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Posts posted by bomber

  1. 15 minutes ago, nontabury said:




    Anyone else picked up on this? Found on a local paper page this morning. "Can anyone confirm the following -- Why is the news outlets in the UK not broadcasting what happened yesterday in the EU? Germany is selling off Euro bonds at minus 5%, that means anyone buying them is paying 5% more than they are worth. Reported at over a billion Euros of bonds. This is to support the Euro which at midday went into free fall across the world. Recession is hitting Germany and France and the World Bank is reporting that Euro debt in 19 member states is out of control with the strong possibility that it will go into default. The £ went up 11 cents in minutes with traders dumping Euros in favour of Sterling. The investors in the industrial backbone of Europe have began selling off shares causing the European Central Bank to intervene. Reports state that this has got nothing to do with BREXIT but has been the result of poor government management by Brussels, corruption and over inflated production. If this continues across Euro member states, which is predicted highly likely, then the collapse of the EU is inevitable."

    the pound went above €1.17 yesterday as i write it is €1.164 thats a fall not an €0.11 increase,spoons has gotten the better of you iam afraid,how was the brexit party in true England btw

  2. 12 minutes ago, nontabury said:




    Anyone else picked up on this? Found on a local paper page this morning. "Can anyone confirm the following -- Why is the news outlets in the UK not broadcasting what happened yesterday in the EU? Germany is selling off Euro bonds at minus 5%, that means anyone buying them is paying 5% more than they are worth. Reported at over a billion Euros of bonds. This is to support the Euro which at midday went into free fall across the world. Recession is hitting Germany and France and the World Bank is reporting that Euro debt in 19 member states is out of control with the strong possibility that it will go into default. The £ went up 11 cents in minutes with traders dumping Euros in favour of Sterling. The investors in the industrial backbone of Europe have began selling off shares causing the European Central Bank to intervene. Reports state that this has got nothing to do with BREXIT but has been the result of poor government management by Brussels, corruption and over inflated production. If this continues across Euro member states, which is predicted highly likely, then the collapse of the EU is inevitable."

    freefall my backside the pound is actually down from yesterday,i do wish you would wake up on planet earth at least one day a week

    • Haha 1
  3. 5 hours ago, Loiner said:

    There’s only about ten of them who are net contributors and most of those only marginal. The rest are EU freeloaders. Will Portugal pick up the tab, as last year it was the fourth biggest scrounger at 2.5 billion? It’s the EU equivalent of your spoonies drinkers, no wonder you like it there.

    great nice to see some UK cash going to good use,will keep a few extra lazy scroungers out of spoonies

    • Sad 1
    • Haha 1
  4. 7 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Been watching the shower in parliament today/Night. What a disgrace. These self serving, hypocritical remainers like Soubry have the gall to tell people we need another vote. one that will be respected and one time only. A vote on Mays deal (which isn't brexit) and revoke article 50.  Why hasn't she given her constituents the choice as she has left her party and give them another vote.  The woman and the like get far too much time on TV. BBC well what would you expect and now on sky. I would guess at more than double the amount of exposure, that leavers.


    I have a feeling that this is being taken to the wire so that Mays deal will win or a more likely a new vote then it will be near the 12th April so nobody can question it. 


    TM should go, call a GE but we all know she won't do that. Either way the whole brexit saga will not go away and even if the remainers get their way this time, there will always be Nigel Farage's around and I suspect, in greater numbers in the coming years.

    the great british sovereign govt going about there bizzness thats why you voted leave to give them more power,iam so pround of them i might even go out today and bet union jacks and bullogs tattoed on my forehead,can you recommend where to get them



    On 3/4/2019 at 8:16 AM, BritManToo said:

    Not much sex available there for old men ....... which is why we chose the third world.

    Can't imagine anyone except for Americans considering SA.

    thailand is barely third world these days and certainly not 3rd world prices hence you left and according to you and other brexiteers spain,portugal etc are near 3rd world due to the EU,total rubbish imo,plus i dont see why you think only americans should consider SA i would think many french,italian,germans etc would be able to speak spanish compared to barely any brits,brits will keep returning to thailand because it reminds them of the UK and has large groups of pals wearing unionjack clothing who live/visit regular,they wont enjoy change and drinking and shouting aloud and nobody understanding what they are on about and basically laffing at them,the thai's are polite enough to do it after they have made sure the bill has been settled,a brazillian/columbian/peruvian would laff in their faces before the bill was sent for

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  6. 3 hours ago, malagateddy said:

    There you go again..stupid and old people..best to remember that OLD saying..pride cometh before a fall!!
    By the way..how's your flavour of the month coming along.." no surrender "..you should really get out a bit more like Brexiteers do..enjoy the weather..relax etc etc

    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

    the figures prove the old ones voted hugely for brexit,and the weather means little to brexiteers snuggled up in a spoonies until its time to go outside for a rolly/ciggie which will of originated in the EU and cost less than half the price of UK duty paid equivalent,not moaning about the EU where that is concerned are they.Scroungers and tax evaders is what they are,a true patriot would pay his/hers,taxes/duty.

  7. 45 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    My mates in Malaga do not need to worry re Brexit.
    They're financially very sound..and if they ever have to move back to the UK..well..they'll just move into one of the various properties they own dotted about the UK


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    So you name yourself after a place your mates live in but you dont...very sad indeed...seems you cannot afford to joun them..never mind glasgow is nice so ive heard...plenty of spoonies to choose from...you might even get to meet timmy

  8. 8 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    I do not have any tattoos of the kind you suggested..neither do I have knuckledusters.
    However..even at 68 I could have a go if you can understand that.
    Lastly..did your parents not teach you this old saying

    Sticks and stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you.

    Ps..scotland will never get independence..once economics come into any indy2 debate..it would be pointed out that for well over 10 years..well..think about Greece without the sun.
    Massive tax increases..businesses shutting down..massive rise in unemployment..where would all the broo/ benefit money come from?????
    Jeez..there would be tourists trampling over themselves to jump on a plane to fly there.NOT.
    Cheers..may your force be with youemoji6.png


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    so you predict project fear for scotland leaving the UK yet the UK leaving the UK is all milk and honey,  yeah righto old timer,dementia has set in

    • Thanks 2
  9. 37 minutes ago, malagateddy said:

    Is it any wonder when the hard pressed UK taxpayer is subsidising them..still..not for longemoji23.png


    Sent from my SM-G7102 using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


    UK taxpayer has been subsidising N ireland for years,let eire have it for me,they voted to remain so give them their wish,democracy is your usual shout,the will of the irish people was to remain,

  10. 2 hours ago, Grouse said:

    Why are the poor always so hung up about cash that they miss the big picture? 39 billion is just not relevant. A 1,000 billion in assets have already walked of elsewhere in the EU.


    EU GDP is around 10,000 billion! 


    BTW, per capita income in the Irish Republic is 5th highest in the world! I think reunification is on the way. It will be much the same as German reunification, Eire will help their poor NI brothers!

    I agree unless brexit is scrapped its going to happen along with scotland,the north will prosper like never before,wealth abd jobs will overcome religion and the few remaing old nutters will be in their graves..malagateddy will have hang up his knuckle dusters and have his bulldog and unionjack tatts removed

    • Haha 1
  11. 1 hour ago, rudi49jr said:

    Good. The sooner this wannabe islamist dictator Erdogan is gone, the better.

    and you know what usually follows after islamic dictators are overthrown,total carnage but big arms sales for the US and UK,Turkey has gone ok with erdogan ive just returned from there,all seems fine although the ecomomy is stalling but so will many more in the next year,thanks to trump and brexit amongst other things

    • Sad 1
  12. 37 minutes ago, Thairealist said:


    Then why did 80% of the electorate vote in 2017, for parties that stated they support Brexit in their manifesto? And why do polls in northern Labour constituencies still show support for Briexit.

    northern labour strongholds are full of turkeys and dreamers living in the past,i know what iam talking about i have the misfortune to live among them,but luckily not for too much longer,i could write a book about some of the things i hear down my local and on local forums/social media,southerns need to change the phrase northern monkeys to northern turkeys imo. 

  13. 51 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:



    To be honest, high inflation and interest rates worked out well for me - as I was lucky enough to be in a job where salaries at least matched inflation.  Not everyone was so lucky, and many lost their homes as a result ☹️.


    When my ex and I separated, it was depressing that we both bought houses from people who were looking at repossession....  In our defense, neither of us argued about the price as we both felt badly for those who were losing their homes.

    my current home i bought 11 years ago was a repossession,the owner was evicted he worked as a plumber and his wife worked in some office they had one kid,more than enough income to have a good living,but they both liked a sniff too much,so no hard feelings from bomber towards them,the UK has many others like them sniffing away hundreds of pounds a week for a quick buzz,its a british obsession a bit like brexit and the paranoia about the EU and Germany

  14. 3 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    True, and that is because he did not put himself before the voting public of Europe to be voted into office,  as Fararge said of him, he is a nonentity.  

    i dont even know the name of my UK mp let alone any EU mp.all i know is that its a labour MP and always will be,hence its a waste of time me even voting,

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  15. On 3/29/2019 at 8:09 AM, Jonnapat said:

    Johnson seems to be edging closer and closer to being the next PM.

    May God help us all.

    but didnt want the job of PM when a proper brexiteer could of delivered a brexit what the 52% were expecting,just goes to show what a farce the whole idea was,took £100k per per talk-in in the mean time,to go with JRMs extra £1 million, yet brexiteers have the cheek to call brussels money grabbers.

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