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Posts posted by Agkarajit

  1. It was very sad that the company decided to sell their foreign properties that were assets instead of trying to properly utilize and manage them. Off duties flight crews always get upgraded on board and bumped other passengers off using connections while too many are quietly stealing from the company. Wonder how many board members and president know how complex it is to manage an airline without any background!!!

    • Thanks 1
  2. We have lived in a few other ASEAN countries, a few European countries and USA prior to Thailand, it was normal that we always obtained proper visa (dependent) visa for our child from the relevant embassies. And, we are sure that there are Thai laws requiring alien (foreigner) to have proper valid document (Passport & Visa) which are similar with many developed countries. However, Thai immigration may not have enforced overstay fines on minors. Since the country is under reformation and tightening its security and if one do not wish to be caught by surprised, it is best to obtain proper visa/stay permit for your child/children. Mind you alien baby from neighboring countries born in Thailand do require some kind of registration with the immigration and Thai child reaching the age of 5 are required to have Thai National Identity. Can anyone find any exemption official announcement on overstay fines for minors as you can see on the announcement of the new overstay rules???

  3. Having visited more than 40 countries and lived in 12 countries across the 4 continents, there are always dark and bright side of every nations. However, for us, we believe that the main purpose for one to travel on leisure is to be exposed to other cultures, seeing new places and contributing to the local economy by a positive mean. As a foreign visitor, one should avoid negative criticism and worsen the situation. The Philippines was one of the country that I have lived for 3 1/2 years. In Manila, there is an area calls Makati where there are great restaurants and other decent forms of evening entertainments within walking distance. Concerning local transportation, it is recommend that one take hotel limousine, chauffeur driven hired car or a taxi arranged by one of the high quality hotels in the area. They are a lot cheaper than the U.S. or Europe. For cultural exposure in Manila, we recommend that one visits the Intramuros and San Agustin Museum. Last year, even Bill Gates and his family made the Philippines their holidays destination. For more information on the Philippines, please visit: http://www.itsmorefuninthephilippines.com/

  4. Reformation of education will soon happen in this country. It is in deed very sad to see that most Thai people learn Roman alphabets since the beginning of their school days, however, they are reluctant to communicate in English. Moreover, their Thai teachers who teach them English are hardly qualified to communicate in English. Personally, I think it will be an advanrage for Thai schools to hire an ASEAN native who can fluently communicate in English and be able to transfer the verbal communication than a Caucasian. I also bellieve that if Thai schools pay a little more they will be able to hire high quality English speaking ASEAN teachers.

  5. We have completely stopped ordering and going to both Pizza Company and Pizza Hut after we found them using mayonnaise and probably thousand island salad dressing on their pizza. Common Thai do not realise that pizza sauce made from fresh tomatoes and good cheese topping are the most essential for a good pizza.

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