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Everything posted by Bertil

  1. I tried reporting online twice, since 2023 (July 2023 and August 2024), after having returned from trips abroad and got rejected both these time. Subsequent reports were approved though. My agent handling my retirement extension fixed these two reports for me for 100 baht. Proof of address is my water bill which doesn't even have my name on it. Immigration office is Jomtien. (I have never done a TM30 since moving to my new address beginning of 2023.)
  2. Forgot to mention, since visa was denied I no longer needed this insurance. I had bought a policy for roughly 1000 baht. I tried to contact this company several times (both email and contact form) for a refund but they just ignored me. Finnair refunded me though.
  3. Nobody replied. So I had to find out myself, the hard way. Here is an update for whatever it's worth... If you ever will consider bringing your kid to Sweden, please be aware that visa will be denied. Why? Well, children born after 2015 are automatically considered to be Swedish citizens, and the embassy can't and won't issue a Schengen visa to a Swede (and it doesn't matter if said person never has had a passport before). I was told to get her a Swedish passport if I wanted to bring her on a vacation to Sweden. So I still ended up at Department of Consular Affairs at Chaeng Wattana, but not for the documents requested for a visa application. Instead I needed to have the marriage and birth certificates translated and notarized. Translation service was available there; I got approached by a lady who offered this on the spot for a reasonable amount of money. With these things in hand I went, a couple of days later, to the Swedish embassy which will issue a passport once her citizen number has been sorted out (in about two months).
  4. hotandsticky, thank you so much for helping me out here. I have already bought a policy from the insurance company you suggested, I now need some additional help. Where to download letter of consent for child to travel to Sweden (Schengen) with only one parent? Are there any other documents I need apart from the obvious copies of wife's ID card, house registration book, marriage cert. and birth cert.? Any good (cheap) place (online) where I can translate documents into English? Where should I notarize these documents? Do I have to go to Dept. of Consular Affairs at Chaeng Wattana? And lastly, should any documents be brought in original when traveling? Any help is appreciated.
  5. Greetings. When my daughter will be traveling with me to Sweden for the first time, is insurance needed for her? She is 9 years old.
  6. It was possible, in the past, for a foreigner to own a firearm. I think the law was amended quite recently; not possible anymore.
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