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  1. You might as well have been born yesterday given your lack of understanding of statistics.
  2. It's far too old to be picking fights with much younger men. He will know that now when he awakens
  3. To avoid further embarrassment do look up the definition of murder. Manslaughter is the very worst interpretation from a single punch in self defense. The labour MP in UK got a suspended sentence for very much worse than this
  4. Just Google how terrorist attacks are Muslim to disabuse you of that deludion
  5. I look quite fetching,even in my 70s with my bright green mankini. Boyukasha! 😘
  6. There's a significant minority of Muslims involved in or supporting terrorism,and that's all it takes because that's still a large number. Buddhist terrorists? Virtually none and that's the only acceptable number. But I'm presuming you weren't drunk when you posted that...? 😜
  7. Point is he’d unlikely have qualified to stay here for those 25 years,but he managed to illegally so he’s come out on top whichever way you look at it.
  8. You can only mitigate,but you have little control over others running into you - you can only stay clear by not being on the roads. Fact remains driving sensibly in a country like UK is far safer than here. no matter how you "feel". Statistics…
  9. "The State Pension is an existing welfare benefit that forms part of the United Kingdom Government's pension arrangements. Benefits vary depending on the age of the individual and their contribution record. Currently anyone can make a claim, provided they have a minimum number of qualifying years of contributions." It IS a benefit,just based on NI qualifying years. In fact that doesn’t even have to be financial contributions. If unemployed and claiming benefits / signed off sick your NI contribution is made for you .
  10. The blokes landing on the Kent beaches in dinghies will be telling him to get to the back of the queue. Although in fact they’ll be getting accommodation and benefits as asylum seekers. He as a returning citizen not though!
  11. The 20k overstay maximum fine is less than what he would have paid for 25 years visa extensions. He’s £ quids in !
  12. Feeling safer and " being safer" are frequently two different things. Like people's fear of flying when it's statically the safest form of trouble. Statistically being on a motorcycle here is not in your favour - and really that's all that counts...
  13. Not anytime soon.,Bob. "Next"...it won't be long. Groundhog Day..
  14. When they first revamped the system it worked ok for me for 2 years albeit a bit clunky then all of last year despite getting it submitted ok it was ,as reported by others, getting rejected. Asking at the office on visits just elicited the unhelpful clueless, "Error". There's just no consistency, not effective management and a culture of 1 step forward then 1 step back. But I benefitted for 2 years... TIT
  15. They even took their biscuits?! If chocolate Bourbons... hanging is too good! 😡
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