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tethered goat

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Posts posted by tethered goat

  1. For years i have used PayPal to buy cheaper medicine from India. Now unable to use this method i thought there would be a variety of solutions. Crypto was one but after my Metamask wallet was cleared out i no longer use crypto. tried to get a WISE /REVOLUT/WORLDREMIT Etc card but because i live in Thailand  i can not [North Korea , Zimbabwe, Haiti come to mind] So i,m left with International Transfer, that must work. I have now tried 3 times to send  money from Kasikorn account to Indian retailer of medicines who advertise internationally. Each time was different merchant , small amounts 40$ or so and legal medicines and each time the transfer failed and was returned to Kasikorn, presumably blocked at the bank not the retailers [different banks different retailers]  Can anybody help ? is there a solution , is anyone still buying medicine from India, then how ?   This problem is for Thai based residents only if you have a western bank account and different residence then the problem shouldnt apply.

  2. thank you for replies, i also have researched the problem enough to know that you need to understand the physics, but i can not find any one in Bangkok who seems to specialize in what one would think would be a very common problem. In my case there are no water pipes or the like involved just the sound of people walking or dropping stuff.

  3. Thank you for replies.I'm from  UK but Barclays cancelled all my cards because i was no longer resident there.I'm currently trying to get them to send me a debit card.

    If i use Binance will it work with Kasikorn if i transfer the money and not use the debit card system ? How else to put money into  Binance if my Thai bank wont let me. Given that what i want to do is so trivial i, m amazed so many people in Thailand are managing to deal in crypto.




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  4. I am an artist who thought i would give nfts a go, as every other chancer on the planet has had the same idea.I have been investigating what is required for the past weeks.So i have the art, i have a wallet.Metamask, a suitable wallet for selling nfts, all i need is to transfer a fraction of an etherium into the wallet to pay for gas fees and transaction costs.A lot less than 1 etherium is enough to get you up and running.However when i tried to transfer a few thousand baht from my Kasikorn  account  through Wyre [ridiculous transaction fees but i thought for one time i'd pay]the bank blocked it every time.I feel i'm missing something, i'm aware the thai gov changed the rules about nfts a couple of weeks ago but was unclear exactly what it meant, and at this stage all i'm trying to do is buy some etherium.Would appreciate some help in the best way to get E into my wallet and please no discussion on nfts.[its all been said before when Bitcoin appeared]

  5. Maybe it is just i am too naive but i cant help feeling that this is not a normal health problem it is a pandemic,and different rules should apply. It is easy to understand that foreigners pay for their own health problems in the foreign country they are residing, but this is not their own health problem it is everybodies and should be treated as such.


    The second wave in Thailand was caused by for the most part  by legal and illegal migrant workers from neighboring countries.Were they made to pay for their treatment ? Of course not. So why are legal residents with foreign passports being forced to pay for treatment for a virus that they have contracted, for the most part ,through no fault of their own.The third wave being blamed on failed leadership and dithering .


    I would love to hear from anyone who knows how foreign residents are being treated in other countries.Many European countries have very good social security systems if you are working but what about if you are not in the social security system etc.I am aware that some of you may have water tight insurance policies but that is not always possible.I am in my 70s healthy no existing conditions ,but there are no policies  out there that make any sense financially.As for the covid i took out the pathetic 850 baht policy that is mentioned in this thread thinking its better than nothing but having now time to think through the possible scenarios its barely better than nothing.As i said before maybe i'm just too naive to think there is any logic in what i just said





  6. I've been using Mucho for a long time and over the past week the buffering has made it unwatchable, more buffering than broadcast.I  complained and was told they were rerouting their CDN [cloud server]  in Asia and Australia and they would keep me posted.Today i had to log into some site that would send them all the data from my TV. I've been wondering why nobody on this thread was also experiencing problems if it was to do with a server for ASIA. So other than "Old Git" has anyone else been experiencing extreme buffering problems. I use my TV with Android Box

  7. I watch TV MUCHO on tv with an Android box.Every weekend i devote about 15 mins.to going through the prime time programs to see if there is anything i wish to record for the coming week, usually about 4 or 5 programs.Last night i settled down to watch "Roadkill" a BBC drama and discovered i had recorded 1 hour previous to what i wanted.Every other program i hoped to record  is also 1 hour out.

    I was aware that the UK changed its clocks last weekend but i am incredulous that TV MUCHO does not seem to have bothered to align things 1 hour different .I also see from the graphics on MY MEDIA page that everything is 1 hour wrong.I'm surprised that no other tv member has mentioned this so i'm checking if this is connected to my android box, which i remember caused problems initially with the big change over or is this just another balls up by TV MUCHO.

  8. I received the update yesterday as well.Like most other folks spent the last few hours figuring it out.My annual subscription was debited 2 months ago so it in my interest to understand the new system and use it for the next few months at least.I think with a bit of practice the catch up will work out ok, i hope.What is driving me mad at the moment is trying to exit the app back to the home screen of my TV without signing out.Signing out involves about 6 separate clicks and i have to sign in again every time despite clicking the "remember me " box.Can anyone help ?I am  watching on a TV with android box and airmouse.

  9. I was recently diagnosed with Emphysema,  as i have never smoked or had a "dirty" job this was a real <deleted> moment, i knew little or nothing about it. I was given an inhalor and sent on my way.Nobody asked me if i had BPH [enlarged prostate] Within 3 weeks i was in hospital with severe urinary tract infection , infection of the prostate and an inability to pee.The uroligist said it was caused by the inhalor shutting down my urinary tract.

    I started looking at the research on this and discovered that 15 to 20 years ago it was established that there was a direct causal link between COPD inhalors and urinary retention in elderly men with BPH who were using an inhalor for the first time.  I ticked all the boxes yet 20 years after this being established nobody thought to ask.I can find no recent research on this and no information on more modern inhalors, if there are any that are less likely to cause this problem.

    My current treatment for Emphysema is one pill a day [doxophylline 400mg]  I have nothing to compare it too regarding relief using inhalors,but i'm not feeling that good.I recently had a situation where someone using an inhalor would use their ' rescue inhalor ', i had no such choice i just had to suffer my way through it

    It is the lack of interest from most Lung specialists i find most frustrating , 99% of treatment development for moderate COPD is inhalors and then there is one pill. Does anyone know a Lung specialist in Bangkok who acknowledges this as a problem and may have more info.

  10. I am unable to access any stations since Saturday.I go to the home pages as normal but when i click on a station , nothing. TVMUCHO says they are having a problem with the TRUE gateway .They tried diverting through Singapore but it did not change anything for me

    Is there any one else using TRUE as their ISP and TVMUCHO ? How is it for you?

    • Thanks 1
  11. Just been to Charoen Pharmacy, the large pharmacy 20 metres past the petrol station at Nana.I walked in it was dark with almost no stock on the shelves, they told me they were closing and were not moving to another spot. They always seem to have what i was looking for and at a reasonable price.What do you think are the best alternatives ? Do you think South Eastern is more expensive or about the same for generic BPH medicines if so any other recommendations

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  12. The closest app to Terrarium i could find is "Teatv" [apk] .Most of the other names mentioned are hosting old or third rate movies. After setting up Teatv which is not as good as Terrarium i noticed some vids on Youtube showing how to download a "patched "app for Terrarium.Took me all of 5 minutes.Now i have Terrarium back ,working better than before and with NO ads.No way of knowing how long this will work but that is my solution.

    • Thanks 1
  13. Just received a letter from Barclaycard saying that unless i have an address in UK my Barclaycard will cease to function on 6 August 2018. Apart from the initial shock and inconvenience this is going to cause i'm wondering about my cards from Barclays Bank which i need to get  access to my pension from UK, are they now likely to be under threat if you live abroad ? Why would there be a difference between Barclay card and Barclays credit/debit cards ? Any useful information or advice welcome. It is a terrible time to have to consider moving your gb pounds anywhere

    • Confused 1
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