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Everything posted by Asheron

  1. Maybe i should be more detailed by the salary/dividend. Let's say that the company is in my daughter/son name and i am employed by that company but the company, that is new, has "no" capital for now and will not have any income until maybe even 1 year after company started and i work for the company on a "profit basis", meaning, if i do not make any income/profit for the company i will not get any money. This isn't really trying to avoid social security contributions or anything of that sorts. In my own country, inside the EU, you do not have to pay any taxes at all if the company doesn't have any income. If the company does have income then it is 22% corporate tax for the profit. And you only have to pay social security etc etc etc taxes if you actually take out a salary in your name from the company. Dividends are capped at about 15-17K USD per year to 20% tax. Any dividends above that is taxed as income but still not viewed as salary. My questions are not sinister in nature even though i think that taxation is legalized theft ???? I am just very very tired of living in my own country and want to think of alternatives for working in for instance Thailand but still have income without being tied physically to some office.
  2. Howdy! Looong time since i was here and i have a few things on my mind, especially regarding Thai company and taxation. Let us say i have a company setup in Thailand in the name of a Thai national (like daughter/son). This company then has income from various IT work it has done. No salaries are paid out but instead dividends are used for paying for the staff/work (in this case daughter/son alt. me with working visa). My questions are: 1) is this legal to do? (very important) 2) What kind of taxation is there on dividends in the above example. Is it fixed rate tax or variable depending how much? 3) How much in dividends can you give to share holders of a company before Thai IRS says no or some very high tax (30%+) rate kick in? 4) What if daughter/son own the company but i do all the work (online IT), with appropriate visa of course. Can i get "compensation" for my work by monthly/quarterly/yearly dividend instead of outright "salary"?
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