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Posts posted by billphillips

  1. What is the purpose of buying this much gold? Is it for selling on or making into jewellery? Is it for Thailand or another country? I know in the UK you have to be a registered gold dealer to hold bullion hence the reason a lot of people buy the Krugerrand

    In the uk their is a taxation loophole regarding gold coins. However their price is inflated beyond the true value because of this. Gold trading in the uk is not a practical investment for small time traders.

    One advantage of gold trading / investment in Thailand may be the advantageous "personal taxation" situation, particularly if buying directly from the high street shops. I'm sure that at least some of you understand exactly what I'm saying.

  2. http://www.ausiris.co.th/?lan=en

    Anyone done business with them before?

    I just called them up because I consider buying a certain amount of gold bullion.

    They informed me that if it were a few Baht it could be delivered out of stock, but when lets say a few million Baht worth of gold, I would have to deposit the money first and can receive the gold about 1 week later.

    Who in their right mind would hand over a few million Thai Baht to a company in return for nothing more than a piece of paper?

    You advice, regarding this company, will be much appreciated

    Well at least from this thread you have gained some basic knowledge... ie ... You don't have to send money to an unknown company. You can walk into a gold shop and buy at will.

    It's all basic stuff that many people knew already and things that someone considering spending a few million baht on a gold investment should have known well in advance. The good news is that now you do know and it may have saved you some cash, risk or stress.

    Professional investors work all of the time and cannot sit and do nothing. As a part time investor, particularly in gold, that's exactly what you have to do. When the gold price seems attractive to buy .... then buy, if not ... do nothing. Likewise for selling. That will leave you with long spells of no investment and no action. However the returns for correct timing can be very high, likewise the losses. The impending break up of the EU caused currency and stocks to wildly fluctuate. The switch to gold was predictable ... The extent was not. Good luck with your gold trading but good advise is to make an imaginary investment and follow its progress (as I posted earlier). That will give a good indication to your real investment. Gold trading does not suit everyone, it's unlike stocks or most other long term investing, as I said buy low ... sell high (regardless of time).

    None of my posts were a personal attack on you. Please have the curtesy to reciprocate.

  3. Most gold shops (if they are worth anything) keep a large stock of gold. Without checking the spot price today, 3 million baht cash in gold equates to about 2 kilos in weight, one kilo is about the size of a small smartphone. You may want to check the finances of gold investing right now as the price has risen quite sharply recently. Investing a few months ago would have shown a hefty return at today's prices. Some investors turn to gold when there is currency uncertainty and that is probably why the price is on the "up" right now.

    I don't look to buy 1 kilogram pieces, but rather bullion of 5 Baht maximum. If for 3 million that would mean the shop should need to have a stock of ~30 pices of 5 Baht bullion. Would any shop in the mainstreet have that amount in stock.

    I am aware of the gold price today and in the past, but unfortunately my crystal ball has a crack, so I have no idea what it gonna do tomorrow or thereafter.

    Perhaps gold won't work for you, take care.

    You mean, you are so gifted that you can tell us the price of gold for next week?

    I predict stable prices, edging to the up. However the current currency destabilisation caused by the disassembly process of the EU was predictable as shown by the move to gold and away from currency. Most opinions show that in times of uncertainty, investors turn to gold as a safe haven. Gold is not a regular investment and offers no annual return. It's as simple as buying low and selling high. Long term study is the only way to assist gold investors, try it for a few years with an imaginary investment before you take the plunge.

    I'm doing very nicely, thank you. It didn't come easily.

  4. Most gold shops (if they are worth anything) keep a large stock of gold. Without checking the spot price today, 3 million baht cash in gold equates to about 2 kilos in weight, one kilo is about the size of a small smartphone. You may want to check the finances of gold investing right now as the price has risen quite sharply recently. Investing a few months ago would have shown a hefty return at today's prices. Some investors turn to gold when there is currency uncertainty and that is probably why the price is on the "up" right now.

    I don't look to buy 1 kilogram pieces, but rather bullion of 5 Baht maximum. If for 3 million that would mean the shop should need to have a stock of ~30 pices of 5 Baht bullion. Would any shop in the mainstreet have that amount in stock.

    I am aware of the gold price today and in the past, but unfortunately my crystal ball has a crack, so I have no idea what it gonna do tomorrow or thereafter.

    Perhaps gold won't work for you, take care.
  5. Most bars in Udon are exceptionally quiet now, Iv heard but not seen, that some of the shutters are coming down early in Nutty Park. Some renovation / revamp is going on at Oh La La in Day and Night. Lean times ahead indeed for some bar owners.

    I personally will never enter Day Night again, some bars are Not Honest...
    Your quite right but remember it's only "some bars" not all of them. The "some" do seem to welcome heavily intoxicated patrons and reward them with heavily loaded bills by way of thanks. In addition, the staff drinks seem to have a heavy surcharge that bears no relation to the actual drink or staff margin. The majority of Udon bars are straight, the few spoil the reputation of many and won't pass the test of time. The "fast buck" brigade have no idea of how to run a business and will find themselves searching for a new form of income quite soon, but they will never learn from the experience. Stick too and support the bars that you know and trust, they will value your custom, I'm sure.
  6. Most bars in Udon are exceptionally quiet now, Iv heard but not seen, that some of the shutters are coming down early in Nutty Park. Some renovation / revamp is going on at Oh La La in Day and Night. Lean times ahead indeed for some bar owners.

  7. Most gold shops (if they are worth anything) keep a large stock of gold. Without checking the spot price today, 3 million baht cash in gold equates to about 2 kilos in weight, one kilo is about the size of a small smartphone. You may want to check the finances of gold investing right now as the price has risen quite sharply recently. Investing a few months ago would have shown a hefty return at today's prices. Some investors turn to gold when there is currency uncertainty and that is probably why the price is on the "up" right now.

  8. Buying gold ingots in Thailand is very straightforward ... Go into a gold shop, haggle the price, collect the gold and then pay. Buying gold certificates is a pointless and risky business, in my mind certificates completely confound the point of owning gold. Why would anyone consider paying in advance for something that can be purchased on demand? It seems to add several layers of complications to a simple task.

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  9. On june 24th it will not matter what those clowns in Europe say.
    Britain will be out of the EU.

    Has Britain ever been considered a true part of Europe?
    Or just claiming to be part of it, when ever it suited them for political gains?
    We just save it...twice!

    I just Checked the history book, thanks.
    I appears that Britain had it's ass handed to it and then kicked out of Europe in 1939,by the Nazis, four years later the USA and Russia liberated Europe from the Nazis.
    Since then, Britain has been telling everyone that Britain saved Europe.
    I also so read that before the USA and Russia came along Britain had the most retreats and surrenders of the war.
    Go Figure.

    Yeh Britain had its ass handed to em . We done absolutely bugger all in both wars, we just pretty much waved the white flag. Britain has always been weak and has never won a conflict ever. God I feel so ashamed to be British. Thank God for America and Russia. Surprised you had to check the history books for it tbh, everyone knows the Brits through history have never been a great waring nation.

    Hmmm. The Falklands war didn't go to well for the Argentinians as I recall. However Vietnam did have some success.
    By the way ... Hitler declared war on the USA several days after Pearl Harbour was bombed by the Japanese, it seems that there was little choice in the matter for America. Of all the countries involved I would suggest that Russia played the largest part in ending the war. Just like the USA they had no choice because Hitler invaded the country without warning. As previously stated.. It was a joint effort.
    As I see things ... All of this has nothing in common with EU, however it's an entertaining theory.
  10. On june 24th it will not matter what those clowns in Europe say.

    Britain will be out of the EU.

    Don't think so and certainly hope not.

    Quite right. What people do not realize is that the referendum is only "advisory". Even is there is a slight majority for leave, it is up to the Government whether on not to leave the EU. The Government is unlikely to decide to leave the EU.
    You could be right. I wouldn't give much of a chance for re-election if the government decide to ignore the vote though and if they do ignore it .... what's the point of having a referendum at all!

    How kind of the non-elected bigwigs in Luxembourg to tell the UK it's ok not to give freeloaders cash handouts to send back to their home countries. A perfect example of why the EU is loosing support among Brits.

  11. Hydrochloric acid will clean the glass without damaging it. Macro's own brand of bathroom cleaner contains about 20% and works well. Leave it to soak for a while then work in with a scotch pad. Ventilate well while using, the fumes are disgusting and harmful.

  12. The UK originally joined the European Economic Community and the main purpose was to guarantee and stabilise food prices throughout the member states. Whoever thought that they should in effect govern the members was, in my mind, a total idiot. I feel that an exit from the EU monstrosity would be beneficial to the UK. For the man on the street, small businesses and the "green" following perhaps the most benefit would come from the abolition of the VAT curse and the resurrection of purchase tax. That can only be possible after an exit from the EU. It may become an election promise so it is a distinct possibility and would be welcomed and enjoyed by many.

    Why do you feel VAT bad, purchase tax good? Why is the EU monstrous? A bit hyperbolic?
    VAT is added to most repairs and the purchase of secondhand goods, as well as nearly everything else actually. In comparison purchase tax only applies to new goods thus allowing people on lower incomes or tighter budgets to make at least a tax saving by repairing or buying secondhand, much more environmentally friendly too. The burden of collecting VAT falls to the individual company or sole trader and for a small business in particular, this can be a costly and unrewarded chore. Add in an "in depth inspection" and/or accountancy fee and the costs rise considerably. A very unfair way of taxation and collection, designed and insisted on by the EU and before it by the EEC.

    The EU is, in my opinion, an ever growing monster allowing new members that can offer little or no benefit to the union and attempting to control and manipulate the everyday lives of the common people. I personally prefer a democratic system where at least the majority of people make a choice as to who calls the shots. Not so in the EU. I think I prefer not to support bankrupt states such as the Greek shambles. I also would prefer anyone coming to the benefit rich UK to obtain a visa and prove that they can financially support themselves, amongst other things. From the basics of an economic community to the monstrous political, law making, cash hungry thing that is now called the EU, for me at least, is a step (several steps) too far.

    And while we are at it .... Does football really need FIFA?

    When the UK joined the EEC in 1973 they were already using VAT so it is not surprising the UK had fall in line. The EEC did not insist on VAT, the UK asked to join the EEC.

    As for being unfair, that is a matter of opinion. There is no dispute the collection process is cumbersome but it was designed that way to reduce tax evasion. Sales tax is more open to abuse than VAT and should a post brexit government revert to a sales tax then it is highly likely that income tax would rise to offset the loss in revenue from tax evasion, that is what I would call unfair.

    VAT is insisted upon by the EU, a state cannot be a member if they don't charge VAT (EU rules). They also set the parameters min /max of taxation to be charged. Not much loss in revenue because no EU membership will need to be paid, less spongers, less handouts, less freeloading in the medical system and the possibility of cheaper imports/ better exports (if anything can be found to actually export). Of course I agree that it's all an unknown quantity and perhaps it's the fear or uncertainty of the unknown that provokes so much thought and discussion on the brexit. For me though ... I can't leave quickly enough.
  13. I think the Pannarai is the best hotel in the area. The Centara is good but now very dated with a gloomy outlook through its uncleanable room windows. For a full English breakfast in any of the hotels, you will probably be out of luck but right next to the Pannarai is the Irish clock where a full English (with air-con) is always available. Lots of bars and restaurants would be within a few minutes walk and I fell the high standards and location would not disappoint.

  14. The UK originally joined the European Economic Community and the main purpose was to guarantee and stabilise food prices throughout the member states. Whoever thought that they should in effect govern the members was, in my mind, a total idiot. I feel that an exit from the EU monstrosity would be beneficial to the UK. For the man on the street, small businesses and the "green" following perhaps the most benefit would come from the abolition of the VAT curse and the resurrection of purchase tax. That can only be possible after an exit from the EU. It may become an election promise so it is a distinct possibility and would be welcomed and enjoyed by many.

    Why do you feel VAT bad, purchase tax good? Why is the EU monstrous? A bit hyperbolic?
    VAT is added to most repairs and the purchase of secondhand goods, as well as nearly everything else actually. In comparison purchase tax only applies to new goods thus allowing people on lower incomes or tighter budgets to make at least a tax saving by repairing or buying secondhand, much more environmentally friendly too. The burden of collecting VAT falls to the individual company or sole trader and for a small business in particular, this can be a costly and unrewarded chore. Add in an "in depth inspection" and/or accountancy fee and the costs rise considerably. A very unfair way of taxation and collection, designed and insisted on by the EU and before it by the EEC.

    The EU is, in my opinion, an ever growing monster allowing new members that can offer little or no benefit to the union and attempting to control and manipulate the everyday lives of the common people. I personally prefer a democratic system where at least the majority of people make a choice as to who calls the shots. Not so in the EU. I think I prefer not to support bankrupt states such as the Greek shambles. I also would prefer anyone coming to the benefit rich UK to obtain a visa and prove that they can financially support themselves, amongst other things. From the basics of an economic community to the monstrous political, law making, cash hungry thing that is now called the EU, for me at least, is a step (several steps) too far.

    And while we are at it .... Does football really need FIFA?

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