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Posts posted by Donbanpho

  1. Political policies on immigration have created an overly beurocratic application process it's targeted at resolving what the politicians generically see as "the Problem"

    people are all different everyone each have their own issue with it. The financial requirement doesn't take into account individuals. My wife and I now live in the Uk and we're coming up to the end of the first 30 months. But we very nearly didn't get here due to the financial requirement.

    I was working in Singapore and wanted to bring my wife to the UK which we did on a tourist visa. I resigned from my job as we would be here 6 months. When we returned to Thailand we applied for the visa to move to the UK.

    I didn't have a job at this time but assured them I had earned over 100k per an mum for the last decade and would easily gain employment but this wasn't enough.

    They didn't want to know I owned four houses that I rented

    They didn't want to know I had already accumulated a £1m pension fund for when I retired

    They didn't want to know I had

    130k in a stock market account unless I sold them paying 35k in taxes and putting it in a savings account

    I had to scrape information from about seven accounts to meet the 62k threshold.

    I have never claimed a benefit and have never been out of work in 30 years apart from our uk tourist visa.

    My point here is that putting any figure in the financial threshold won't suit everyone and we're all individuals. But one thing is for sure an Englishman should be able to bring his wife home if they sign up to receiving no benefits at all.

    The government cannot implement this type of rule as they are governed by Brussell's so wait for the Supreme Court if you want to but I believe that whilst we're part of the EU we have to have a one size fits all policy that cannot give preferential treatment to its own countrymen because of the EU. The 23rd of June will be an opportunity for all of us in this forum to seek better immigration conditions for our loved ones I hope you join me in voting to Leave.

  2. I am a tourist in http://m.starwoodhotels.com/lemeridien/property/overview/index.html?propertyID=1848 I live in the UK and have come here for my wedding and honeymoon we have a private beach with no sunbeds. For those of you who live here you might not mind but I can tell you now as a genuine tourist Whilst I wouldn't go on a march to the police station it is a big issue and is spoiling our holiday and we (20of my family in 7 rooms for 8 days at 140 pounds a night) won't be coming back anytime soon

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