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Posts posted by Hobox

  1. About Torrenova's comment " screwing with people's lives"

    They are talking about a 2 weekend ban on alcohol, nothing stopping you stocking up the fridge beforehand.

    This is a childish, immature outlook, god forbid you should ever have to face a serious issue.

    In retrospect 2 weekends without alcohol might even save a few lives, road accidents, alcohol related abuse etc etc

    Grow up.

    You don't get it. How many millions of baht will NOT be spent during these weekends? This is what we mean when we say "messing with peoples lives"

    I talked to the police in Patong and according to them only the 22nd and part of 23rd will be closed.

  2. Thank you for all your help and concerns.

    I'll call the numbers and see what I can come up with.

    If someone without experience in alcoholics read this I can add that I had a similar experience as this kid when I was around the same age. My mother became and alcoholic and just left for days to drink. She mismanaged her work and finally after years of warnings she was fired. Thankfully I had a father that took care of me and my brother.

    It took something like 10 years for her to realize that she was causing all the problems and also that she destroyed me and my brother's childhood. She has now been completely sober for 15 years.

    After all my difficulties with my mother I know that there are very few things I can do to help my former GF, she has to understand that she has a major problem and she must want this to stop for herself. This can take years and hopefully she will come to her senses before she kills herself.

  3. Reading your post I am assuming the mother is still seeing her just going out and leaving her un-attended.

    No, the mother just left her in Phuket and has moved in with a much younger guy (21yrs old) who is a known addict and banned in Phuket. The guy has told the kid that she is not welcome and if she comes he will kick the s**t out of her. They now just sit in an apartment in Bangkok and drink themselves to death more or less.

    Problem with the Buddha thing is her school. If she misses many days in school she will not be allowed to take tests and she will be demoted 1 grade. She goes to a really good school which I have kept paying for even after we split up. It is a long time to the next school holiday.

    Asked the kid and the school don't seem to have any facilities for kids with problems at home or it might very well be that she doesn't trust them enough to talk to them.

    'll send an mail to the AA link and see if they have any good suggestions.

  4. My former girlfriend has become an alcoholic of the worst degree.

    She has left her 12 year old daughter alone and because I raised her for 8 years I take care of her right now. But the daughter needs to talk to someone and I have tried to search for some call center for children of alcoholics without success.

    The child is desperate and has become more or less suicidal and is in bad need of professional help. Her father is not that interested of the kid and the rest of the family doesn't really understand how serious this is. They have just renounced my former GF and advised the kid to check into a Buddha temple and everything will sort itself out.

    Are there any good webpages which explains alcoholism in thai and do anyone know of some call center number?

    EDIT: We are in the Phuket area in case there are some places that she can visit

  5. "Hello sir, my name is SomeSupportGrunt, I just need to ask you a few questions."

    Just called the support of MaxNet and right after "Pleeese pless nyn fo enliss" (How come even the person speaking on their aswering machine can't speak understandable english?) I got the exact same person. :o

    Needless to say they never even heard about anyone else having slow connections...

    I'm getting increasingly frustrated with the Internet connections and the low quality of service in LOS.

    I saw that SingTel had some advertisements in Phuket for ADSL. Anyone know anything about them?

    Do I connect through Singapore then or do I still exit Thailand through CAT?

  6. Present day video games, violence in movies and now on TV, the huge separation between the classes, all are contributing factors.
    Agree, especially with the separation between the classes, and the farang being one of the 'higher' classes.

    Part of the problem is also the great influx of farang, and their tendencies not to integrate, separate housing complexes with big gates, not speaking any Thai, etc. In the long run this is going to kill Phuket.

    It is not only a police matter, it is much more a mentality problem, both with farang and Thai.

    Ok so what did I missunderstand? Please enlighten me because I read it as this:

    You are blaming what? Video games, movies, TV, classes, farangs, housing, language and cultural differences?

    So the fault is everything but the guys who keep stealing, beating up and killing toursits and locals. Personally I don't really care what causes this at the moment, just stop these guys and address the larger issue at some other time and place.

    What happened to the CCTV project? This seems like good places to put up cameras. Puting cameras on Bangla Rd seems kind of useless compared to this.

  7. Part of the problem is also the great influx of farang, and their tendencies not to integrate, separate housing complexes with big gates, not speaking any Thai, etc. In the long run this is going to kill Phuket.

    Yes, do it the thai way! Blame the farangs!

    "- If they just would stop coming here then this would never have happened!"

    I don't believe what I'm reading in some posts here. Are you guys serious!? :o

  8. Why are people insinuatig that Farangs get discriminated against? Are we implying that Thais get better service by the police force? That the police show more concern and make more of an effort for Thais?

    Are you serious?

    Buy a coffee and sit for an hour or two and just listen to what is going on inside Patong's policestation for an example.

  9. I just picked up my double tourist visa at the thaiembassy in stockholm/sweden and was suprised to see that the visa (issued at 31/8 -07) expires 29/2 -08!

    When did this happen? Suddenly I don't have to plan my exit/entry for the second stay in the country and worry about that the visa expires.

    I never had anything good to say about the visa regulations but I suppose there is a first time for everything! :o

  10. "I will not focus on GDP as the previous governments, but I will adhere to the sufficiency economy advocated by the King. I will focus on the happiness of the people rather than the GDP."

    Most people would argue that there is a connection between GDP growth and happiness, especially for poor people. The poorer people are, the more utility from money. More money comes from economic development that can be proxied by GDP growth.

    So we have to add another economic system.

    Capitalism - Communism - Socialism - Fascism - Sanookism?

  11. I can't really see why we who criticise the current incompetent goverment (and the former for that case) always get labeled as "anti-thai". I want nothing more then good things to happen to this country and especially the people, but when they are constantly abused and used by the so-called superior thais I get mad.

    I would love to see not just angry complaints in this forum, but that the TV-users who cares would get together and organize a simple, quiet, protest. I think most of us have at least one friend with connections to our own government and we could arrange a BBQ-protest at an embassy or something.

  12. As I am finally leaving this country after 8 years of abuse and insults I am going to let "ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom" know that you can insult him as a person. I will not let the most revered person in Thailand get the blame for the total incompetence of "ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom".

    Please just make a smiley of "ICT Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom"! :o

  13. Now that's excellent work! Investigating, apprehending, prosecuting, sentencing and executing, all done by one single person. Who said the police is not efficient?

    get real Bubba. And read the thread CAREFULLY!!

    Clearly stated the suspect fled and fired upon the officers. Maybe where you come from the police would not act accordingly.

    Read the thread carefully? :o

    "Pol. Sgt. Maj. Sawek alleged that as he identified himself to make the arrest, the suspect attempted to flee and fired upon officers, resulting in an exchange of gunfire which left Mr. Wiwat dead"


  14. So their main concern is not really fighting criminality in the Internet, but circumventing the censorship.

    Shame! :o

    Wrong. It's not their main concern. It's their only concern. :D

    Yes for sure, but then I read this:

    As far as I can tell free speech here is as good as if not better than any other country in the world these days.

    This is just a cyber crime law, there for yours and others' protection, as pointed out Thailand is one of the last to enact such a law.

    The brainwashing is already working :D

  15. The Thai authorities will jump all over this crime and solve it as soon as they wrap up that Saudi gem case from 1992.

    Remember the photos in the Bangkok Post, showing a Hi So lady wearing the stuff?

    Just copies she claimed. Copies of the stolen gems from a Saudi Palace......

    Crime pays if you have some bigshot friends.

    Never heard this story. Where can I read about it?

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