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Posts posted by MissNoina

  1. Is this question for expatriates only? I lived in Thailand as an exchange student when I was 18. I've been back once for a month but I plan on going back very soon. I joined the forum to ask and answer question about Thai.

    1. What level are you at? What levels are there? I am pretty advanced. When In Thailand, I understand 95 percent of everything I hear. About 75 percent of what I speak is understood on a first try, but I know enough Thai to always get what I want to say across, However I am still learning the news paper and philosophy talk. Anything I buy for Farang is always way too basic for me. I would describe my self as advanced-advanced, but how can you tell? I found my best learning resources in Thailand for Thai speakers. I think taking anything lightly can harm the learning process.

    2. Can you read and write Thai? I can read and write and a moderate level. In between beginner and advanced. My reading is better than my righting but I started studying the alphabet and tones again this week and it is all coming back very easily.

    3. How long have you been learning for? This is another hard question. I was immersed for a year and month considering my second visit. The first visit was now 12 years ago, and the last visit 3. For the first 3 years after my trip i kept in touch over phone and email but lost touch after that. I really never spoke Thai unless I saw Thai people and that was rarely.

    4. How did you learn? it may sound like I am bragging but this is the point I want to make about what I have found about learning a language. Immersion is necessary. Language is formed in a culture and being immersed in the culture puts you in the same web that the language grew from. Also I learned by falling in love with the time I had there, the culture and the people. If anyone wants advice on learning I would tell you, to immerse yourself and make sure the people you like the most do not speak english with you, because it will be your interaction with them, and the memories attached that make you remember. It has to be very personal.

    5. What other languages could you speak before Thai? Only English.

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