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Posts posted by Karlos11

  1. I would leave... In Asia people never forget... It might not happen now but there's a good possibility that at this point in time they are already plotting what to do with you... Your guns and muscles is no match against a real

    gun... And it comes down as suicide lol

  2. 555 almost every farang immigrants here are whingers and moaners...they expect immigrants in their home country to integrate into the way their way of life and speak the language and if you don't, then you don't belong and no right to reside. Thailand and it's people don't give a damn if you speak your native language, and they certainly don't pressure you learning thai language if u reside here, if u speak a little thai they appreciate it. As far as I know Almost all expats that live here don't integrate themselves with their host and almost have no time to even getting to know their thai neighbours. My suggestion is u should have a good look at yourselves.. well there's the thing, you are not that special.. the quicker you loose that self entitlement attitude the better...

  3. It's always the case afterwards that they were the victims... why don't you tell us the chain of events prior to the bashing so all of us here will have an idea why u got your head kicked in.

    Karlos the name answers all my questions lol.... Why dont you be a man and respect others or better still go back to where you came from

    and what questions are they ? They're a tourist from australia and they should have been treated first class ? These guys are only having fun getting drunk and it's perfectly ok for them to misbehave and totally act in a drunken and rowdy state ? With the go back to where u come from bit, see back where I come from, u have to earn respect...
  4. I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

    You seem to know nothing about your country's way of life or you are just clueless about everything that happens around you. Perhaps you like lying to yourselves even more. I'm so sorry that the news had to broken to you in such a harsh way. Seriously, your country is not doing well. Stop thinking about about how you think things are done in Thailand and focus on how things are really done. It's not our fault that there are prostitutes, dirty monks, illegal logging, corruption at the highest government levels, slave trading, human trafficking, drug, animal and ivory trafficking... shall I go on? It's your and your fellow countrymen's fault. I think that you know this already, but you can't accept the truth. Most Thai's can't.

    which planet do you come from ?
  5. I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

    You either embrace it or leave it?w00t.gif

    Dude, that is not logical.

    That is SIMPLE MINDED.

    The real world is a lot more complex than that.

    Whether foreigners stay or leave is a very individual choice.

    Most normal people living in a foreign country like some of the things in that country and dislike others.

    They weigh all that with their personal circumstances (including relationships, economics, etc.) and make decisions (rational or not) based on their perception of what is best.

    Cheers and thanks for the baht buses!

    you have just contradicted yourself .. Why dont you go and preach your fellow farang that phrase its more complex than that
  6. I agree that thailand is not a perfect country... But farang land is not perfect neither.. This farang criticize thailand without thinking of the consequences . If you are a farang living in thailand you need to Respect thais custom, beliefs, our way of life .. If you dont like it F OFF then. No one is pointing a gun to your head .. As a thai i should be allowed to criticize farang too.First this idiot criticizes farmers with prostitute behind it .. Well in farang land look at porn for example a product of mostly western countries . You can almost see some of the most disgusting acts, to which a normal person would ask themselves " are these people F IN THE HEAD. But yes, only a number of the population does it .. Criticized for buddhist belief and murders behind it .. Well in farang land you have the police force and is supposed to serve the public and protect.. But police are happy to shoot some even murder for looking suspicious . My point is why do farang thinks that they have a sense of entitlement everywhere they set their foot in. You are nothing but visitor in thailand .. You either embrace it or leave it .. Thailand should open their eyes that not all visitors are here for holiday purpose but to cause problems , we could do more to get rid of some , starting with this guy ..

  7. All you farang keyboard warriors. why dont you put yourself on the taxi drivers shoes for a month then you can tell us first hand how easy it is for the life of a thai taxi driver... In aus, its $4.50 flagfall then to travel 3 kilometers i payed in total of $11.50 and thats with little traffic, that equates to 310 baht .. In thailand to travel the same distance it might only cost you 70 or so baht .. Thats 2 plus dollars aussie . And you's are complaining about taxi drivers asking a mere increase.. Get out of here

  8. As far as im concerned, thailand does not encourage the people of the western ideology. Thai televisions have little or no american soaps/ dramas or even english commecials. The thais have a huge sense of nationalistic pride as if thailand has never been occupied during the world war. Thai/chinese families do not like the idea of thai falang marriages, its clearly looked down upon. They would rather prefer their own or chinese native. So imho most thais just doesnt know the west enough to really give their trust..

  9. Americans .. We know you are the world police the peacekeeper ... But effin hell ,, why cant you just mind your own business ? Why do you have to stick your nose in ! You have got problems in your own country that needs taking care of. No wonder thais increasingly showed alot of dislikes against foreigners, specially western tourist as if they have a sense of entitlement . In my opinion countries like russia , china , north, cuba korea, parts of middle east showed dislike and indignance towards americans for that same reason.. Like an annoying parent telking you how to live your life

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  10. Well im afraid u will end up facing this guy with you pointing a finger at the assailant. If you are lucky enough u might make it to the nightly news. But unfortunately the assailant will probably only be slapped with a warning and a 500 baht fine im guessing as i have seen many cases before.. Ps. Find out where the taxi driver's station and try avoid that area. Folks that reside here in thailand knows the danger when dealing with taxi drivers... A very good advice for ya

  11. U know in thailand give way to pedestrian doesnt necessarily apply anywhere! add to that, western tourist assume that pedestrians are priority on pedestrian crossings and that road users should give way or halt to let you cross. If you apply that mentality in thailand that will only get you killed... Believe me thais get real mental about tourist walking in the middle of the road and stopping them on their tracks .. U need to learn quick around here my friend

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  12. Ohh god .. Its tourist like these folks gives others a bad name. Im sure they all knew from the start that u cannot work here in thailand without a work permit, but they proceed anyway hoping the bibs dont catch up to them... No wonder the visa's are changing all the time as if we Abuse the thai system.. Eventually thailand will end up like australia with their visa system, lots of question, providing evidence of your visit, paperwork, and most of all harrassment by the customs and immigration officers

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