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Posts posted by poyai111

  1. 2 hours ago, Korat Kiwi said:

    Oh, possible mechanical fault... How many times have we heard that one? 


    Or maybe my foot 'slipped' off the brake and onto the accelerator. 


    More like the car was a bit more powerful than the driver expected.  Tried to show off but lost control. 



    These super cars have an enormous power to weight ratio and throttle control is critical if one is to harness the car's potential. An inexperienced driver can overpower the rear wheels provoking a power slide the correction of which requires skill and adroitness. It seems the driver was found lacking in both, is my assumption.

    • Like 1
  2. 23 hours ago, Poseidon said:

    How does tourism benefit. Thailand is a poor country with little to offer. The average daily wage is well below Australia which is a very expensive country in comparison. 

    And again trade, Australia is resource rich in minerals they really need to focus on producing there own goods and products. Doing business with a corrupt country like Thailand has little to offer and lastly defence is the very worst idea. Asean is heavily in hock to china and Russia our enemies here in the west. I see no good coming out of it 

    With respect, my reference primarily was regarding ASEAN, not specifically Thailand 

  3. Recent whisper revealed a potential visa arrangement proposed for Australians who wanted to visit Thailand - a reciprocal arrangement similar to that which exists throughout all Asean nations. Maybe now is the time that Australia should be recognized as another Asean nation as was proposed way back when. Paul Keating was PM at the time. The underwhelming response by Singapore's Lee Kwan Yew put the kybosh on that idea opining that Australia should not be part of Asean because it was a European country not Asian. I think now is the time to be more thoughtfully diplomatic and consider inclusion as a positive and beneficial step in the right direction.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  4. 3 hours ago, Rampant Rabbit said:

    id  like to shove their phones right up their arses......repeatedly.

    Narcissisitic pretend hi-so's with attitude seems  more prevalent in the girls.

    Add to narcissistic attitude of the telephone zombie cohort the obvious lack of masculinity exemplified by the soy boy brats and their consequential testosterone deprivation and you have a real social problem.

  5. 2 hours ago, Iron Tongue said:


    If the Brits didn't have guns at Rorke's Drift, the Zulus would have speared the lot of them.

    "if"- the most conditional qualifier which causes us to concern ourselves with the consequential suffering which is anethema to all Buddhists. The Martini Henry rifles used by the British were not without fault - a breech loading single shot rifle used cardboard wrapped cartridges which were notorious for sweating and expanding in hot environments, causing the weapon to jam. Tactics on defending their position were responsible for the withdrawal of the Zulus. Many brave men "on both sides"

    • Sad 1
  6. In 1969 I volunteered to teach in a one teacher school in NSW, Australia, a school with 14 students and classes from kindergarten to 2nd form high school. The experience for me was inexpressible in terms of contentment and satisfaction. Every student participated in the education of those students who needed assistance. The cohesion and fabric of social interaction was displayed every day. I have no doubt that each and every one of these kids became productive and responsible members of the wider community.

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  7. On 1/1/2024 at 9:42 AM, impulse said:


    I can't help but wonder if anyone's been caught out by a paperwork snafu that would delay one month's deposit.


    I'd certainly have tight sphincter condition based on some experiences with international wire transfers where a single digit or errant letter caused me grief.  Usually it was my paycheck and quickly straightened out.  I'd hope SS deposits would go smoothly once they were dialed in.  But...


    Anyone have a horror story?

    In 7 years of transferring pension from Australia to BKK Bank never had a problem. 


  8. On 12/14/2023 at 8:53 PM, charleskerins said:

    Here we go with the BS  ,so you are familiar with the regimentation of the population in Thailand ?Are you familiar with the longstanding practice of wearing masks to prevent the transmission of germs in Asia ?  to guard against foul air?  Or do you believe the evil Dr Fauci came as a guest speaker to indoctrinate the youth? What question do you want them to ask ? Why are we wearing masks -they already know.Maybe you should know or have you been indoctrinated to despise science and intellectuals -are you a card carrying member of the Republican Party?Why are we wearing masksWTF are you talking about -do you even know? What a sad freaking comment.

    To be clear, the only masks which are effective are the surgical quality masks. The ineffectiveness of those masks commonly used in public can be demonstrated by comparing the size of the covid virus to the size of the mesh in these masks. 47 of the little buggers could join hands between the individual gaps in the mesh. They could be effective in screening larger dust particles but certainly not viruses.

  9. 46 minutes ago, klauskunkel said:

    One academic's voice...

    But we have all read over decades how ineffective and outdated curriculums and teaching methods are, the story never changes. A new Education Minister appears, vows to do this'n that, only to be replaced by an other one some time later who also vows the same, and round and round it goes... Leading me to believe that all this is designed to dumb down the population while keeping the status quo of the Thai Elite intact, since they can have their kids educated abroad if they want.ma

    Many correspondents refer here to the inadequacies of the education system. I have taught in schools which are fairly representative of the low expectations of mediocrity which exist in Thailand. I have been witness to observing both curricula and teaching methods which amplify the "no failure"mentality. No accommodation has been made for remedial teaching of students who under-achieve and this is where the system should concentrate its efforts if improvement is the desired outcome. A task force aimed at providing a cohort of remedial teachers and the institution of such a group in each school, where needed, should be the essential intent of the government 

  10. 30 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


    Yeah, but a farmer can't do much with bad soil.


    Likewise, a teacher can't do much with a kid whose parents haven't laid the groundwork. 

    Agreed - 


    32 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:


    Yeah, but a farmer can't do much with bad soil.


    Likewise, a teacher can't do much with a kid whose parents haven't laid the groundwork. 

    Agree wholeheartedly. Those virtues of which I refer should be initiated by the parents . The school's role is to confirm them

  11. 9 hours ago, FruitPudding said:


    Yes, this is the real problem. It ain't the crappy teachers. It's the family.


    When I was at school, the teachers were crap, "Open your book, read the text, answer the questions, and I'll be here sitting at my desk if you need any help" lol. I don't think they ever had a lesson plan.


    Thai families are shocking for not encouraging children to ask questions, read books, be creative etc etc.


    They barely spend time together, except eating or walking around a mall. Parents here don't take an interest in their children's passions or try to stimulate them at all.


    So long as their child is: fed, watered,  washed,  and wearing decent clothes - that's it! Job done!


    There are exceptions, of course, and their kids shine in the classroom and do well - crappy teacher or not!


    Others don't want to learn. It's fascinating how so many people are incredibly resistant to learning anything at all. 

    It's the teachers obligation to encourage curiosity - from this virtue comes discovery and learning. Students must understand that the most important word in every language is "why?" If the response is truthful then trust between teacher and student has been established. The truth is liberating lies enslave. Education must be the inculcations of the virtues of society in tandem with the extension of levels of literacy commensurate with other nations 

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