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Posts posted by WaggaWaggaWilly

  1. Interesting that the government tourism bureaus have taken to lies and distortion in this video to try and counter the impending problems Thailand will experience this coming winter. Bad publicity with UK, Australian and Canadian citizens being killed there are well known back in those countries. People are becoming hesitant to travel to Thailand as a result of the high profile news stories.

    The collapse of the Ruble will mean a significant drop in Russian tourists to Thailand which will have a negative effect on the winter economy. So they've resorted to this picture of Thailand thru Rose coloured glasses to try and convince people to come to their country. If you go there you will be ripped off at every opportunity. Everyone will try and over charge you, if they can't do that, they will rip you off when they give you change. As a foreigner, you will be charged 10 times as much as Thai citizens for things. Pray you dont get in trouble with the police as they are amongst the most corrupt forces on the planet and you as a foreigner, will always be the guilty party in any dispute. And perhaps most depressingly, the economy of Thailand is based on the sex trade. Everywhere you go, you will see fat 60 year old men with beautiful young thai girls. You know he's paying her because no woman in her right mind would want anything to do with a slovenly pig like that. I won't even go there about the expat community who are sexual predators preying on the youth of the country. A good portion of the foreigners there aren't there for the weather, the culture or the food. They are there for easily available commercial sex trade at a fraction of the cost of it back home.

    There are good sides to thailand. But your experience won't be like that in the video. Yes your bag will be stolen. Not by monkeys but by the people who drug your drink and rob you. The bus won't almost run you over, they'll hit you and drive away. The girls will help you, so long as you pay them. Forget about any assistance from the police, they are corrupt and won't do anyting for you as a Farang. As a foreigner, you will be financially exploited during your entire stay/visit in Thailand. And as i said before, if you're an Expat living here now, you probably came for easy access to sex and drugs. You're enjoying life with your Thai "wife" who is several decades younger than you. And she loves you dearly, so long as the money keeps flowing. Cut off the cash and see what happens. OH, and make sure she doesn't have a Thai guy on the side, that's quite common. Remember, you are just a source of revenue.

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