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gadget monger

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Posts posted by gadget monger

  1. SUCKER!


    Live and learn you old fart.... Warnings about younger thai ladies scamming older falangs are almost on every internet site regarding young thai girls and old men relationships.  You did not heed these warnings so "Welcome to the Land Of Scams". You deserve what you received from this witch.


    Why would any person marry another person 20 or more years their senior.  Would you marry a lady 20 years or more older than you?



  2. A third of the Thais' DNA is Chinese.  Ask an educated Thai, they will tell you that 700 years ago the Haka Chinese emigrated to to a place that is is now called Thailand, the reason why the superstition, language, culture, mindset are similar.  


    The reason why Thailand is celebrationing Chinese New Year.

  3. On 1/21/2017 at 3:12 PM, F4UCorsair said:

    What do we say?  


    It is a tragedy,  but probably no TV posters can offer any constructive advice on what to do, so it may not be complacency, but a case of,  "What can i add?" 


    The problem is in convincing those killing it to stop doing so, but they need to eat, and knowing the Chinese', particularly, propensity for eating ANYTHING,  I think it's a one way street for the giant catfish, unfortunately.


    You're kidding me, your words... "TV posters can offer any constructive advice on what to do"


    The Mekong river originates in China.  When it stops being part of China it travels a thousand kilometers through Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand.  How did the Chinese  reduce the Catfish population?

  4. Sad to say that she will never find her biological parents due to lost of face because her father is Afro American, the reason why she was left at the Thai Red Cross when she was a baby.  Her biological mother would never come forward due to lost of face with her Thai husband.  Her biological father is hiding somewhere in the United States.  He may not be aware of her existence, and if he was aware of her existence he would deny he is the father (watch American rubbish shows Jerry Springer and Maury Povich).  If she have a lot of money in her bank account I'm sure he would quickly admit he is "the father".

  5. 19 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

    Another life wasted for no good reason.


    I met a Palestinian teenage woman when I worked at a summer camp, many years ago.  She was one of the most decent people I've ever met.  She said she wanted to become a lawyer.  

    She was shot in the legs and she laid on the ground for over an hour as security checked her out for explosives before taking her for treatment.  

  6. Would a Vietnamese greet another Vietnamese in a Wallmart in rural Arkansas? coffee1.gif

    Why not?

    In the past I have been in the deepest, darkest regions of Chiang Mai, sometimes sitting or queuing to pay a bill or sitting in a noodle stall at a local market and found myself sharing the same space as another farang. Then just made a simple comment, such as, this is a long queue, or it`s been a hot day today or similar on those lines, then had a response by either a grunt, total no response at all or a look as if I had just trod in a pile of dogs crap. Most of them have faces that could sink a thousand ships, totally unapproachable and these days I would not even consider infringing on their good person by letting them know I exist, something that appears to be strictly taboo with many ex-pats here in Thailand.

    I can remember once about 12 years ago when I was at a local market. I saw an American guy who could not speak a word of Thai trying to ask a Thai lady where he could get a key cut. I knew of a key shop that was close by, so I intervened and told the guy, I can show you where to have a key cut. Then i took the guy to the shop, there was no one in the shop and then went to fetch the man who cut the keys. The American gave the man his key to be copied and the key man told the American to come back in 15 minutes. On that note the American just turned his back and walked out of the shop without any acknowledgement to me at all. I chased after the American guy, grabbed his arm and said; where I come from people usually say thank you if you do them a good deed. Then he begrudgingly said thanks and walked off. I thought; you a/hole, I hope the new key doesn`t fit.

    In my opinion these people are weird and these days have found it better to blank these farangs if out and about.

    The main reason why he's so rude to you is he's American...

  7. I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And I'm angry that the Thais let the soi dog popular get out of hand. It's the Buddhism in the Thais that stop them from killing any living thing. For example, I wanted to stomp on a little rat the Thai girls are feeding it, she stopped me saying, "It not the Buddha way...". Reason why Thais are not doing anything about it...

    I want to stomp on every soi dogs that I encountered in Thailand because I don't trust them. If this happened to one of my prodigy and the Thais are not do anything to cull the soi dogs, I feed every soi dog I see with wieners stuffed with rat poison.

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