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  1. 65k ever since I have been here which is 17 years, you made a mistake easily done.
  2. Okay thanks, I can't remember any withdrawal problems with taking Seroxat I took it for a couple of years. Hospital would be the option but I know it would end up being a huge money drain.
  3. Can I get this from the Pharmacy, if not is there something similar that will lift me out of my Despondacy, I took Seroxat 20 mg approx 30 years ago when I was very low, it saved me, it made me feel so much better about life. I'm not interested in going to Hospital or seeing any doctors, I'm 68 most days I wish I could go to sleep and not wake up, think ill be around for a while yet, I would like to be happier in the time I have left.
  4. Just a quick question, I'm just above the 65k per month requirement, the exchange rate is worsening, I am now right on the limit, will Immigration refuse my extension If I fall below 65k per month because of the exchange rate or would thay take this into consideration?
  5. Been told 4 times " you won't pay tax" won't give me a TIN etc, good enough for me, fed up with all this scaremongering.
  6. Filling out an online refund form(Tiktok) Enter email but it then says "this field only contains numbers" what does this mean?
  7. HMRC is on my smartphone
  8. I'm paperless but still get the life certificate via the post.
  9. Who is he? Is he posting purely to scare people (me in particular) is he getting pleasure from doing so?
  10. That is not Phuket Immigration. That is not Phuket Immigration.
  11. If this comment should come true then it's the end for me and I do mean the end, I have lived here happily for the last 17 years, now all of a sudden living here is full of fear, I'm sure I am not alone, I do have the 800k, I do have 65k per month but only just because of the exchange rate, I have small savings, I can not produce money out of thin air. I have no where else to go, if things turn bad then sadly I would have to take the easy way out, I'm 68 so maybe 10 yrs left anyway. I don't bring in much via 3 pensions under 1 million per annum, I pay tax in the UK, 4 times the tax office has refused me a TIN number saying " you don't need to pay tax as you pay in the UK" Can I worry anymore than I do already? Reading the comments within this thread, yes I can!!
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