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Everything posted by Enzian

  1. Probably this is the guy from Dollhouse in soi Cowboy. The famous Stephen Leather posted the news item on FB recently and I thought it was new, turns out it was from 2016. The original article can still be accessed by doing a search on the Bangkok paper we cannot quote.
  2. So the fifth day PCR test remains in place. And the streets will remain about as quiet as you're ever going to see them.
  3. How do I find out past 24 hour rainfall for any location in Thailand? I'm currently about 30 kilometers SW of Khon Kaen, near Phra Yuen and right next to a tiny town called Phra Bu. It was an incredible downpour Sunday afternoon and evening, but a google search doesn't tell me the amount. Thanks. (And it's cold here this morning, 17 or so.)
  4. Does the system accept an online 90 day report the first time after an extension is done? This is what is still unclear to me. I've never used the online system, partly because I used to leave the country often. I re-entered the country and extended my Non-O stay in Dec. '21 and 90 days is coming the first week of March. Should I learn the new online system or will I have to go to CW in person? (And if CW is my base where I've done everything till now, is it possible to do a 90 day report in person in a different province where I may find myself close to the office?) Thanks!
  5. This is standard procedure over much of the world I believe. I know a actuarial specialist in the states who spends a lot of his time in court testifying in such cases. I hope there will be follow up on this forum and other places and we will all learn something from how it eventually turns out. Good or bad.
  6. That may have been entirely a function of climate, and the integrity or lack thereof of reporting. Hopefully we will someday have a better idea.
  7. Yes there are Roman buildings and bridges that are still standing-I love the Pantheon-but just reflect on what might be the penalty for faulty design or construction: for the engineer or contractor it would not be pretty, and they would be lucky if it were quick.
  8. So that's an almost irrefutable argument for only ever spending the few extra $ for a multi, skip the singles. What's my time worth? I would want to go to an office, my nerves would not tolerate waiting till the airport. Thanks.
  9. Weird question here: When I extended my Non-O in Dec. at CW I bought a single re-entry permit before leaving the building. In pre-Covid times I would have got a multi but the odds are 90% I will only have one exit and entry this year. So if I go to Swampy in say June and figure I will be able to return, and then exit and enter again before Dec., can I buy another single on my way to boarding so that I'm pre-loaded with a spare for another trip before renewal? (In hindsight I should have got a multi, and will next renewal.)
  10. I'm thinking of the Sakdina feudal social system going back centuries that still forms the backdrop of Thai society in many ways. Google will bring up a number of relevant entries.
  11. So it was explained to me that when the sexes hold their arms out as straight as possible there is complete difference, in that there is a bend or angle at the elbow in women that does not exist in men. But there are no doubt easier ways.
  12. I've thought a lot about this, and it seems to me that the essence of the horrendous accident rate is that Thais leave no margin for error, the very concept seems to elude them. (I admit drinking is a separate matter, but that is pretty simple in a way.) But another factor is that many Thais are inconsiderate of anyone they don't know personally; in this they are imitating their "betters", the elite of this country who are conditioned to have no regard for anyone below them on the social scale.
  13. I've started holding my arm straight out when a bike comes at me on the sidewalk; this will probably lead to mayhem if I keep it up. Also giving the finger to cars lately, waiting for one to get out and fight.
  14. The headline indicates to me that the RTP will be committing more crime than usual on this day.
  15. This happens far more often than one might imagine. In his last year my father wrote himself a close string of $100 checks for petty cash which one of his 3 or 4 caregivers had to have been taking to the bank, but it was far more in a short time than his needs normally called for. But whoever was prompting him didn't have to sign at any point, and they were surely all in on it. Luckily they didn't realize how well off he was, and at most it was $2000, probably less. It was a small town and I knew they would all stick together, so I wrote it off in my mind. Just assume it is going to happen if there is any way.
  16. Schools need to have a scare lesson segment on the practical consequences of early pregnancy, though I wonder if enough of the kids are even smart enough to listen. I'm male, but I had my one and only offspring at age 49; I knew I was too immature before then.
  17. The OP says the online system cannot be used if one is completing one's first 90 day report. But "first" calculated from when or how? First from having re-entered the country after years of extensions and occasional 90 day reports done by mail and agents? Or first from having received one's first extension of a Non-O visa? (Before Covid I almost always left the country for somewhere of interest before the 90 days were up. And sorry if it is a dumb question.)
  18. Wow, if I could really understand every detail of the full article I should be eligible for a job at Thammasat University as a lecturer in Political Science.
  19. Pet peeve rant time. For food and booze I can live cheaper and better in the horribly expensive Bay Area than I can here. I care little for most Thai food, and restaurant meals here with some exceptions are relatively cheap but barely acceptable. But peeve #1 is no large economy sizes in any of the stores to speak of: tiny sizes with 100s % mark-ups. And collusion on the prices of everything. Yes it is a drop in the bucket to what I can afford, but I didn't get to that point by being stupid about money.
  20. Cheap is important up to a point, but it is the enthusiasm and naturalness of many of those offering that is the kicker. Yes, more than half are jaded, but the ones who aren't more than make up for it. This is not as easy as one might think to find in other countries. I'm not a beach person, and my view is distorted by living in central Sukhumvit, but I still believe Isaanlife's point is the chang in the room. And that elephant will never go out of style, or go away here.
  21. So they've known about these "gaps" all along but now they are thinking to "plug" them? They would have to start by eliminating corruption at Immigration regarding agents and entry approvals. How likely is that?
  22. How in the h*** can anyone say anything about what may or may not happen in 2023? It could be totally "normal" or the bubonic plague could emerge again from China and we would be right back in 1347. Just shut up!
  23. Reading Il giornale I just realized that the top guy at the Italian Ministry of Health is named Roberto Speranza, literally Bob Hope, funny on a couple of levels. Sounds good to me. Let hope be the plan and stumble forward, it will all sort itself out.
  24. It was not a "tragic incident". It was a criminal act.
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