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Posts posted by MauiSteveBKK

  1. I will work until lunch the day of my funeral.

    To retire is to die early.

    Recent studies say that being ACTIVE and keeping the mind going strong with

    numbers and ideas, is the only way to live a long time.

    Every man I know that has lived into his 80's with good health -- still went to

    their business office every morning.

    To feel wanted -- to feel needed -- even if an "illusion" is still a good thing.

    Bansai Business.

  2. Here's My 2 BAHT worth:

    - MY FAV: El Gaucho Argentinian Steakhouse. Soi 19. I really like this place. My wife gets fish. I got steak and we shared. Glass of wine.

    - The Landmark steakhouse - Rib Room & Bar. Good but darn expensive. Awesome view. Very romantic. Only do this once a year.

    - There is a good seafood place down Soi Four, close to The Dawin Hotel. Pretty good. It's a walk down the soi and away from Striker's and Hillary 4 and go-go-go-leave-with-nothing bars.

    - Never, EVER, Never go to Tony Roma's at Terminal 21. Seriously. Worst meal of my life. I wrote a bad review for them on Tripadvisor.

    - Charley Brown's Mexican has good beef fajitas. Cool place. Next to an incredible fish restaurant -- I think it's call New Zealand Fish Company or something like that. Soi 11 or soi 13. Odd side of street. Some cool restaurants clustered in a courtyard. Worth visiting.

    - Of course, walked in the Marriott. Saw buffet and walked out. A bit expensive.

    - I thought Carl's Jr. was a hamburger place.


    explore Nana Plaza .... some nice desserts walking around there. Just make sure they are short and no

    taller than about 5ft 1inch.

  3. Thank you.

    Yes, The ACA (Obamacare) is currently closed. The market opens November 1st.

    We will both go under the ACA in December.

    Buying an "open market" medical plan is anywhere from $420 to $600+ depending on the deductible.

    Neither of us is with an employer that has a medical plan.

    Also ... she does not qualify for low-income. Federal law states she must have lived in the USA

    for 5 years.

    Thank you ... I will continue to look around in Thailand.

    Best wishes.


  4. My Thai wife has been with me here on Maui, Hawaii for 9 months and is now legal

    with Work Permit, Social Security card, Green Card, Travel docs, etc.

    Question: She is having knee problems. She wants to go back to Bangkok to see, possibly, a Thai Knee Specialist.

    What kind of medical insurance would you recommend? What would be the best for her?

    I would love to have some advice.

    She will be seeing a local island specialist, but she says she might want to go back to BKK for medical care. She speaks "decent" English, but may want to see a Thai Specialist.

    She is 49 years old .... owns condo in BKK .... good health. Just having knee issues. Clicking. Pain. Etc.

    She tried to explain "insurance" in Thailand to me, and I don't have a clue as to what she is talking about.

    I thank you for your time and information.

    Best wishes,


  5. Aloha,

    I just closed a business In Honolulu (Oahu) Hawaii at the mammoth Ala Moana Center.

    After just 6 months.

    Chinese! Same Problem.

    Hawaii wants "butts" and doesn't care if they are Chinese or Japanese.

    Now -- businesses are hurting.

    Same Issue: They come on "TOURS" led by a woman carrying a huge sign. They follow her and she

    controls where they go. All food and hotels and transportation are paid for and they follow her like sheep.

    Chinese don't spend any money here.

    Japanese - little bit better.

    Universal Problem.

    Be careful what you wish for, Thailand.

    You want Chinese - you get Chinese.

  6. Quick Question: You say you want to "import from Europe" and sell the products

    in Thailand on-line.

    My pee-brain experience (and my wife tells me this) is that Thai people do NOT

    like to buy products on-line (in Thailand), due to delivery and post office issues.

    Assume My Wife Goes On-Line To Buy Your Product:

    + Web site in Thai?

    + Collect money on-line?

    + Delivery by courier or postman?

    + She have to pick-up at Post Office.

    + What about possible returns?

    + Is your product expirable? What is the "shelf life".

    + Many, many logistical things to consider. Think of them all!

    I import from Thailand and sell on USA EBay and Amazon.

    I can't imagine doing what you are thinking of doing.

    Best of much luck to you.

    I wish for your success.

    • Like 1
  7. Good Luck!

    + Are you doing development On-Line? Are you doing a blog, using Wordpress? If you are doing

    development on-line, there might be a concern.

    + Are you using Dreamweaver or an "off-line" development tool? EXAMPLE: I use Dreamweaver MX

    as an Internet development tool. Off-line. Then FTP upload the new web site. Fast and easy.

    You can upload the new web site from an Internet Café to you host account. Easy.

    So there is no revenue stream? It's "truly" non-profit? Correct?

    Confused as to why you are doing and then have a "concern".

    Best of luck to you.

  8. I agree.

    C'mon -- get with the times -- hire some "Hooter's Girls" and let's do "PAT DOWNS."

    The good 'ol US of A is starting to do more physical "Pat Downs" in addition to full body scans.

    We all know that terrorists ONLY come into a country via the airport.

    Even though they can easily walk across a border somewhere ... NO. The bad guys only come through the airports.

    5555 5555 mak mak

  9. H O B B Y !!

    Take up photography, bike riding (carefully), swimming -- something outdoors.

    + Buy a FitBit - I walk 10,000 steps a day. Fun to watch Bracelet, monitor my heart rate, and keep fit.

    + Drink some non-alcoholic beverages. Margarita with no tequila.

    + Get off the computer and out of the house. Be ACTIVE!

    + Find Your Passion - Then You Will Find Your Purpose !!

  10. I bring with me to Thailand:

    + My Thai Wife.

    + Blocks of Cheese

    + Bottles of Cheap Lotion - hand lotion. My wife brings 20 bottles.

    + Spices - packages of spices, Cajun spices - many different spices.

    + New shoes. Never buy in Thailand.

    + Properly fitted shirts.

    + Jeans.

    + Children's toys from Wal-Mart.

    + Kitchen/Cooking Utensils.

    An appreciation for what will truly be a "simpler" way of life.

  11. I subscribe to "International Living" magazine -- it's totally devoted to living in

    foreign countries for USA people and how to make money in other countries.

    The magazine and on-line edition often RAVE about Panama & Ecuador.

    Here is a free review of living in Ecuador: https://signup.internationalliving.com/X120KJ04/ecuador/ecuador-living

    Here is a link for a free review of living in Panama. https://signup.internationalliving.com/X120KQ04/panama/panama-living

    + If you need to get back to the USA quickly (possible consideration) SA is better.

    + Weather - no "heat" all the time - clean air.

    + Many cities & countries to explore from your "base" in either country.

    + Rio is a lot of fun.

    + Go for 3 months - or 6 months - and see what you think.

    + My experience - a "BIT" more English and more respect for USA men and women.

    Good Luck with your decision.

    Best wishes.

  12. I am sorry. I did not fully read your question.

    What I described is from USA (Hawaii) to Thailand. She can be anywhere in Thailand.

    You are correct, calling from Thailand to a T*Mobile cellphone in the USA.

    Suggestion If You Can: Phapassorn calls me and lets it ring twice and hangs up. No charge. I see her call

    and call her back. It's cheaper USA to Thailand, so when she wants to talk she calls me and hangs up. I call her back.

    We've been doing this for over 2 years, when she is in Thailand.

    Sorry if I confused you with my earlier answer.

  13. Hey ---

    I am long-time T*Mobile Customer.

    When my Thai Wife goes to Thailand, I call T*Mobile.

    She left Thanksgiving Day. I called and there are now two (2) options.

    1. $10.00 USD not unlimited to her cellphone. Only to land line.

    2. $15.00 USD Unlimited to her cellphone.

    I took option 2 this time.

    When she comes back in February, I will call T*Mobile and turn it off.

    Easy to do.

    Last year, I had "Thailand Only" on my T*Mobile plan.

    They've changed it a bit lately, but it still works great.

    FYI -- For some reason, Sunday night (Hawaii Time) is a bit "fuzzy".

    Good luck and best wishes.


    c /

  14. Except ... You Conveniently Forgot To Mention:

    + He's raised over $3 Million and is using every cent.

    + He's illegally using corporate "assets" and his corporate attorney has sent letters on behalf of his campaign. That's Illegal.

    + He's entirely endebted to Wall Street. Don't for a second believe otherwise.

    + He has the smallest (by far) ground force in the first 3 states. He spends little money.

    + Most believe he is doing this for his ego. He's shown no "serious" interest in real issues.

    For his "so-called" freedom of Super Pacs, etc.

    + He continually shows he has absolutely no knowledge of governmental management.

    + He has absolutely no "world political view".

    + He refuses to discuss issues like education, infrastructure, banking regulations (he'll never touch this one) and many other things.

    He only - ONLY -- talks about Immigration and GUNS and REFUGEES.

    In Texas -- we say: "All Hat. No Saddle."

    He'll never win. But he'll help Hillary.

  15. My Biggest Culinary Challenge - Christmas Dinner In BKK Last Year !

    I had 6 individuals coming for dinner. One hot plate. One rice cooker. So, I asked each to bring an empty rice cooker.

    + Did great cured ham from Villa Market. Slow cook in rice cooker.

    + Did mash potatoes on hot plate, put in a rice cooker. Later added some milk and butter and garlic.

    + Green Bean Casserole in rice cooker. Green beans, mushrooms, cream of mushroom soup, cheese, spices. Slow Cook.

    + Quartered some whole potato and sweet potato. Slow Cook. Add brown sugar and spice. Slow Cook.

    + Made Stove Top Dressing on hot plate. Added sausage. Thai Spices. Slow cook in rice cooker.

    + Chicken and Pasta dish in rice cooker. Slow cook.

    + Did gravy in saucepan on hot plate. Simmer on hot plate.

    Prepared at 7am.

    Ate about 5pmish.

    Excellent. Served my Thai friends a "traditional" Christmas Dinner.

  16. Aloha & Sawasdee Khrap

    FYI: I am writing this as I stand at my Kiosk in front of the Food Court at Ala Moana Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.

    (Leave Jan. 6th for Maui & then to BKK. My Thai wife is in BKK now.)

    The LEAST of your concerns should be learning the language.

    Living in the ISSAN area of Thailand, you will learn quickly. Very quickly.

    + When I am in the "Homeland" - Tha Bo (west of Nong Khai) NO ONE -- and I mean no one speaks English. I learned very quickly. If you want to talk to anyone, you will learn the language.

    ++ Courses are good, but learn from the Thai people. Learn how they say things, not how an instructor "thinks" you should learn.

    +++ My Thai Wife and I have "THAI DAYS" -- where only Thai is spoken between us.

    Trust me. When it's the only language around -- you'll be surprised how quick you re-learn!!!

  17. Aloha - Sawasdee Khrap

    What island?

    I live on Maui with my Thai wife and we split time between here and Thailand.

    Have condo in BKK but stay at her "Homeland" (Tha Bo - 35km west of Nong Khai) about half the time.

    If you live on Maui let's get together and talk !!

    Best wishes to you.

    P.S. I used an Immigration Attorney (extremely experienced) on Maui to help me with

    wills, bank accounts, etc. Maybe consider.

  18. Seems To Be A Fair Amount Of "Speculation" That The USA Dollar & Economy Will Fall.

    Let's See:

    + Russian economy in the toilet. No hard currency. Putin hurting with low oil prices, too.

    + China economy not doing so good either. Geeeez.

    + Greece can't pay a single invoice.

    + Most of Eastern Europe "tilting" to insolvency.

    + Gulf Oil Countries -- hurting BIG TIME with oil now at its lowest.

    + South America -- Brazil & Columbia particularly hurting with economic recessions.

    + Mexico is well ... duh ... Mexico.

    Hey Folks ... The Good 'Ol US of A is doing just fine.

    Now back to the numb & dumb speculation.

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