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Posts posted by KarenfromAus

  1. Ask if anyone is there? It's quite possible you do have a spirit wandering around the place, try leaving a drink out a night for it. Or talk to it. Maybe someone died there a long time ago and hasn't yet passed over? Before you do all that ....check your door latches and window fittings and anything that may be loose outside that could explain the noises.

  2. Went to angkor Wat in January with my thai Step mum for four nights, We had to leave our car at O'smach border as Thai registered vehicles are not allowed to be driven in Cambodia. We then picked up a 'taxi' outside of the casino, 5 minute walk. The trip to Siem Reap was about 2 hours.

    Prior to that we had to get a visa at the border crossing to enter, plus photo. Sorry I can't remember how much the visa was.The taxi cost about US$100.00 to the hotel. We left from Surin and it took about an hour or so to get to the border.

  3. we had no garbage picked up for three weeks due to the local truck being broken down, and after two weeks the street was a total mess, the local dogs had climbed into the bins and shredded everything, the whole street stunk! Even after the binned rubbish was removed on the 4th week, my step mum and I took two days picking up all the plastic bags, bottles, dirty nappies etc. I was pretty disgusted though, when other Thai neighbours came out of their homes to watch.

    Thailand needs a better rubbish disposal system, definately more rubbish bins, less dogs to rip up the rubbish and the use of plastic bags limited. If you can fit it in your pocket or handbag refuse the bag. Even if you can't fit it in your pocket and its not neccesary to use a bag then refuse, or make a bit of a fuss handing it back so that others catch on.

    I usually take shopping bags with me to the supermarket as I have to do in Aus. as they are no longer freely supplied, suggest other farangs do the same.

    In shopping queue's I tell my step mum to tell the person behind, that they don't need a bag.

  4. I'd wait until you are back in your condo, arrive earlier, and check out the situation for yourself. I think maybe she didn't contact you about sub-letting as she was embarrassed about having no money, or maybe she felt sorry for the guy? You won't know all the story until you speak to her in person. And if she supported you in the past, at least give her the chance to explain.

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  5. Take a stool sample to a doctor and also request a blood test to determine if you actually have Guiardia, you may be carrying around more than one paracite, my dad had 4 different ones, at the one time and suffered badly with gastro problems for 8 months until he was diagnosed properly. Diagnoses was done both with faecal and blood samples.

  6. Maybe Joe was his nickname? But this story doesn't add up to me, why write about his clothes? how can someone put a bag over their own head and then successfully tape it without getting all tangled up? Men in general have more blood and guts when they kill themselves (so I've read) He lived in a three storey house, why not throw himself off the balcony, or slit his wrists? this form of suicide just doesn't sound the norm, or maybe I've watched too many episodes of Criminal Minds.

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  7. I have not had a problem with street food, unless it is laced with chilli and/or fish sauce, I am sensitive to both, must be my Chroanes desease.

    I have eaten fried insects, muddy fish on sticks, satays..pork and chicken and have been fine, but one sniff of chilli and fish sauce, well I'm off running very fast with tissues in hand.

  8. Sounds like anal glands are blocked, dogs very rarely drag their bottoms when they have worms. Its easy to unblock them yourself. Get some lubricating gel, disposable thin gloves, and picture in your mind a clock face. the position of numbers 4 and 8 on the clock, is where the glands are positioned inside the anus, Hopoefully you have small fingers to cause the least discomfort to your dog. Gently squeese with your thumb inside the anus and your finger on the outside. and with a bit of luck and good sense of feel you will see some brown black fluid run out. there is another way. you can creep up behind your dog and give him/her a big scare, and they will often release the gland content temseslves.

  9. My Thai step mother, told me that food had gone up quite a bit at the local shop, last year she could buy pad Thai noodles for 30bht, and now this year they're 40 bht. It's still very cheap for me, coming from Australia. I wouldn't complain.

    Only thing I resent paying for is the toilet...dirty hole in the ground, absolutely stinks, the floor is wet, the personal water hose drips water everywhere, no where to hang up your bag, nothing to wash your hands with, and I have to buy 'tissue' on top! It's taken me 4 months to be able to balance on one of those things, with my hand bag over my neck. and when I see women in restaurants, Thai and foreign, I feel like asking them to put their handbags on the floor as more than likely it's been sitting in urine.

  10. Hi I used to be a vet nurse, and If no obvious, cuts, torn nails, grass seeds, ingrown hair around the nail bed, fungal infection...you can usually tell that one, as there paws stink, but most likely cause is a vitamin deficiency, or he could have a seasonal allergy to a certain plant or grass, try him on anti histamines for a while see if this does any good, for vitamin deficiency he would need a blood test. If neither of these the other reason could be stress, some purer breed dogs suffer from this, especially if there have been changes round the home, and he may need medication. If not any of these it may just be habitual like nail biting in people, in which case give him distractions, eg a nice big juicy bone, toys to play with, lots of attention and walks, anything to take his mind off his feet.

    Personally I would try the anti histamine first, check on line for dog products, under vet guidance as they are all different and depending on his weight he may need the dosage adjusting.


    Interestingly, I asked my dad's wife the other day, if, as a government employee, she was taught CPR or a basic first aid course, I also asked her friend who is a teacher, (neither of them knew what a first aid course was, or the meaning of first aid) and they said no one is taught first aid,CPR, either at work, school or anywhere, unless you are working in the medical profession. Such a shame that this is not taught, as the young man could have been saved.

  12. Can you turn the guys power off? As in get out of bed and cut his amp connection, but try other options first, speak to your friend the village headman, speak to police, tape /film the activity for proof, if nothing happens then cut his power.

    Have you actually made the effort,t to get up out of bed and speak to the 'musician'? take your village headman with you for translation purposes. If unsuccessful just cut the power and let down his tyres for good measure!

  13. Buy a plastic spray bottle, fill it with vinegar, and adjust it to full jet, and spray the dogs if they come to close, alternatively see what you can pick up at the supermarket with a easier option maybe a can of hairspray, or room freshener, I don't think the hairspray, or room freshener will do them any good, but they are not being nice to you either. You could also try a big stick, I notice a lot of people here in the soi's carry them when they walk. When I see dogs trying to have a go at the local's here I turn the hose on them.

    I don't think the authorities will do anything, my dad used to shoot them with a bb gun with tiny plastic pellets. Maybe you could carry one of those?

    Perhaps find out who owns the dogs and speak to them? or call the tourist police and get them to deal with it, I have done that in the past, and the lady owner was told to lock her dogs away, the cop must have said something convincing because they are still kept in her yard.

  14. You are not crazy, Mozzies can be very annoying especially when you are trying to get to sleep. Or if you have a bad allergic reaction to the bites. But don't move house, you'll get mozzies elsewhere, In australia I use a few drops of vegetable oil in my water tanks, and this prevents the wrigglers from getting the oxygen they need, If you hang up a bug zapper away from the house, not outside the door, like some people do, this also helps, close the back door for the dogs and put in a doggy flap door, seek permission from the landlord first though. I also spray the bedroom about one hour before bed, than shut the door, if the smell offends use a room freshener before going to bed.

    Good luck.

  15. One doesn't sustain extensive head injuries from a fall in ones home unless you possibly fell off of the roof of course. extensive head injuries would seem to suggest a battering of the head ,

    I have over the years years as a policeman seen such injuries, indeed there are reasons to suppose all is not as we have been told.

    Falling over in the shower, tripping up getting in or out of a bath, falling off a step ladder or from standing on a chair or table to reach something, tripping up on a loose mat and hitting head on the floor or hard object, falling down a flight of steps or stairs, slipping on a wet floor and the list goes on.

    Sounds very suspicious to me, extensive injuries, (plural) sounds more like multiple injuries, generally if people fall they crack their head once, and it's all over usually from a height, however I did have a neighbour in Aus, who was so drunk one night, he fell over backwards, and hit the side of his head ,falling onto the edge of a very sharp shovel, and he bled out through the night. I'm glad he is being taken back to Ireland for a proper autopsy. RIP and my sympathies to the family, and friends for their loss

  16. Oh my god, I forgot it was Austalia day, just shows how patriotic I am, I can imagine my family doing the usual, back yard BBQ, with juicy lamb cops, marinated steak, and snags, wine from the Borossa valley, and a Cheesecake shop cheesecake for desert. then my brother in law watching the cricket, whilst everyone else gets pissed, tells jokes and dances on the lawn. Missing it now.

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