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  1. Wife and child (1 yr old) in Thailand and I am in the US. Want to get Thai passport for child but need paperwork, notaries from me to get since I am legally the father (on birth cert, etc...) Already did similar for US passport but can't understand from Thai consulate website how this is supposed to work. Anyone know exactly what is needed to be sent to wife to complete this?
  2. i think you’re right cause I don’t really know when I would need one for in the future but “TiT” keeps ringing in my head. Guy that processed/approved my yellow book/pink card applications asked if I had it but I had a stamped copy from the amphur from the marriage registration and he was ok with that. I have one more blue stamped copy now. I’ve heard of getting more stamped copies of the kor ror 2 and 3 so maybe I can get them to pull it if still have hard file. If not can probably get another one when I goto Bangkok next year for my childs CRBA interview.
  3. Thought they were only wanting a copy which was what was said re what was needed before we made the appointment to marry. Have appointment tomorrow (married today btw) with head honcho to get my yellow book/pink card process started and wife says he didn't ask for it. I have copies of it of course. Will drop by and ask the amphur if they do indeed keep it or ? So my main concern is will I ever need this original for anything else? When I come back next year I'll finish my pink card and get Thai DL. I can't really think of why I might need it but I sure don't want to go thru the whole embassy/MFA ordeal again if I don't have to.
  4. Thats prob where I’ll book. Talked with a guy in line that walked from there. Said they rented bikes too. Plus there’s a Black Canyon Coffee enroute there. Found another restaurant/cafe that was across that 4 way down the hill. Was open later than any coffee shop besides Amazon. Machiatto was a disappointment but I had to spend some Agoda cash credit I had. That butger at Savan BBQ was prob the best thing I remember about the whole trip.
  5. Imagine being in the mid 300’s two trips in a row. Second trip wasn’t that bad though since was staying across the street and just laid in bed watching Netflix til 1330hrs but did stand in line almost 2 hours. Don’t. Or at the very least just cross on Sunday before 5-6PM and hit the line early without having to deal with the minivan hordes on Monday morning. Swear to baby Jesus I will never, ever again go there on a Monday or Thursday for drop day. Last two times there I thought I was standing in Phuket. One Russian chic got booted out of line 5 spots from the window. The rest of the ruskies, all chics with bad botox from Patts (imagine that ????) mobbed the gate guy and their drivers until somebody brought her back in lol. Chinese weren’t as bad this second time around but I did drop back a few paces away from a group of these russians to hang with some Filipinos which was waaaay better. Just finished your “Savannakhet ME based on Thai fam/spouse” thread and thats what I’m prob going to do next year when I’m back for my first childs birth. I’m only 2 hours away so it’s not a major trip. Did just finish another FB group post where a guy claimed to verbally confirm w/ Savannakhet they won’t give same visa with a past ED visa. Oh and were you refering to Savan Resorts in that thread where you were staying? Considering giving them a try next trip after seeing the van in/out of the checkpoint last trip.
  6. Giving some thought to buying some vintage cars motorbikes and tooling on them as a hobby. Comes in handy prior to any overhauls IF the lab reads are accurate. Same for just putting mileage on normal rides. Normally costs about 23usd for a basic test but something more extensive usually runs 60usd. if I can’t find here I’ll just bring back a handful of kits from the states and send them from Thailand.
  7. As in a kit you can send off yourself (same as at Napa or Blackstone in the states)? Saw a few labs that do it commercially but didn’t get anywhere with their specific testing details. TIA
  8. Will extend tourist visa (30 days) at end of my 60 day visa (TR) but need additional 33 days after this (long story re 3 days). Is it possible to extend same TR visa a second time with the 60 day extension family option? It is 60 days right? Couldn't see on website if 30 or 60. I don't have enough time/funds to do the marriage visa and don't really want to do another TR visa run. Visa history this calendar year is initial entry via 45 day exempt (USA), 30 day ext andTR(60 day visa) via Laos. Thought about just doing a same day run to Pakse/Savannakhet (30 days visa exempt) after the extension was up and then just paying for 3 day overstay before I leave in August but really don't want an overstay on my record if even for 3 days.
  9. Having a child (unplanned) with GF of 5 years in December. Talked about marriage in the past but I'm getting some vibes she may not want marriage. If so this basically leaves me with no custodial rights if I'm correct. Started reading up on challenging this possibility but curious as to what I'll be dealing with overall with securing future non-o's with a possible reluctant ex. May have to create thread re the non-o as the list of what's needed is most def something I need GF for frequently. Not of retirement age and still working in the US albeit on my own schedule, so it won't be all that difficult to arrange when I'm in Thailand. Planning on getting a condo near where GF/her parents live either way this turns out as I've always stayed at her parents compound. I'm more than certain at this point GF parents want me to be involved whether we stay together or not. So from my limited research the whole process could take months to get an order from the court. How do I go about this to achieve the best possible custodial results if it comes down to it? Would this go smoother for me if we were legally married at the time of birth even if we ended up divorcing? I'm in Ubon city and looking for a lawyer to chat with before I leave in August. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
  10. That was my next plan but I think they're out for break. I know the high schools around here just went on break Friday for nearly two months. Will report back if I have any luck with contacting them.
  11. Looking at doing an ED visa (my first) for a language school program in CM although I'm in Ubon. Already been told I'll have to goto CM twice for the initial visa processing BUT that all my 90 day reports could be online. I thought your first 90 day report had to be in person AND I'm not even sure that if that's the case I'll be able to do the report in Ubon given the fact that CM immigration is handling the visa. And to add to this confusion I always thought with an ED visa it (the 90 day rpt) was expected to be in the presence of an IO for the sake of testing your level of proficiency, etc...
  12. Pretty much scoured FB groups, Youtube and other online forums looking for resources re schools or teachers in Ubon. Haven't come up with much that either meets my needs or is affordable. The 1 on 1 teachers I've found here don't have more than 1-2 hours a week available at present. And the only means I've found of getting an ED visa "here" is through a school in CM at a yearly cost of 65k thb not including trips to CM for application and again for receiving said visa. Anyone in Ubon have better info on what's available here at present that can meet the requirements for an ED visa?
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