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Posts posted by fredfunk

  1. Hi Guys,will try keep this short and sweet.I went to thailand in november and got 30 day visa on arrival

    extended it for another 30 days at Hua Hin Immigration for 1900 baht.

    after it expired i went over on boat to Mayanmar and got another 30 days.

    I flew back to Euro Last week,and paid 1000 baht for overstaying by 2 days.

    Id like to come back to Thailand again next week for 6 weeks.

    Can i do this,can i get 30 day on arrival,then extend for 30.

    Your help is much appreciated.

    I have a British passport,and coming just for another holiday,as im freezing my whotsits off here.:sleep:

  2. On 13/02/2018 at 12:28 AM, Justfine said:

    You seem to be doing fine. The main thing is to choose foods you can eat for 30 years and work out recipes and combos. 1200 calories is low. Better off with 1600 a day and losing weight slowly.


    Doing a free weights once or twice a week will maintain or even increase strength. Get yourself some dumbells and incline bench.

    thanks for your help.regards,dave

  3. Hello All,will try keep this short and sweet.
    Im male,51 yrs, 95 kilos ( 220 pounds) 5 ft 3,stocky figure, quite active,my weight is classed as been obese.
    I started my diet 1st December.i was 104 kilos.so I have lost 9 kilos. The worry I have is that my calorie intake is too low.I read online that this will make me lose muscle,my daily intake is 1200 calories,high protein, 3 litres of water.I was doing a 7 km run each morning which burned 700 calories, which would mean 500 calorie a day.The thing is,im eating 3 times a day, and I don't feel hungry.I wish to lose 1 kilo a week but by doing it correctly.My aim is to be 80 kilos by May.Any help much appreciated.

  4. I would suggest that you try the 'Black Mountain Practice Range' They have a very good 'Tiered green' which you can hit shots into from a very well maintained fairway from a max of about 110 yards along with some 'tricky bunkers' by the side of this. Very good (large) putting green onto which you can chip. I think they charge about 200Baht to use this - no time limit.

    I don't know about anybody else, but I believe this is the best practice facility in the HH area.

    They also offer practice to various distanced greens, from either matts or from a turfed area - which costs more as the balls that you buy for this are of a superior quality and of course you are taking out divots which need to be repaired.

    I hope that you enjoy your practice there - I do !

    Many thanks for your help cheshire

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