dead last in a Feb 2024 survey of Presidential greatness by historical scholars of political science.  Can you believe it?  A guy that professes to be the epitome of family values and even sells Bibles has ranked last. Yes 45 ranked 45 below the top guy Abraham Lincoln and for the 2nd time.  What were the scholars thinking or maybe they were thinking.


    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Political_Science_Association#:~:text=In 2024%2C Republican Abraham Lincoln,tied with Federalist John Adams.



  3. That would be a great thing that you suggest Jing.  As it is many US citizens living abroad are being denied their rights because of the overboard archaic Patriot Act. You are required to have a US address and phone for many things financial and Expats have to use clandestine work-arounds to maintain a US address or phone. It's frequently suggested to use a friend in USA but that's a band-aid solution.  Here's an example, me.  I'm currently in a dispute with Experian because they removed my credit score and they say I'm "Unscorable" on my Experian dashboard page.   It's been several weeks and I'm still trying to find out why they did that but no answer yet.  I'm 72 and have been with the same credit union for 40 years and I have never once been late on a mortgage or credit card payment and so too with my other 2 banks.  I have no bankruptcies, outstanding loans, criminal record nothing adverse to impact on my credit.  Squeaky clean. My credit score has always been over 800 and in Nov 23 it was 815.  So it's preposterous for Experian to say I have no credit history to score. But I believe it is because I'm using a CMRA address to forward  my mail to me. I have an Experian account but it does not allow you to enter a foreign address.  I submitted a complaint to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a division of the FTC) and they are a government agency to oversee credit bureaus (private companies) and all CFPB did was forward my complaint to Experian and then a week later Experian responds with an answer saying nothing except 'we're working on it' and with that nothing-response CFPB closed my complaint. It's a nightmare to try and hold the private Credit Bureaus to account and worse you get zero help from the CFPB. My whole 40 years credit history is up in smoke because of them and I get no answers.  So my next step is to complain to the FTC and then my Nevada Senator and then to a credit attorney.   I wish all Expats would join together and fight to have part of the Patriot Act (maybe wrong but I believe it is the crux of these problems) amended so it is not hurting US citizens.

    ExperianMaintain US address.docx

  4. Anyone know for a fact if the 2 year license can be used to rent a car in USA (specifically in Nevada)? And can you get the International Drivers Permit with the 2 year?


    Hertz site says you can rent a license with a temporary but they don't elaborate if it is only US temporary.  And they say with a temporary and living abroad you also need the International permit.


  5. 11 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    They (Fatboys OnNut) were OK when I dealt with them earlier this year. The price was reasonable as listed above. And they were able to arrange for the whole thing to be done in ONE day with little advance scheduling at the DLT OnNut area office, as opposed to the normal DLT routine of having to go one day to make an appointment, and then come back on a subsequent day for the actual appointment.


    Regarding the required medical certificate, they work with a small Thai medical clinic a short distance from the OnNut DLT office on the main Sukhumvit Rd. that quickly and easily issues the required medical certificate. Never saw a doctor, just had the nurse take my personal details and do a quick blood pressure check. That was all!


    The more troublesome part was having to trek out to the BKK CW Immigration office to get the required residence certificate, and wait in a long queue there for it. And carefully time that with your DLT visit because I believe (from recollection) DLT wants it to be no older than 30 days at the time of your visit.


    At the OnNut DLT office, they have four physical tests you need to pass when applying for a Thai license on the basis of having a valid home country license:


    1. using a little machine to align two little vertical sticks to be even with each other 8-10 feet in front of where you sit (depth perception).


    2. switching from a mock accelator pedal to a brake pedal when a red light is shown (response time).


    3. calling out the colors flashed by a traffic light display (for color blindness)




    4. calling out the colors of small lights in side panels on either side of where you sit in a chair (to check peripheral vision).



    Thanks Tall Guy, Very helpful about the practical tests.  I passed them all before in 2019 when I got my 2 year temporary (now expired) but it's a nice refresher knowing ahead what they are.

  6. 12 hours ago, Polar Bear said:

    I agree when it's just a straightforward process (like a foreign licence to Thai or 2 year to 5 year), but for anything a bit more complicated, they can be really useful.

    We got our first Thai licences during the pandemic when offices were randomly reopening for a few hours and then closing again. Fatboy's were phoning round constantly and booking appointments as soon as one became available, and they obviously had insider knowledge on which center was going to popup next. There's no way I could have done it myself. 

    Then with the practical test, my husband kept failing, not because he lacked the skill but because he didn't understand the test rules. Fatboy's talked him through it and negotiated for him to only retake the parts he had failed instead of having to redo the whole thing and risk failing something he'd passed once. 

    And then they helped him renew his 2 year to 5 year almost a year early. Again, there was a lot of negotiation going on that we couldn't do. 

    When I renewed my 2 to a 5, I just did it myself, and it was easy, but for the other ones, I think the money on an agent was well spent. But if you are fluent in Thai and understand how it all works, maybe it's never necessary. 

    Thanks Polar Bear! That is one of my concerns on the practical test is not understanding what they want me to do. I guess I'll try watching what others do.  Do you know are the practical tests the same at Chatuchak and Onnut? I'm an excellent driver too with about 40 years of driving and only one accident my fault when I crashed the Drivers Ed car in high school because instead of using reverse in backing out from a parking space I had it in drive and gassed it crashing into the store window. ????

    • Haha 1
  7. 16 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    OP, when I first obtained my 2 year TDL I used BSR as being in covid times they were able to obtain an appointment.


    My advice is limited as my Oz license was valid and I see that your US license has expired.

    Given that I think you best to consult with agent such as BSR.

    The manager is USA guy and also staff can chat via messenger.


    What is your status in Thailand.

    The reason being that you need a certificate of residence as part of the application.

    That is not straightforward in Bangkok.


    Be aware that agent cannot do much for you. It's a hand holding exercise.

    You still need to obtain medical (5 minute thing) and own Certificate of Residence. USA embassy no longer provides address letter.


    I recently obtained the 5 year TDL and did that at Chatuchak transport office.

    If you are using that office note there is small medical office not far from entrance.

    It's an office just issuing medical certificate. 


    Here is a thread  and has report of my experience at Chatuchak in May.

    Also in thread discussion of certificate of residence.

    CW require a 90 day report to issue COR




    Thanks Dr Jack, for all the great information! Very helpful.  I am on a Non-Imm OA visa.

  8. Hi everyone,  I am in Bangkok and need to get a Thai Drivers License.   I see a few websites online that offer assistance with the forms and they also accompany you to the Dept of Land Transportation to get it.  If anyone has used any of these services I would be interested to hear of your experience with them.  Two services that I saw online are Fatboys Thai License Service and also Thai Drivers License Service Point - TDLS.  If you have any feedback on these or others I would really appreciate to hear before i dive in with one.  I had a USA DL but it expired and I also had a Temporary Thai Drivers License but then got locked out of Thailand because of Covid and it expired so I guess i have to start over.  Thanks All I really appreciate any information about doing this. 

    • Haha 2
  9. 21 hours ago, JonnyF said:

    It's about raising the debt ceiling I.e. increasing debt due to a classic failing of left wing governments that spend money it doesn't have.


    PS adding the word fascist to every post does nothing for your credibility. 

    Wrong answer.  There is a separate time for negotiating the budget.  Now is the time to pay bills that were passed into law by Congress.  They're two different processes but of course the GOP likes to pull this stunt everytime there is a Democrat president.  If need be and rightwingers don't come to their senses Biden should invoke the 14th.

    • Like 1
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  10. Last Thursday, prior to Biden's and McCarthy's meeting, Durbin provided Newsweek the following answer when asked whether Biden should consider using his constitutional authority to raise the debt ceiling:

    "I'm open to suggestions about how to end the suicide pact on the debt limit."


    Perfect answer to our self-inflicted hostage crisis. If need be invoke the 14th.

    • Like 1
  11. Anyone want to venture a guess on what this will do to the exchange rate if it's not raised?  I've been loading up on THB for the past few months just in case.


    Like others on here I think there is a strong argument made for invoking the 14th amendment as discussed by Lawrence Tribe, Harvard Professor on Constitutional Law. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/07/opinion/debt-limit.html


    The thing is if you cave to the GOP and it gets kicked down the road a year what will they ask for next time like 'we want all the the seditionists freed' or some other nonsense.

  12. I am having difficulty with this form (SSA 7162).  The system is broken so I emailed my Senator (copied below) please feel free to copy and email your Senator and keep our fingers crossed.


    Subj:  Problem: SSAs Archaic System for Form 7162


    Dear Senator Rosen, I am a Nevada absentee voter temporarily living overseas.  I am 70 years old and on Social Security.  The SSA mails out a form to those overseas receiving benefits which must be returned to them or their benefits are jeopardized.  The problem is they only allow returning it to their PO Box so that rules out using tracking services such as FedEx or DHL.  I sent mine on Nov 23rd via EMS mail but that tracking stopped after it left Thailand and was not picked up by USPS.  This is an important form to get returned or they cut you off.  Why can't SSA have a normal street address to return these forms instead of a PO Box?  Also we have no way of knowing if it was received.  So as backup I have also sent another 7162 to them by regular airmail from Thailand. Why can't they send us a secure message in 'My Social Security' letting us know that it was recveived.  I called the SSA office in Reno (where I applied for benefits) and the Rep did not even know what that form was.  The Rep gave me another number in Wilkes Barre PA (where the form goes) but I called there and they said it was the wrong office.  Please help us with this nightmare bureaucracy.  Thank you

    • Like 1
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  13. On 9/13/2022 at 12:14 AM, Lorry said:

    Kwonitoy and Dr Tom probably pay PEA/MEA rate. 

    You pay 8B, which is almost double. This is legal,  very normal (one poster pays 7B, he is a lucky guy) and probably also reasonable (the reasons why this is reasonable are explained by some posters in another thread about this subject).


    The consumption is all from the  a/c. And these look terribly old to me. Crossy will know better. 

    7 years ago I rented a place with big antique a/c like this. 45 sqm, 6000 B for electricity.

    A friend of mine has about 60sqm, old a/c. MEA rate. Easily runs up 4000 or 5000B.

    Ask some lo-so Thais,  factory workers or prostitutes, the kind of people who live in 1-room apartments,  about electricity bills. You will hear many horror stories.  Old a/c, 8B: electric is often higher then rent. 


    You are probably not taken advantage of. If you want it cheaper rent a condo where you pay MEA rate. 

    BTW living in a hiso area but complaining about electricity?

    I'm not complaining just trying to figure out if I'm getting ripped off.  I've learned a lot just from this thread that there are a lot of variances.


  14. On 9/13/2022 at 12:14 AM, Lorry said:

    Kwonitoy and Dr Tom probably pay PEA/MEA rate. 

    You pay 8B, which is almost double. This is legal,  very normal (one poster pays 7B, he is a lucky guy) and probably also reasonable (the reasons why this is reasonable are explained by some posters in another thread about this subject).


    The consumption is all from the  a/c. And these look terribly old to me. Crossy will know better. 

    7 years ago I rented a place with big antique a/c like this. 45 sqm, 6000 B for electricity.

    A friend of mine has about 60sqm, old a/c. MEA rate. Easily runs up 4000 or 5000B.

    Ask some lo-so Thais,  factory workers or prostitutes, the kind of people who live in 1-room apartments,  about electricity bills. You will hear many horror stories.  Old a/c, 8B: electric is often higher then rent. 


    You are probably not taken advantage of. If you want it cheaper rent a condo where you pay MEA rate. 

    BTW living in a hiso area but complaining about electricity?

    I'm not complaining just trying to figure out if I'm getting ripped off.  I've learned a lot just from this thread that there are a lot of variances.


  15. On 9/13/2022 at 8:24 AM, FritsSikkink said:

    6k is way to much, i only pay that in April / May and have 4 aircons running. I pay directly to energy company.

    Thanks for the info. I wish I could pay directly to the MEA.  The front living room is surrounded on 2 sides by big windows that open.  So maybe it's not energy efficient too.

  16. 10 hours ago, kwonitoy said:

    They are padding the bill.

    My house in Udon Thani, hot season in April.

    2 refrigerators, 3 TV's, multiple phone chargers. 2 computers, 25,000BTU air con running downstairs during the day. 3X 18,000 BTU air cons in the bedrooms running all night.

    The highest electrical bill I received was a little over 6,000 baht

    Thanks, padding the bill is what I think too.

  17. 1 hour ago, scubascuba3 said:

    8 baht is normal for an apartment but a condo should be govt rate about 4 baht. 6k baht is way too high, caused mainly by AC. Move

    Yes I don't have much stuff so not hrd to move.  I could afford the extra couple thousand but I just don't like being taken advantage of and I think that's what they're doing. It's the principle of the thing.  Thank you

  18. 34 minutes ago, sqwakvfr said:

    Based upon on my experience living in a rented apartment in LOS I can say turning off the lights does not make a huge impact on the electricity bill.  In my case(a 30 SQM unit) with one old AC unit, how many hours per day I turn the unit on is the biggest factor in how large or small my bill is.  During the hot months(like now) the AC is on about 6 to 8 hours a day.  My per KW rate is 7 Baht per unit and the most I have paid is about 2000 Baht.  I do not cook and have the usual electrical appliances(refrigerator, kettle, TV and charge my laptop, tablet and phone).  I think 6K is too high but if one AC unit is on most of the day then in my opinion your bill should be in the 3000 to 4500 per month range.  


    Can you check the meter?  For instance in some units the electricity meter is accessible to tenants.  Sometimes I check the meter at the beginning of the month and then at the end.  So far my bills appear to be consistent.  

    Hi Sqwakvfr,  guess I could if I asked but the Manager was showing me the current reading on paper but i didn't actually see it for myself.

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