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Posts posted by dcas

  1. I wonder what manner of transportation back and forth between the airports they will come up with - taxis? Seems that transport is one of the big problems at the new airport. They don't even have shuttle service between the concourses within. Friend of mine just came back and said she had to walk from International to Domestic and it was very long. Now a trip from the new back to Don Mueang for a domestic connection. Hope they take these matters into account before making the move.

  2. In 32 years of marriage I can think of many "discussions" my wife and I have had but never anything serious or life threatening. :D I too have, on occasion, thought about wringing her little neck :D but I maintained my cool and let it go. The biggest thing I had trouble with in the beginning of our relationship and in the first part of our marriage was the "mai pen rai" attitude. :o I would become upset about something and she would just shake it off and use that expression. Sometimes that would set me off more and we would not talk to each other for a while. I have mellowed some now and have come to accept this way of thinking and have even brought it up to her when she was upset about something. Sometimes it didn't go over as well as I had hoped and she would get upset with me and I'd be in the dog house for a while. :D Seems Thais don't like it when they have the expression used on them.

    But since this is my third marriage I always think of the other two and thank Lord Bhudda :D for giving me this wonderful women. I'm sure that when we move to Thailand (sometime this year I hope) we will have a great life together. I'm really looking forward to it.

  3. I'ts Udon for me and TW sometime this year. Helps that her family is there whom I get along with very well. :o Chaing Mai has changed to much and is similiar to BKK which I would never consider, too crowded and noisey. :D I loved Pattaya when I was there but from what I have read in this forum it is also changed to the negative. So it's North for me and the wife hopefully soon this year. We are coming from Melbourne, Florida USA where we've lived for the last 30 years.

  4. My TW and I have been married for thirty-two years as of last October. Most wonderful relationship I have ever been in. We plan on moving to LOS later this year in the Udon area. I'm really looking forward to it. :o

  5. Thank you Samran and Jim. My wife liked the idea of the using of two passports. I think that is the way we will go. She is going to get her Thai passport when she returns to Thailand this coming November.

    From what I understand, I just have to apply for the multi enter/exit visa when I apply for my retirement visa. I will check with the Thai Embassy before I apply.

    Thanks again for the info.


  6. I am a U.S. citizen and am planning to apply for a retirement visa to Thailand. I know that I will, if approved, get a one year visa which is renewable each year. My wife who is a U.S. citizen travels on a U.S. passport. She also has a Thai ID card and is considered in Thailand as holding dual citizenship. My question is - does she has to maintain a Thai visa if we want to leave the country for trips to the U.S. and do they have multiple entry/exit visas for retirement people? If she has to maintain a visa, what kind would it be?

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