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Everything posted by apetryxx

  1. Meanwhile, inflation through the roof, gasoline and diesel getting out of reach, rampant unemployment etc and this Knucklehead of State is worried about what time bars close. Priorities Dude, priorities.
  2. As Gomer Pyle would say, “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!”
  3. We lived in Hawaii for many years and there was a three tier pricing system. 1. .One for residents aka, Kama’āina, (regardless of nationality). 2. Non Residents from other U. S. States also regardless of nationality. 3. Foreign citizens regardless of skin color or country of origin. Obtaining a local ID card or Driver License in Hawaii required proof of residence and was the only ID required for reduced rates. All expats in Thailand can or should have a Yellow card and Pink ID which would easily distinguish an expat from a tourist. The fact that we, as expats, pay exorbitant entrance fees is price gouging xenophobia on steroids. Just as mentioned on a previous post, I just won’t go until this changes.
  4. In all of my long life, I’ve never heard such nonsense. Delusional comes to mind.
  5. Quite possible. First of all, ATC communication is in English and from personal experience (especially if the weather is bad) I can tell you that rapid fire radio commands can easily be garbled particularly when English is your second language. Worldwide, pilots are regularly checked for their aviation English fluency but for domestic flights it can be rudimentary. In any case, don’t make assumptions about a situation that may have a simple answer. We’ll see what happened when the dust settles.
  6. Obviously a USA hater here. The American public school system is a total mess due to the teacher’s union which has ruined a once wonderful system. However, American private and parochial schools are among the best in the world so keep your vitriol to yourself.
  7. “Hey Cha Cha, love that dance you Latinos do.” “I’m not Latino you fool, I’m Thai!” “Oh yea forgot, Xi is after your little Island.” “<deleted> is the matter with you, it’s Thailand not Taiwan.” ”Got it Cha Cha, did the dirty in that Ping Pong place once and she clapped when I finished!” “I hope she gave you the clap you moron????????”
  8. Even historically neutral Switzerland has condemned what Putin and his bloodthirsty mob are perpetrating on their neighbor and threatening the rest of the world with nukes. If Cha Cha or anyone thinks for a minute that this doesn’t have worldwide implications they have their head in the sand.
  9. Can someone please buy this guy a one way ticket to Tierra del Fuego and put us out of our misery.
  10. I’m not quite sure which I find more amusing, the TAT Chinese wish list or the comments that follow. Keep it up boys, it’s fun reading.
  11. I have never seen anything more inane than folks roaring around on a scooter with a face mask and no helmet.
  12. Do these morons have nothing better to do with their time? Like maybe go on a snipe hunt, look for a sky hook or a left handed spanner. What is wrong with these people?
  13. My friend Jeff, age 37 had stage 4 brain cancer. He lived 2 miserable years under chemo,radiation etc and passed. There is no way out of this alive if it’s glioma. Sorry pal but that’s it, don’t waste the money.
  14. I just contracted sub-variant Greenie. Vax is 350ml of Heineken daily. Will this nonsense ever stop?
  15. Fuel prices were on the way up long before this Ukrainian debacle. Why? I’ll tell you. When the US was energy independent under Trump, OPEC and Russia couldn’t set high prices for crude oil. In comes this idiot Biden in the White House declaring a war on fossil fuels. Voila! OPEC back in control. Poop rolls downhill all the way to the Kingdom.
  16. I found this to be a very interesting subject as I was personally involved in a dowry dispute some 25 years ago. My fiancé’s father was on his deathbed at the time and never mentioned one, only asking me to take good care of his daughter which I promised to do. I have kept that oath for all of these years. The mother demanded the equivalent of 20,000 USD. I distinctly remember my response, “I want to marry your daughter, not buy her” and thus, the battle began. Eventually, I settled for around $5,000 so she could save face. The point here is that over the ensuing years I have contributed to her well being and that of our small Thai/American family in ways that far surpasses what that dowry would have done and the relationship is one of mutual affection and not that of a business deal.
  17. Rooster seems equally ill informed and bigoted as the blowhards he’s complaining about.
  18. Sorry, agree that it’s a joke in addition to being a continuation of the giant hoax that just gives autocrats an excuse to line their own pockets by decree and mandate. Emergency, my aching butt!
  19. Back in the 1500s Shakespeare wrote a comedy called “Much Ado About Nothing,” an apt description of what this Omicron hysteria is all about. It is really getting tiresome. PLEASE stop publishing these useless and inflammatory Covid figures.
  20. Now the umpteenth ‘expert’ Long Dong Yong has spoken, the sky is officially falling! Do any of these these yokels have any idea how tiresome this has become?
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