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Posts posted by babyg

  1. Sorry I have not replied since. It appears the main reason he was detained in Bangkok is that the Immigration boss was visiting the airport at the weekend. Everything was being done by the book. In detention also were 2 other westerners that had overstayed their visas ( one only by about 30 days ) , they paid the fine and were being sent to prison. One had money to reduce the sentence but still faced thai jail. not sure for how long now.


  2. Sorry if the post is confusing. I meant that if i went, i would have been in detention and returned to the uk, and yes, he would still be here.

    I really didn't think about contacting the embassy until now and also didn't think to phone the airport directly rather than phoning my british mobile. I'm dreading the phone bill.

    He had japanese money with him and credit cards and hotel information, no confirmed paid for booking.

  3. Sorry i a little incoherent. Its been a stressful few days. He was not in the departure area, he was being held in the detention centre. He was not allowed a phone call, thai mobile would not work so he was using my british phone. Immigration told him nothing. I called immigration to try to find out what was happening but they were not able to help. I had to then contact the airline on which he flew. they were helpful and gave me a number i can phone to speak to him. We were not able to see him but were able to pass tickets and money via the airline.

    The airline would only release him with a non-stopover ticket to take him back to his home country. As far as i am aware the rule is to return passenger to origin, in this case BKK.

    Because he was refused entry into Japan, thai immigration also refused him entry. He has lived here for over a year previous to this.

    The Tom Hanks story is a bit different. He came from a country that was no longer recognised so his passport was invalid, leaving him unable to fly anywhere or leave the airport.

    If we were not expecting a phone call from him, he would still be there.

  4. I wonder if anyone has experienced this or could advise.

    My partner, British, is currently being detained at don muang after being refused entry. Yesterday he was refused entry to Japan and this is the reason they are giving. He went to Japan with a friend of mine (Thai) who i went with to the japan embassy in bkk to get a visa. I am british too so don't need a visa. We were going to look at the expo (which finishes today). I couldn't go so he went in my place. Apparently he was "behaving strangely" according to japan imm. and hadn't booked a hotel. We were not told this was critera when at the embassy.

    He has my british mobile and thats the only way i can contact him. We are trying to sort out a ticket as they want him to go back to the uk.

    Any advice is welcome. Thanks

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