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Posts posted by yarpy

  1. Well even if all men are not banned from this section I certainly should be as I only ever really post to make a joke, which I find funny but perhaps you don't, or when I just have to object to another 'all western men who live in Thailand hate me for no reason and everyone who lives in Pattaya should be deported' thread. So in the meantime I will ban myself.

    But the answer is obvious. A women only forum, which whilst not a computer expert would be I assume easily achieved by some sort of filtering, you could also I assume add in the men you like as sort of honorary females for this purpose, balanced by a men only forum where we can let rip about what we really think of western women, and no the rest of this forum is not automatically a male dominated forum.

    An example of this arose some time ago I remember. There was a 'what do you think of westren men' thread on the Laddies section but when a male opened a 'what do you think of Western women' thread in another section it was immediately deleted and the member disappeared I assume banned.

    I will propose this to board admin.

  2. LS,

    SALE price are dropping as if you want to sell the ###### thing thing you have to be realistic.

    Most sellers seem unwilling to drop prices and either rent the place out if they can or leave it empty.

    There is one property I want to buy as a pretty solid rental investment. I know what I have to pay for it to make this work for me and I have offered this sum and been rejected about once a month for the last 18 months.

    Viewing property websites regularly is instructive as some of the properties seem to have been on the market for 2 years plus with new units being commissioned by the hundred every day.

  3. Venturing nervously in to the Laddies section...

    I find the problems that arise with Thai/Falang relationships are more to do with education levels than age.

    I had an excellent relationship with a 22 year old university student until she had to go off and marry the bloke her family wanted her to (her views on George Soros were unprintable) but have had great difficulty trying to have relationships with women aged 40 (same age as me) who are barely literate and read only those comic books if anything at all and seem to be addicted to Hello Kitty.

    You can only do the horizontal mambo for so long and at some time your brain needs stimulating so for me when talking about a possible Thai/Falang relationship the question is wrongly framed.

  4. Actually if all you want is an actual massage the blind massage people are truly excellent. I have one there about once a week.

    If you fancy a laugh head down the soi from Las Vegas turn the corner left and have a beer in the only straight bar in that area. Forget the name but its got a pool table stuck right in front and has WOMEN working there.

    Bought by a Lithuanian for his girl and its just totally the wrong bar in the wrong place. You will be their first customer that week guaranteed.

  5. Champion Go Go has some OK women but always empty, how do they keep going?

    KR bar has some good looking young women they seem to specialize in the 18 to 22 year range. Beer and pool and music nice laid back atmosphere.

    Country Roads more woman than KR and older but same basic format good music pool beer and relaxed atmosphere.

    Las Vegas always a laugh but I would pay for them to put their clothes back on. They really really need to up their quality.

    Blue Room now re-opened but haven't been in so can't say.

    Er... thats about it.

    Also you should not be going down the far ends of any dark sois from 1 onwards after dark. You'll be the only falalng there and you won't last long.

  6. Cancel the Penthouse immediately. Cockroach ridden shit hole. Book yourself in to the Queen Victoria and/or Lord Nelson on Soi 6, same owner.

    First night book yourself an appointment with the owner of the Queen Vic and buy him a few drinks. He will teach you more about Pattaya in 1 hour than you will learn in a year.


  7. Couple of months ago, whiskey is addling my memory. Heading down the hill from Jomtiem to South Pattaya. BIG RAIN. All the drains overflowing. Cop diverting cars at the big roundabout baht buses allowed to go forward as they are basically trucks. Round the corner HUGH puddle just before the VC the stink of sewage (say cholera with me people) and their sat in the middle water past the door pillars was a Merc with the Royal Cliff logo on the doors. Bet the passengers were happy with that service.

    Laughed my ass...

  8. Whilst I too question why they bother I would rather have an open forum with a frank exchange of views than something like the Laddies forum on this board where the resident moderator nazis just sqush anything that doesn't fit their agenda.


    A white turd.

  9. Napaporn Dental Clinic O38-429357. Owned by the delicious Dr. Napaporn.

    Avoid Dental Café on the Pattaya/Jomtiem road just past Bruno's. Had a cleaning there and she was so rough my teeth hurt for a week.

  10. I can't claim this as truly original as I've seen similar thoughts on other websites.

    If Pattaya was a football team it would be Milliwall as in everybody hates us and we don't care.

    All the Bangkok princesses that post on this and other boards think we are all old bald paedophiles but what really riles them is we don't give a ###### what they think.

    Pattaya is anti-cool. You by definition can not be cool if you live here. It is anti-fashion you can not be fashionable or part of the in crowd if you live in Pattaya as by definition it is the out crowd.

    Any thing goes here. A young male western fashion model with a 50 year old Thai women (I know this couple, he has a mother fetish) a 60 years old 200 kilo German with a 20 year old 4'2" Thai women (I know his couple too) no one cares. Tourists and Bangkok princesses slumming it for the weekend may stare but Pattayans wouldn't even look twice. 70 year old gay man in skin tight pink spandex, so what?

    This is Pattaya. This is why I love it here. I won't make crazy statements like I will live here forever because there are worrying signs of it going respectable, I just hope it never happens.

    You do not have to be one of the people I describe to live here you can look and be perfectly what the Bangkok princesses would call 'normal' the point is that everyone is accepted and acceptable here.


  11. This is why I said GOOD.

    Most don't know one end of a computer from another. Even if they speak English they go in to the 'no speaka de English' routine rather than lose face by admitting they haven't got a clue.

    Will give DCO a go.

  12. I need to buy a USB wifi dongle one either with an external aerial socket or one that can be opened up and an external aerial attached.

    Obviously as this is a bit specialised I will need to explain what I want in English.

    Can anyone recommend a good computer guy/shop who will understand what I want?

  13. Well I am a here for the men and the women as I am an equal opportunities monger.

    I am also a sleazy lowlife albeit a rich one.

    I like the company of other sleazy lowlifes but unfortunately there aren't that many around. Most turn out to be at best plastic gangsters who wouldn't frighten a small rabbit. THe Nigerians I used to do business with certainly would not be impressed.

    Pattaya to me is beautifully clean and unbelievably safe but then I am originally from Johannesburg.

    I spent the last 5 years before retiring in London now THAT is a filthy dirty dangerous city. A crap apartment where I wouldn't house a dog somewhere like Kentish Town is £400,000+. Madness.

    Give me Sin City any day.

    Oh I also raise large amounts of money for the orphanage. I'm a Catholic and one day I might need the points with the big guy.

  14. My mate wants to buy a one bedroom condo in Château Dale, say about 80sm.

    Anyone have one to sell or knows someone who does would be grateful to hear.

    Credit can be arranged as necessary.

    Rather this way than dealing with the likes of Notfair Properties and their ilk.

    Leave message below or PM.

  15. Khall,

    Classic ladder theory. Do a goggle on Intellectual Whores for the full sp.


    Jennifer Anniston is famously NOT pregnant. Not wanting a family is stated as the reason Brad dumped her.

    Angelina Jolie is apparently pregnant by Pitt.

    I met her when we were both staying at the Amanjaya in Phnom Penh. We had a few drinks. Unbelievably beautiful but obviously mad as a hatter. I wish Brad luck he'll need it.

  16. What women want in a man the truth:

    Power 50%. This is power defined in its broadest terms to include for example money.

    Attraction 40%. This is attraction defined in its broadest terms to include not just physical beauty but also rarity value, are their friends jealous, do their parents disapprove etc.

    Things women say they care about but do not 10%. This includes humour, honesty, sensitivity yada yada yada.

    Simple as.

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