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Everything posted by Phil1975

  1. Ah the institutional racism kicking in helping TAT bring in more tourists ROFL. Thais use explosives and destroy the eco system no fcks given, pillage all manner if endangered marine life, nope...no fcks given there either. Pollute the waters daily killing marine life all over, nope still no <deleted>...as all the fcks are on a dirty tourist fishing of course. Well done Thailand, i hope this goes global
  2. Some good news, 2am is a little early for closing. Used to be 4am previously so no chance to the law
  3. Sorry but your massive and extended over reaction to a flu destroyed your tourism sector and its still burning thanks due to a corrupt and inept military dictatorship who just extended the emergency decree !!
  4. Not an overload, I stopped being worried about C-19 in May 2020. Just continued disappointment in the human race, well the majority anyhow. I wonder if they will be sharing this new information in 10 years, or 50, or 100?? MSM needs to move onto some other scaremongering BS
  5. Not talking about scientists, I am talking about people who are still scared by MSM scaremongering about the inevitable and obvious
  6. When will these morons realize that there will be multiple new variants every year from now until the end of time ?
  7. Regular jogger so likely fit and healthy who always runs the same route just happened to dive over a guard rail and then drown in knee height water?! <deleted>.
  8. What a stupid question, of course they are not containable, they never were, and never will be. Current "vaccines" totally useless while big pharma rakes in billions on a "vaccine" developed nearly 3 years ago. The new MNRA process was supposed to mean modifying the "vaccine" quickly to keep up with the virus, but that has not happened at all. It will be interesting if they really do modify the "vaccine" for B4 and B5 and release globally by October. I highly doubt it tho...
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