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Posts posted by DavePerkes

  1. You have a much better chance for a 24 hr turnaround in Phnom Penhbut be aware the Khmer New Year is from 13th to 16th April

    The Driving Licence system has supposedly been simplified but I can't say anything about a fast track process. In Phnom Penh i use Mittaheap Driving School at the junction of Sotheros and Shihanouk BVDs

    Never bothered to get the 5 year licence as it costs more than 5x1 year licences. It may be cheaper now so I will consider if i can get one.
    FYI I have hired cars in UK and Australia using My Cambodian Licence

  2. The Cambodian Long term or Ordinary Visa is not strictly a Business Visa; though you need it to operate a business here.
    If you are working or running a business a Work Permit is now Mandatory. You can only get a WP if your business or your employer is officially licenced.

    If you are not working you can still get an Ordinary Visa.

    Currently you do not need a Work Permit if you are not working. (There was a lot of conflicting info last year on that subject but I am certain that the original notices that all Foreigners needed a WP has now been superseded)

    Last time I asked for a 24h express Visa it was an extra $100 on top of the $280 for Visa Extension; so I decided to wait for the 5 days over the weekend. Normally it still takes 2-3 working days. Don't forget the frequent bank holidays and if you are coming over Khmer New Year it will probably take 10 days.

    I used to run a business in Cambodia until 2014. I am now on a UK Pension and other investment income so retired. Ive been passing through the Cambodia borders frequently and renewed my Ordinary Visa without any problems even though there is no Retirement Visa in place.

    Getting a Cambodian Driving License is easy if you have a valid one from your home country. You go to a officially registered Driving School with your Licence.They will copy it and send copy to the Driving Licence Authority who will issue one in a bout 4 weeks. You will get a temporary licence.
    I cannot be sure about price as the Cambodian Gov't have reduced the prices for Khmers and I'm not sure whether that applies to foreigners. It used to be $35 for I year for each catagory. You need a seperate licence for car inc Moto<125cc; to bigger bike if you have both as I do.
    Hope that helps

  3. As a long time Resident of Cambodia I would like to give a balanced view on this.

    $1000 is not enough to live in Cambodia; Its possible to exist for a short time but to retire and have a good lifestyle you will much more than that and need expensive Health Insurance. Medical care beyond the normal day to day illnesses is not up to Western or even Thai standards so medivac will be needed in the event of serious health problems.
    There is no Retirement Visa Scheme like Thailand or Malaysia yet. It might happen sometime; but I do not expect it to be a cheap option.
    With no Taxation agreements between UK or other countries and Cambodia there are probably going to be taxation issues and the Gov't here are being more proactive about Tax for Foreigners and locals as well. Its not likely to be possible for Retirement income to be paid into a local account ; however its no problem to set up an account and transfer money here.

    There is a lot of polarity of opinions here on the life here. I love it here still after 12 years, the friendship I have had and the kindness shown by Many Khmers, goes well beyond what I expected. But of course one needs to build and hold on to friendships in Cambodia like anywhere else.
    Cambodia won’t suit everyone; as life is not as sophisticated as many other places in SE Asia. Things are changing fast. Infrastructure is improving and there are plenty of goods available (unlike 12 years ago when I was regularly going to Bangkok to buy stuff I could not get here).
    There is not so much to do for anyone who has time on their hands. Cheap booze has created a expat drinking culture which can have serious consequences for health. I know quite a few ex expats who have gone to the grave early due to the effects of heavy drinking. I’ve also seen a few expats who have come to grief due to marriage of locals; but nowhere near as bad as in Thailand.

    So for anyone thinking of coming here to live or retire visit first and don't take note of the Nay Sayers.

  4. "Yes crime happens here but no more than any other town or city..
    And please have a little respect for the people here trying to make a living and supplying job to Khmer people to help improve there lives.."
    Soorry But Disagree.
    Shihanouville is an evil place with a police who don't care. I know of many people who have been robbed, attacked and mugged in this town. Its reputation is justified. The last incidence in January was a close friend who was getting out of a minivan , 2 thugs on a moto grabbed her bag and dragged her down the road. She lost all she had. Anothe friend was mugged a month later and had all his cash and Credit cards stolen. On the few occasions I have been there I have had no incidents but I do not feel comfortable there.
    The Police oe local gov't appear to have done nothing to imporove the situation.

  5. The cost of a Cambodian Tour Agency license is around $350- $500 per year. + a deposit of $5000. I ran a tour Agency in Siem Reap for 5 years.
    No suprise that Tour operators dont like unlicenced tours undercutting their prices. I left the business in 2014 partly for this reason as it was impossble to compete with the unlicenced operators.

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