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Posts posted by Trexpat

  1. 59 minutes ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    He told it to himself, then he heard it... and then posted it... isn't that always the case?

    Yep, woke up one morning wandered over to the mirror and told yourself something, do it a few times and it becomes real. Gossip culture is wonderful. By the way my mirror is a lying b*****rd, I keep telling myself I am rich but my bank account remains the same - seems it only works on trivial matters.

  2. 6 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

    Weil, it's always better to inform yourself about the law when travelling to foreign countries, 3rd world countries in particular. 

    E-cigarettes are forbidden in Thailand .

    So don't complain. She should have known better. 

    And so is prostitution illegal, as is driving a motorbike without a proper licence, renting or hiring a jetski without correct insurance or how about operating a meter taxi with the meter turned off.

    With all of these illegal items the officials look the other way because there is money to be made, with someone bringing in a vape cigarette from another country where it is bought legally, then face a massive fine and deportation is ok because of the 40K to be made and deporting the person is fine because there will be another unsuspecting tourist arriving shortly after. 


    Sawadee1947 is failing to see that the endless greed and disregard for tourist welfare will ultimately bite this beautiful country in the bum, Phuket has always had the belief that rules are there for bending in the pursuit of profit and foreigners are will come regardless. This mentality still exists even after the Phoenix Boat accident and the dramatic drop in tourist arrivals as a direct result, I only hope that this changes soon enough before people start choosing to holiday elsewhere.

  3. 15 hours ago, Lungstib said:

    If she had just a smattering of local religious education she could have passed her shirt off as Buddhist. This image stands quite proudly on the edge of the highway running toward Tha Ton from Mae Chan and as far as I know no-one has suggested its offensive.


    Spiritual Beginning for the Swastika

    For the Hindus and Buddhists in India and other Asian countries, the swastika was an important symbol for many thousands of years and, to this day, the symbol can still be seen in abundance - on temples, buses, taxis, and on the cover of books. It was also used in Ancient Greece and Rome, and can be found in the remains of the ancient city of Troy, which existed 4,000 years ago. The ancient Druids and the Celts also used the symbol, reflected in many artifacts that have been discovered. It was used by Nordic tribes, and even early Christians used the Swastika as one of their symbols, including the Teutonic Knights, a German medieval military order, which became a purely religious Catholic Order. But why is this symbol so important and why did Adolf Hitler decide to use it?


    And here so many of the responders are blaming a lack of education, we as europeans have been taught to despise the symbol because of a decade of misuse, perhaps here they are taught the other thousands of years of more appropriate use. Tolerance and understanding may be the key here.

  4. 4 hours ago, missoura said:

    It was my thinking that salt water crocodiles were extinct in their native state here in Thailand. I could be wrong. So how did it get here I wondered. Here are three remote possibilities.


    1. It escaped from a local zoo or pet owner. Could have been last week or maybe a couple of years back.

    2. It swam all the way from Burma to here. 

    3. Maybe they are not extinct after all.


    But after years of living in Thailand, I know that none of my guesses will be correct. But I do know that the final answer will be a tall tail...



    I am sure we will discover it did indeed swim from another country and had been staying here without the relevant immigration documents. Bring in the Big Joke to do his work, he will have it rounded up in next to no time. Along with a band of other foreign undesirables.

  5. 3 hours ago, Thian said:

    Fathers of families will still drink and smoke, now there's less money for the household and kids.


    And people who stop smoking might get fat as a farang in the West, causing diabetic, high blood pressure and so on...So they'll buy bigger cars, produce more exhaust gases, more traffic jams, and so on.


    On my flight to Thailand i had to sit next to a fat Indian who's belly was hanging over the armrest onto my space for 10 cm.....Then he even put his pumpui on my arm and a blanket over it....i complainted 3 times at te stewards but they couldn't do anything..fat pig he was...terrible.

    Whats the relevance here! And why is the ethnicity or nationality of the person important. What a rambling load of nonsense.

  6. 1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Pick a German name.

    Hmmmmmm. Same point, does the origin of the name define me?

    I new an guy born in the Former East Germany whos mother named him Pierre. She named him that because she dreamed one day of being able to travel to France. Does not make him or her French does not make him an immigrant or somebody to be looked down upon or cast aside. Somebody already said it here today that this is what we call globalization.


    So a german name would be fine yes. Perhaps a couple of kids -:clap2: Bratwurst and Pommes..........

  7. 22 hours ago, ben2talk said:

    If he's using Thai coins, then he is lucky not to be arrested for deliberately destroying the image on the coin. He's not that stupid - he used foreign coins. The reaction that it's dangerous is rather ridiculous.. though if you search you'll find that in America there are kids aged about 8 or 9 doing this (equivalent to Thai age 18 to 29 perhaps).


    I heard a story about someone who reacted, when a 500 baht note blew away, by chasing it down and stamping on it to stop it blowing any further. They got into a whole load of trouble for putting their foot on the head...

    Even if they are foreign coins can we not get him locked up for 10 years for inciting young Thais to do similar with thai coins. Pleeeeeeeeeease

  8. 3 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    I am in no way taking the side of the scum rapist, but my question is why did she sit in the front seat. Surely it is always safer to sit in the back of the car.

    What on Earth is the point to your comment if you are not directing an element of blame to the victim. This should never happen regardless of where a person sits. Next you will tell me her skirt was too short and then derive that farangs are to blame. Pffffft 

  9. I am in Bangkok attending an annual meeting. Sitting in a roof top bar enjoying a drink and my wife and kids are in the room sleeping peacefully. This story is so hard hitting and only highlights how disconnected we become as expats. If there is any way we can contribute to help these loving kids get a foothold on life I would be happy to help. If we all give a little it will go a long way. Such a sad tale for kids so young. God bless

  10. On 5/30/2017 at 10:36 AM, bbi1 said:

    Wow we have another genius suggestion here of hitting up the clubs at 5pm lol. Yeah you do that if you want but you're gonna have to commit a crime and break into the club as don't they usually open at the earliest around 8pm or 9pm anyway?


    And no you're wrong, I don't need to worry about traffic or finishing work/school late & rushing home to shower and eat but thanks for trying to predict what I would say next :)

    bbi1. Read again. 'Out for drink/socialise preclub 3 or 4 hours'. Guess you missed that part. If you want to break into a club at 5 pm go ahead an be my guest. 

    Just try reading the full thing first and you would see the bit about deciding one over the other and prioritising. 


    Have a fabulous day, or try at least.



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