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Posts posted by vegas

  1. I know a lot of places like Foodland, Villa etc offer cooked turkey for xmas so has anybody had any good luck in the past? 2 years ago I bought a turkey from the Sheraton and while the turkey was ok, the stuffing smelt and tasted like vomit so we had to run out and buy the Aussie packet stuff. I like Bourbon Street, but not sure if they make take away turkeys.

  2. Chicken. I left Aussie many times to come to Thailand, only to go back with my tail between my legs. On my fifth attempt I somehow managed to hold it together. 9 years down the track and I'm better off than I ever could have been in Australia.
    :o Only if you were a convicted crimilal

    Translation please

  3. Chicken. I left Aussie many times to come to Thailand, only to go back with my tail between my legs. On my fifth attempt I somehow managed to hold it together. 9 years down the track and I'm better off than I ever could have been in Australia.

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