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Posts posted by Mark35

  1. The world is locking down over faulty PCR tests, with a 90% false positive rate!



    "In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds, compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The Times found."



    Then the virus has an overall fatality rate of 0.23%.
    For people under 70 years, it's 0.05%

    Covid cured the flu.

    A few days ago, the number for 2020 was 6!


    Just let this virus in, teach people about their immune system, or not, but stop this masquerade.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  2. Quote

    For five years, foreign investors and imports of cannabis will be prohibited to allow the domestic industry to build up capacity and knowledge, he said.


    I'm surprised nobody brings this up:
    For example, I have a family member with a decease who will greatly benefit from using cannabis oils/cbd, with the potency to save his/her life.

    Technically these products have been legalized for such use, but only because they want to let these local companies profit more, this relative is now possibly doomed suffer a horrific next 5 years, if he/she survives that.

    Again, profit over human lives.

  3. Elviajero, you're the man.

    I just called immigration, explained my situation, and i can get a 30 days extension on a 14 day visa on arrival. Enough time to get a new passport in Bangkok.

    Yes, it doesn't make any sense. I got my visa from vientiane with a blue stamp "Proofs of residence in Thailand & financial income are required next time" on the visa. As i forgot the proof of residence this time.

    Then when i crossed the border back into thailand, the officer there added a red stamp above the thai visa sticker stating "Remark: the holder of this assport travels to Thailand under a tourist visa several times which may result in the refusal of a visa in the furute". Unaware this is seen as the "final stamp", it clearly states "may" and i have all the required documents, i tried my luck in Vientiane again.

    Jacksam, i checked and the dutch embassy takes 3-4 weeks. There is no quick service option.

    Kitsune, my bankbook only states ammount coming in and out, with a date. That's it. It's true that there is not much movement in that account, and mainly just holds the demanded ammount.

    Guess i'll see in 2 days if they will give me a new passport with that red stamp...

    Brewsterbudgen, i'm quite positive they don't track that. With the red stamp i managed to get a double entry in savannakhet before. But hey, we'll know in about a month when i show up with my new passport in Vientiane.

    Thanks for all the replies!

  4. Hi,

    After successfully obtaining a double entry tourist visa in Vientiane, showing my bank statement and house rent agreement (passport was getting full), the immigration officer at the border, coming into Thailand, gave me the notorious red stamp, without knowing anything about my situation.

    Unaware of this, 6 months later I went to Vientiane again, got refused, went to Savannakhet and got the double entry without showing any extra papers.

    Yesterday i went to Savannakhet again, and got refused because of the red stamp. A bank statement wouldn't help, and now i'm back in the country on my last 14 days.

    What are my options here?

    An education visa would take more than 14 days to process.

    Getting married will also take more than 14 days to process.

    I could fly to Bali, and hopefully get a triple entry there as i still have about 7 pages left in my passport.

    If i would fly to Kuala Lumpur and back, but what are my chances of being denied a 30 day visa on arrival, with the notorious red stamp? This way i could buy a new passport in bkk, and start a fresh slate.

    My last, and most costly resort would be to fly back to Holland and get a new passport+visa there.

    Am i missing something? Ideas anyone?

    • Like 1
  5. After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

    Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

    Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

    Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

    It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

  6. Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

    In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

    Nice stuff that Malathion...

    • Airways and lungs
      • Chest tightness
      • Difficulty breathing
    • Bladder and kidneys
    • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
    • Heart and blood
      • Low or high blood pressure
      • Slow or rapid heart rate
      • Weakness
    • Nervous system
    • Skin
      • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
      • Sweating
    • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
      • Abdominal cramps
      • Diarrhea
      • Loss of appetite
      • Nausea
      • Vomiting
  7. Hi,

    I just had 3 Thai on a scooter with side span drive up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, and started blowing enormous clouds with their noisy machine. I ran out and shouted them to leave. On second though i should have ran to them, take out their bike key and demanded money for the trees i just planted, which are now covered in chemicals. Lucky enough the wind was blowing the other direction, so my house is not covered with it.

    Right now my whole skin is itching/burning an have a headache, as they spray the whole area here. Stuff really stinks

    What can i do? Is there anywhere where i can complain or even file a lawsuit?

    I guess putting up a sign with no trespassing won't keep them outside.

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