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Posts posted by pullmarine

  1. i agree with Rixalex. i travelled for 8 months all through Thailand with my 4pds. maltese and had nothing but trouble. i had to smuggle my dogs most everywhere and the experience ended up being very stressful and not pleasant at all. after a while, i just refused to live "in hiding" and whenever i arrived in a new location, i'd rent a scooter and with my dog harnessed to me, i'd do the round of bungalows etc until i found a suitable place that would accept us.

    good luck to you. you will be faced with a lot of adversity.

  2. Lots of great info here but once arrived in Bangkok where are the short term pet friendly accomodations that will allow one time to look around for something long term.I have a declawed cat that I'll be bringing and everyone I contact for short term is writing back,sorry we do not allow pets.What to do?

    you'll have to hide your cat. there is no other way. i've been there and desperately searched a place to stay after my hotel, which had ok'd my pet when making the phone reservations, told me once i was there, that no pets were allowed.

    after a 2 days search and no success, i realized the only way for me to not sleep on the street was to hide my pet. the situation was a bit better outside of BKK but not much. it was an excruciating experience which i would not repeat. and my pet is cuteness impersonated, a 4lbs, maltese.

    good luck to you but be warned: traveling with a pet in thailand is asking for a LOT of trouble.

  3. the stories get better.... after a 12 hours bus ride, i ended up in this small town (i forget the name) and proceeded to a hotel recommended by a tourist. same same: "no dogs allowed". this time, rather than taxi to every hotel till i find a place that will accept a dog, i ask the desk clerk if she knows of any place that might accept a dog. she does! i get my tuk tuk driver to listen to directions and take me there. it was night time. we get into this driveway, all lit up with small christmas lights. quaint, i thought.

    then, all i see is a series of curtains with blank walls in between. ???

    some guy comes out and i immediately ask: "do you allow dogs?" he says yes. "ok, i'll take a room."

    he pulls one of the curtains...it's a garage from where you enter the room. i guess i should have figured it out by then but i was too tired, too hungry and too happy to find a place that allowed dogs to think straight . only when i entered the room did i realize where i was: round bed with mirror on the ceiling and mirrors all around... red leatherette gynecologist type chair... no windows... omg...

    i didn't know if i should laugh or cry. i was sooo tired. i pulled a towel from my bag, laid it on the bed and laid myself down. oh, i lost weight i noticed. there i was, staring at myself on a bed in a brothel in thailand...

    i took a shower with my shoes on, got dressed, got out, found another place and checked out.

    i must be the only person who went in there with a (real) dog and found the place inappropriate...

  4. hi jennifer,

    i landed in BKK airport in 2006 with my 4lb maltese. i went to register it at the designated office and once there, i was told my dog had to be quaranteened (!!!!!!!!!!)

    i nearly had a heart attack. i was told that all dogs had to be quaranteened.

    now, i had done my research thoroughly, like you, and knew for a fact that dogs were NOT quaranteened in thailand. i even had a letter from the thai consulate in canada stating so.

    i totally objected, an interpreter was called in (no english at the airport office). i was asked if this was my 1st time in thailand....blah blah blah.... no can do. dog must be quaranteened.

    after about 20 traumatic minutes and no relenting from the authorities, i said "OK... if my dog goes in quarantine, i go too. we do not separate. let's go!"

    only at that point did they give it up and instantly gave me some import form to sign and required some amount of money. i forget how much it was, maybe in the neighborhood of $35

    they never asked for any proof of vaccination or any kind of paperwork on the dog. i just filled whatever details on the form and that was it.

    i later found out that it was a scam and had i volunteered a bit of cash i could have saved myself a lot of anxiety. the thing is, i was not expecting to have to give payolas to government employees in a government office.... silly me!

    things went downhill from there. the hotel where i had made reservations by phone, stating i was with dog, informed me upon arrival that they had no reservation for me and that dogs were not allowed. no place in BKK allowed dogs. i ended up sneaking my dog in and out. there was no other way.

    i certainly do not recommend travelling with a dog in thailand but if you have your own place, there will be no problem.

    good luck!

  5. No, you will never be able to take a pet (cat/dog/whatever) out of it's carrier in the cabin of the plane, no matter what airline. I have however seen people put the carrier on their lap (after seat belt signs turn off), and put their hand inside the carrier to pet or calm the animal, but again, the animal can never be taken out.

    Is this comment based on personal experience or opinion?


    good question wxpwzrd.

    i have flown a dozen times with my small dog in cabin to and from 3 continents. not once has my pet remained in her carry-on. after take-off, she was on my lap all the time. stewardesses were most kind, offering water or simply petting my dog. one even asked if she could take my dog for a walk and proceeded down the aisle holding the dog in her arms.

    no need to be anal retentive about the "in the carrier" rule. flight attendants are human too.

    of course, it helps when you have the most darling well behaved traveling companion. :o

  6. hello again,

    id love to post a long list of pet-friendly hotels in Bangkok but alas, i have given up the search as it always came up negative. although my little adorable pet gets lots of love and care from everyone she encounters, the same is not true from public officials. we have been asked to leave a park and a bus in recent days. i am not much more optimistic for elsewhere in thailand but i do have something up my sleeve. ill be sure to keep you posted on our progress.

    thanks to those who demonstrated some empathy in their post. there is much to be said about a man or woman who treats animals with love and care as there is about the one who does not...

  7. regarding getting my dog through customs, i was actually shocked when told she would need to be quarantined. i had a letter from the embassy stating that dogs imported from canada into thailand did NOT go into quarantine. of course, i forgot this letter at home (!!!) and as i was having a fit, an interpreter was called in to settle this sensitive matter. i was under NO circumstances abandoning my dog to anyone for any quarantine. why it was even suggested is beyond me as everywhere i have researched this particular matter, all info says: no quarantine for dogs.

    i had also inquired about travelling through thailand with a dog (lodging, public transports, restaurants etc....) and was told no problem. hum....

    not sure how long we will stay in bangkok. im trying to ease into thai life as best i can, gather info about the adventure (im shooting my dogs adventures in thailand which at this point are more like my own misadventures) and go where the wind blows i guess, in a sensible sort of way :o

  8. sorry for the multiple posting. i was in a bit of a crisis.... anyways, i ended up sneaking my dog in and out of the hotel and i guess that will be how things will work while in bangkok. not sure how long i will stay. i am starting to relax now that the initial shock of quarantine threat at the airport and un-pet friendly hotels in bangkok is over.

    i will be spending 5 months in thailand so i do have the luxury of time, if no other, to relax and chill out. i guess i was not prepared for this hotel situation as i was told otherwise. apparently, things will be different outside of bangkok. i sure hope so.

    great forum by the way, been reading it while getting organised for my trip.

  9. hello all,

    i am a french canadian photographer travelling through thailand with my little dog (a 4 pounds adorable maltese). i researched the situation before coming over and was told there would not be problems finding accomodations with my pet. less than 48 hours after my arrival, i have found differently. i had made a reservation at the atlanta hotel, specifying i had a dog and still there appeared to not be a problem. upon my arrival this past friday, i was told there was no reservation to my name and that furthermore, no dogs were allowed on the premises. they were kind enough to let me stay for 2 nights but i have now overstayed my welcome and my luggage is sitting at the hotel as i am typing this. i have searched all day yesterday and this morning for a pet-friendly hotel but found none.

    if any of you has any suggestions, please contact me through the atlanta hotel (++66-2) 252- 6069 OR 252- 1650.

    thank you kindly,

    suzanne langevin

  10. hello all,

    i am a french canadian photographer travelling through thailand with my little dog (a 4 pounds adorable maltese). i researched the situation before coming over and was told there would not be problems finding accomodations with my pet. less than 48 hours after my arrival, i have found differently. i had made a reservation at the atlanta hotel, specifying i had a dog and still there appeared to not be a problem. upon my arrival this past friday, i was told there was no reservation to my name and that furthermore, no dogs were allowed on the premises. they were kind enough to let me stay for 2 nights but i have now overstayed my welcome and my luggage is sitting at the hotel as i am typing this. i have searched all day yesterday and this morning for a pet-friendly hotel but found none.

    if any of you has any suggestions, please contact me through the atlanta hotel (++66-2) 252- 6069 OR 252- 1650.

    thank you kindly,

    suzanne langevin

  11. hello all,

    i am a french canadian photographer travelling through thailand with my little dog (a 4 pounds adorable maltese). i researched the situation before coming over and was told there would not be problems finding accomodations with my pet. less than 48 hours after my arrival, i have found differently. i had made a reservation at the atlanta hotel, specifying i had a dog and still there appeared to not be a problem. upon my arrival this past friday, i was told there was no reservation to my name and that furthermore, no dogs were allowed on the premises. they were kind enough to let me stay for 2 nights but i have now overstayed my welcome and my luggage is sitting at the hotel as i am typing this. i have searched all day yesterday and this morning for a pet-friendly hotel but found none.

    if any of you has any suggestions, please contact me through the atlanta hotel (++66-2) 252- 6069 OR 252- 1650.

    thank you kindly,

    suzanne langevin

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