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Posts posted by yellowpostitnotes

  1. I sort of disagree.

    I'm firmly of the opnion that sitting down and discussing the matter with your wife/partner is definately worth the exercise and pain to do.

    WHY? No, you may not change a single thing, but it achieves a number of things for you.

    It will give you breathing time to regain some emotional peace and make a rational and emotional decision to stay or to go.

    It will give you peace of mind that, if you do walk away, you won't in a month, 6 months or some time later say, in a quiet moment to yourself, 'If only I sat her down and explained my unhappiness with the situation, she might have changed'.

    If you have that chat, then decide to leg it, you will feel stronger. Stronger as a man who made the decision, stronger as a person who will have more confidience in your next relationship, accept less crap and let that be known earlier in the relationship.

    Personally I let a lot of Thailand wash over me, but I have a core set of values on which I won't be compromised.

    So, my humble advice is firstly, find some quiet time for yourself, away from distractions. Work out what crap you will accept, what you won't and some grey area which you can negotiate on.

    Prepare to walk. Line your ducks up. Have things packed, personal affairs taken care of , money transferred, a place to stay organised, keys for cars and bikes you own in your name, etc

    Then sit down with your wife/partner and demand that the crap that you won't accept and the stuff you will negotiate on be ceased immediatly.

    If there is push back, negotiate on the crap that is non-core to you.

    Be prepared to walk, 100% be prepared. Make that well and truely understood.

    There are lot's of amazing and beautiful Thai Woman out there. If you decide to leave, don't look back.

    Take time for yourself to heal, don't rush back into a relationship.

    Take the time to find a wonderful person.

    You seem like a nice guy, good luck.

    david48 The PREACHER is back!!

    Come on now laddie you were banned and dismissed for good reason.Be a good boy and run along now

  2. The OP states on another thread he knows enough Thai to stop people throwing water on him during Songkran. rolleyes.gif

    Now he doesnt "even have basic Thai."whistling.gif

    How could the OP have an understanding if Thai culture if he cannot speak Thai? facepalm.gif Absurd.

    If the Op lives in Thailand (which seems doubtful) he would know an understanding and ability to speak Thai opens up anew rold of understading of Thailand and its culture.

    Anyone who thinks they understand Thai culture, without speaking thai, is deluded

    • Like 2
  3. How many Songkran Festivals have you been involved with Thais?

    Obviously few, one or none.

    If you thinking that the throwing of Water is what Songkran is about then you have little true knowledge of the Festival.

    You 'play' Songkran.

    If you ask not to play, most Thai respect that.

    Speaking a little basic Thai, and my Thai, despite my time here is very basic, does help.

    The 'logic' of your home country may not apply in Thailand.

    Sometimes to your betterment, sometimes to your detriment.

    Though, I will admit, unless you have a Thai Partner, or speak Thai, it is quite daunting to try and celebrate with the Thais.

    You could start by going at the beginning of the Festival to visit your local Wat (Temple) and you will see the deep respect that the Festival garners.

    Have you been here for Songkran? Thai's not going to wet you if you ask? What planet are you on?

    Farangs are less likely to wt you if you ask.

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