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Posts posted by EPICFAIL

  1. I once complained to BA that they should have called to warn their passengers of an extended delay to one of their flights I was on...arriving at check-in and being told I would have to hang around for some hours. The girl was incredulous saying 'there are 250 people on the flight and you expect us to contact all of them'.... Inconveniencing a few BA staff rather than 250 passengers was obviously a silly idea!

    Easy enough to SMS or even call half a dozen passengers to save them even setting out to the airport in the wrong direction.

    Can they send an sms from their desk phone, or do you expect them to send 250sms's from their personal mobile phones ?

    Have to wonder about the honesty of this post regarding notifying 250 passangers of a delay when the largest aircraft Bangkok Airways has in it's fleet is an Airbus A320 with a capacity of 162. Of course this is ThaiVisa so exaggeration and hyperbole are always in style. Of course BA could just be overbooking flights by 88 people to account for the no shows. Sure, that's it.

  2. Why do reports on such incidents so often say the plane "skidded" off the runway? What evidence is there for skidding? Indeed, how can a plane skid? Only in the way that a car can skid, i.e. after trying to brake the wheels or because of a slick/icy surface. But planes don't brake with the wheels, they brake by using reverse thrust or deploying the flaps.

    Failing any evidence of skidding, these reports ought to say something like "veered" off the runway.

    You must be confused in the belief that locking the wheels of a vehicle is skidding. Indeed locking the wheels of a vehicle be it automobile or aircraft could cause a skid but the definition of a skid is not nearly so narrow. To skid includes:

    1) To slide along without rotating, as a wheel to which a brake has been applied.

    2) To slip or slide sideways, as an automobile in turning a corner rapidly.

    3) To slide forward under the force of momentum after foward motion has been braked.

    Given the above definitions, it appears that the headline reporting "...skids onto grass..." is likely accurate.

  3. True nonsense. Read the original story and see that the author cites no meaningful source for this "Most unsafe" list. When spouting alleged facts the author can't name a source but says "experts say...", and then adds the opinion of a co-owner of a women's travel website as a source for his story. The only credible sounding source he quotes is YouGov but information from this source is limited to the most unsafe transport systems for women.

    If I were this writer's editor he would be out of a job. Hell, I'd fire myself for allowing this garbage to be published.

    • Like 2
  4. Interpol doesn't hunt anyone as it's not their charter and they don't have the resources. Similarly they don't issue an international arrest warrant.

    Thailand has an arrest warrant for this person so if they inform Interpol a Red Notice will be issued informing all other member countries that Thailand has a warrant and if he's traced will the member country locating him detain and inform Thailand through Interpol. Thailand will then be expected to start extradition.

    Member countries are not obliged to take action and the only sanctions may be suspension of membership or expulsion. Member countries can of course face diplomatic pressure from the originating member.

    Hollywood and various television shows have created a myth and that's all it is.

    I disagree. Interpol does actually "hunt" in it's capacity as a world-wide coordinating and clearinghouse agency. When an agency (Interpol) passes on information about wanted persons to a law enforcement agency it is difficult to deny that they are in the "hunt". You are correct in that Interpol does not make the arrest, issue the warrant or file the charges or indictment. Interpol just makes sure that all member agencies know what other member agencies want them to know. With all its limitations Interpol can be very helpful in locating wanted persons and property and liaising with world-wide law enforcement.

    • Like 2
  5. Can you read? The OP said cash! !!!

    Hey Pizza Man:

    I'll help you out since English must be your second language. The definition of cash (Merriam-Webster) includes:

    1: Ready money

    2: Money or its equivalent (as a check) paid for goods or services at the time of purchase or delivery.

    Thus, one can say "I have $500USD cash in a bank account" or "I want to buy that car with cash. I'll write you a check."

    Vi ses snart!

  6. Pol Maj Gen Patchara said at the press conference:

    “The reason that we are having this press conference about these minor arrests..."

    When did armed robbery become a "minor" crime? In the U.S. the first time offender will be looking at 8-12 years for armed robbery with a gun (and yes, toy guns count).

    • Like 2
  7. I fly only EVA now on my twice annual visits to the U.S. West Coast. Unequalled safety record. Their long haul fleet is primarily the well proven 777-300 ER with comfortable seating even in economy. The respected website airlineratings.com gives EVA 7 out of possible 7 for safety and product (Thai Airways earns 6 out of 7).

    A big plus for me as I fly EVA from both Seattle and Los Angeles is their departure times. The Tapei-Bangkok flights depart LAX and SEA at about 1:00AM which means you get on the plane ready to sleep and I normally get six or seven hours after they serve the first meal. These flights arrive in Bangkok around 11:00 AM which works well for hotel check-ins and if you can stay up till 9 or 10 in the evening than you've made a big dent in the jetlag.

    Oh yeah, EVA is consistently 15%-20% cheaper than Thai.

  8. Try and put yourselves in the child's shoes with an adult perspective. OK, so you are not afraid of roaches but imagine a person four times your size waving and pointing a loaded pistol at you and you were pretty sure you were going to be shot. As an adult you would feel terrified and helpless just like the child felt. If you managed to survive, how would you feel about that person that terrorized you? To say the child (or you) would not have negative and unwanted effects is ludicrous.

    • Like 1
  9. "Giving a child a slap occasionally is not wrong provided they know what the slap is for and because they did something dangerous to deserve it."

    Hitting children teaches them to be hitters and prevents the child from learning how to resolve problems in an effective and humane way. Of course slapping a child works. It achieves the desired behavior but that behavior is motivated by fear which at tender, learning ages is now embedded in the childs psyche. Angry teenagers and violent adults don't just fall out of the sky.

  10. Dont know a repair guy but if you would like to look yourself..........

    Is it the instant/demand type heater? Meaning has no hot water storage but heats water

    on demand/as needed.

    Because if it is...The main culprit on demand type heaters that turn off after a few seconds is the

    incoming water flow has been restricted/insufficient ( happens on both elec & gas types)

    So as a safety measure the unit turns off so as to not melt itself.

    If yours is the instant type heater check the incoming line where it attaches to the heater.

    Most have a cone type screen trap there to catch rubbish that may be passing thru via the water line.

    Usually just cleaning this is all you need do. Also be sure incoming water valve is fully open

    The only other item is air intake...sometimes & only on these gas types under the main burner

    spiders make webs (surprisingly it is not too hot under there) in the holes the burner draws air thru.

    Same result heater cuts off but not due to lack of water flow but air flow.

    Great advce mania. I'll take it apart and make sure the screens, filters, vents and lines are clear. I can do that. I'll let you know if it worked.

    • Like 1
  11. I'd really rather not say, because some of their citizens may not be aware of this. Also, sometimes the American consulate does raise an eyebrow when they see someone claiming a high income yet they know that person has been in to see them during the past year asking for help because of financial difficulties. Actually, I suspect they do more than "raise an eyebrow" in some cases.

    As I said, it's a Federal offense to swear a false oath and despite barroom chatter it is not a situation where "every American lies about their income". Believe it or not, there are many, many Americans here who have retirement income of substantially more than 65,000 baht/month.

    I imagine it could be quite the tangled web if one lied to the embassy claiming to make

    65kbaht/$1978 a month income or even vice versa as you say...if they did not then also claim that income

    or claimed less on their yearly US Tax returns wink.png

    Interesting point, and one I've never thought of. My guess is that in the US Govt, like most govts, the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. But to have two conflicting sworn statements on file, the affidavit and the tax return, might make one a bit nervous.

    Actually, by design, the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing when the U.S. Department of State is the proverbial right hand and the U.S. Treasury Department is the left.

    By law U.S. tax returns are protected, confidential documents, copies of which cannot be obtained by ANYONE in ANY federal, state or local agency unless a federal subpoena issued via the Justice Department is obtained. The only other way to obtain a copy of a U.S. tax return is with the taxpayers written permission. Even state courts cannot subpoena federal tax returns.

    As a former long-time financial investigator I can assure you that verifying the financial information submitted on consular income affidavits would be an investigators nightmare. Without the written permission of the subject of your investigation, you would need subpoenas for bank records, securities records, tax records, etc., etc. Good luck finding a federal prosecutor willing initiate the subpoena process for these items when the alleged possible crime is False Swearing at a consular station. Let me put it another way... the prosecutor would laugh you out of his/her office.

  12. The affidavit in question is provided by the Chiang Mai U.S. Consulate and provides spaces for completeing the affiants personal and address information and then goes on...

    "I also affirm that I receive the amount of US$___________ every month from the United States Government and/or other sources."

    There is a fail built into the language of this affidavit. The affidavit does not ask for a declaration of useable or adjusted gross income but only asks for the amount the affiant receives. For example, you could have rental house income from exceeding $4,000 each month but rental house expenses of $3,650 per month. You could honestly swear to $4,000 in income from "other sources" despite the fact that your adjusted income from rental houses was actually $350.

    Nor does the affidavit concern itself with before or after tax income. My before tax monthly income is more than 22% greater than my after tax income. I do indeed receive the before tax income so I can state that I "receive" this amount which is considerably larger than when Uncle Sam takes his bite the following April.

    Immigration is only concerned with your income. Not what you do with it.

    You may have missed my point northernjohn. Of course Thai Immigration is concerned with your income. My point is: What IS your income? Is it your business income before business expenses? Is it your taxable income before taxes? Is it the actual cash in your pocket at the beginning of every month? Is it the income you report on line 22 of your IRS 1040? Or is it the income you report on line 38 of your IRS 1040?

    The US Consulate affidavit asks ambiguous questions and of course you can give ambiguous answers.

  13. The affidavit in question is provided by the Chiang Mai U.S. Consulate and provides spaces for completeing the affiants personal and address information and then goes on...

    "I also affirm that I receive the amount of US$___________ every month from the United States Government and/or other sources."

    There is a fail built into the language of this affidavit. The affidavit does not ask for a declaration of useable or adjusted gross income but only asks for the amount the affiant receives. For example, you could have rental house income from exceeding $4,000 each month but rental house expenses of $3,650 per month. You could honestly swear to $4,000 in income from "other sources" despite the fact that your adjusted income from rental houses was actually $350.

    Nor does the affidavit concern itself with before or after tax income. My before tax monthly income is more than 22% greater than my after tax income. I do indeed receive the before tax income so I can state that I "receive" this amount which is considerably larger than when Uncle Sam takes his bite the following April.

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