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Everything posted by sansaihashbars

  1. Does he even know what a narcotic is? Are video games a narcotic?
  2. Weed shops (legimate businesses) all over the place where tourist are found in Thailand and is operating smoothly and causing prosperity for many. If I was to be concerned about something, I would be very worried about the video showing children taking bong hits of cannabis! Who facilitated that situation? Because whoever it was should be identified and face justice. Somebody bears responsibility for that video.
  3. Yeah right I want to know who set these kids up and got them situated? I also want to know who was involved who got paid and what did they get paid...what was their recompense? This is an absurd observation that any adult would be very concerned with and would probably intervene in some way.
  4. This guy must be suffering major shock as he is leaving Pattaya for the last time. Can you imagine his lifestyle as a somewhat young man in Pattaya and now he is going to Russia...freezing cold Russia. By the looks of him he might get offered front line duty instead of prison...I don't know.
  5. Wow...good for the Thai gov't standing up to the isaeli gov't and not bowing to pressure. I wish America would stand up to israel.
  6. I want to know who is behind this push to clamp down on the current cannabis situation which seems to be working just fine. Find out who is behind this movement and you will see the usual profiteering scumbags.
  7. That is fantastic for the Thai government! How much of this boost in tourism can be contributed to the pragmatic approach to cannabis?
  8. They need to change the headline. Thai government defends foreign land ownership for rich people.
  9. put them all in jail while they wait and go through administrative procedures and then when it is time to deport them send them to the airport in a Thai paddy wagon.
  10. This time it is a woman! However, I am sure she will be treated the same as a man when comes to the law in Thailand. She be in serious trouble now!
  11. I am still kind of stunned and shocked by seeing cannabis shops everywhere. Most definitely the New Amsterdam and I remember last several years Thai gov't/university studying the cannabis plant and good for them! What continues to fascinate me is the reaction to it all which I would label uneventful from a cannabis shop/clinic/restaurant/dispensary/stand..it seems to have just blended in as another business accepted by the people.
  12. It has been less than a month and the new policy of cannabis realization & acceptance is and will continue to benefit Thailand. What a pragmatic move!
  13. Are most of these policy moves (if not all) a sign of desperation?
  14. The person who had been smoking didn't want to give their name because they feared arrest for recreational use. how about feared embarrassment?
  15. WhAT a completely idiotic statement about cannabis that reefer madness big pharma puppet ex- pm Thaskin has made....hahahaha
  16. That's fine, but did they check to see if there is any soap in the children bathrooms while they were there?
  17. reefer madness to ganja fever...hahahaha. how many weeks or months before 700 baht a gram ultimately turns into 200 baht a gram?
  18. reefer madness to ganja fever in less than 100 years. How is one to treat ganja fever?
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