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Posts posted by Trebek

  1. Thanks all, I've decided to take the Kunming job. Although Phuket is beautiful it just seems too expensive to spend a year dealing with locals that have been jaded by tourism. I can always visit Thailand, flights from Kunming are quite cheap. You've all been quite helpful.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks folks,

    Yeah, the money seems a bit low especially since no rent or airfare is provided. It is a one year contract and I do believe that I would be in Kata.

    Hows' the weather in Phuket, I know it's hot, but is there a breeze going on like Hawaii?

  3. Hi all, I recieved a teaching offer in Phuket which pays around 50,000 per month. Decent reputable school, salary seems a bit low for a place like Phuket.. I also have an offer in Kunming that pays about the same but with fewer teaching hours.

    I've always wanted to work in Thailand, I have worked in China. I am hearing some terrible things about Pucket, how it's gone down hill ETC....

    Does anyone here have experience in both cities? I've never been to either of them but I am familier with the pros and cons of China in general and I like China for the most part.

    I'm a middle aged guy who doesn't hit the bars all night, I don't do the sex tourism thing, nor do I use drugs (although I used to be quite wild and adventuresome twenty years ago). A beer in a decent pub once or twice a week is fine with me.

    I have two days to make this decision.


  4. Checked out the price of the cheapest Honda Wave. Turns out they are charging 31,000 but that's with no disc brake or autostart. It's only 100cc. Do disc brakes really make much difference? Not sure if I should invest the extra couple of thousand or so to get them. Are they durable?

    I would choose disk brakes over drum anytime, drums don't work well when they get hot and are not good in the rain either.

    I agree that the Yamaha Meos look cool. Tempted to get one myself but imagine they suck up tons of fuel. Also not sure how easy they are to repair. My friend says anything automatic which has lots of circuitry inside means more things can go wrong = more repair bills!

    I don't know how tall you are, but the Mio is a small bike, you might look a bit odd perched on it!

    I don't understand what you mean by circuitry, it's a mechanical system, not electrical. They're probably more reliable than a chain drive, no chains or sprockets to wear our or maintain. The belts are easy to change and only need the odd adjustment. Getting the full autos maintained isn't a problem either, they've been around a while now. Both Honda and Yamaha have a million dealers in LOS, and another couple of million sellers and repairers of them! As for fuel consumption, even my heap of a full auto JRD gets near on 100MPG, so I wouldn't think Jap bikes are any worse.

    Anyone out there with a Jap full auto?

    Thanks for advice. You've convinced me to go for something with disc brakes. I guess a couple of thousand baht is really nothing if you consider that it's safer in rainy weather. btw I am 5 ft 7 and weigh 62kg. Small bike shouldnt be a problem for a small guy like me :o

    Yeah, get the discs, especially in the mountains.... Plus they are a lot easier to work on than drums.

  5. Big C, I didn't see it elsewhere yet, nowadays sells San Miguel (at least from 11 to 14 and from 17 to closing time). Originally it is an old Spanish beer, since some years part of the Heineken family (thus brewed in Pathum Thani). Low priced at 40 Baht for a big bottle.

    They brought two different kinds on the market, the 'normal' one and a LOW CALORIE version.

    Both 5 % alcohol (I always thought that the calories were in the alcohol and expected it to be lower for the low calorie version).

    Swallowing this San Miguel feels hundred percent better than swallowing most other beers. But that's my personal opinion.

    Is LOW CALORIE the same as LIGHT ?

    Where anyhow do beer-bellies come from, aside from drinking beer?

    It looks like my previous question about Thai light beers has already been answered. I'm not as concerned about calories as much as the carbohydrates (Paleo-Adkins Diet). Beer-bellies come from a combination of too much beer, food, and lack of exercise. I'm trying to get my belly to a reasonable size so I can mow the lawn with my shirt off, without the neighbors calling the cops on me!!! :o

  6. Since this thread has gotten so wonderfully off-topic, let me ask:

    which is the lighter light:

    Corona Light, or

    Coors Light?

    This is a need to know situation here... :D:D:o:D

    Coors light would be my guess. Or its cheaper bastard cousin "Keystone Light".

    What about the Thai beers? Do they make any light stuff that is palatable? I prefer dark beer but it shows to much in me midsection. :D

  7. i only tried sigha light,....

    just same taste but less alcohol only 3.5%Vol.

    About the same alcohol content as Milwaukee's Beast. Is the price as good? Beast goes for $6.00 a 12 pack, in the country of Texas, (and thats how many one has to drink in order to get a buzz).

    P.S. Good to see that this thread has changed its course. I didn't mean to imply that the Chiangrai forum was "dead", I should have reworded it to something to the effect of, "why are there so few postings lately"? Its obvious that the Chiangrai forum is a success, and provides much info on the city from an expats point of few.


  8. Sorry for the confusion to your Canadian dumbassedness. I didn't mean to confuse you by comparing Winnipeg to Arkansas. I was asking if "Winnipeg" in Canada, is comparable to "Arkansas" in the states. I guess you didn't get it! Are you stupid???

    Please don't write back. You make me sick.



  9. I used to see an apparation coming from my laundry room years ago. It's shape wasn't definable but I could sense something was there. Other family members mentioned it to me as well. I've never believed in ghosts at that point. We found out later from a neighbor that a teenager commited suicide in the laundry room 7 years before. Real-estate agents are supposed to disclose things like deaths in the house, but I guess they didn't.

    So yes they are real in my opinion. :o

  10. enjoying some "Milwaukee's best light beer, and watching the storms come in. Life couldn't be better.

    Milwaukee's best beer is the stuff they get on road trips to Winnipeg :o

    Yeah, I'm stirring things up too. :D


    Sir you have offended my honor! To discredit the great "Milwaukee's beast" name is an outrage!

    You must apologize at once! :D

  11. I've been back for a week on this forum and nothing much is happening. I know Chiang Rai is a quiet sort of place but have we ran out of things to post about? Limbo is doing his best with his "guess the picture" post, so what about the rest of you? If ya'll are really bored, feel free to rag on me and be sure to point out my grammatical errors, and why would I post such meaningless crap such as this.

    Actually I'm sitting here in Texas, in my backyard, recovering from a fun week of teaching public school, enjoying some "Milwaukee's best light beer, and watching the storms come in. Life couldn't be better.


    Trebek :o

    P.S. Here is one of my neighbors.post-23015-1146270783_thumb.jpg

  12. post-6305-1145840208_thumb.jpgpost-6305-1145840283_thumb.jpg

    How far is it to walk between the two places?

    First price: A German beer! :o

    Limbo :D

    200 miles? Sorry we still don't know the metric system over here in Bush country.

    But I still want the beer!

  13. Trebek, given that you're from TX, can anyone understand you (ya'll know wad aw meen)? :D Sorry, couldn't resist. My point is, do you speak with a heavy draw? I know they can understand it in TX but not neccessarily everywhere else. I've been teaching here for 4 years and have worked with some really great (and not so great) teachers but had trouble understanding some of them. (not only Am. but other countries as well) Now, that being said/asked, it is not as illegle as some would have you believe to teach privately in your own home. Now, before anybody starts to flame me, let me put this to you also; my wife has her MA in Thai Law and works as the Educational Coordinator for a Thai Law University. We are, in fact, going to start our own small English school in the near future and did some checking. We (I) can teach privately in my own home if I am employeed as a teacher and don't earn more that my teaching wages. It must be in a tutorial capacity and there can be no certifications offered until we open a licenced school. It's a very good way to get your feet wet and start a prospective student base for when you do open a school. Yes, I'm an AM. and can own the business myself but why bother? It's so much easier to get through the paperwork and dealings with Thai government officials who don't speak English very well, if my wife is listed as the owner. Anyway, this is just my humble opinion and you should do as you see fit. Good luck! :o

    Most educated Texans from the city speak with a pretty neutral accent.  I do tend to turn on the drawl when traveling abroad because of the attention it gets. 

    Thanks for all the valuable info on starting a school.  I think I'll just work for others for a while and see what happens.

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