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Posts posted by FizzHasif

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm reaching out to see if anyone is interested in taking over my Fitness First gym membership. Due to some personal reasons, I am unable to continue my membership, which still has 8 months remaining.

    Details of the Membership:

    Location: Fitness First, The Mall Bang Kapi (location can possibly be changed)
    Remaining Duration: 8 months
    Benefits: Full access to gym facilities, classes, and other member-exclusive perks

    Fitness First offers a great environment for fitness enthusiasts of all levels, and their facilities are top-notch. Whether you're a seasoned gym-goer or just starting your fitness journey, this membership offers a wonderful opportunity to access high-quality fitness resources.

    Transfer Process:
    Transferring the membership is a straightforward process. I will coordinate with Fitness First to ensure a smooth transition. All necessary adjustments, including the change of location (if required), will be handled as per Fitness First's policies.

    If you're interested or have any questions, please feel free to reply to this post or send me a private message. This is a great chance for someone who's been considering a Fitness First membership but wants to avoid long-term commitments or initial joining fees.

    Looking forward to hearing from interested parties soon!

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