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Posts posted by damian5000

  1. It is laughable that the author of the article uses a foreigner as an example when such foreigner involved incidents represent an insignificant number of such cases. Perhaps a review and reminder (as well as an introduction to the many newbies around since the IMF forced opened the gates in 1997) regarding the Saudi gem scandal would better highlight the issue.

    I agree. Surely if the accused were Thai instead of Swedish it likely wouldn't of even made it to the papers let alone headlining news.

  2. This is the only picture I have. My first inclination was she isn't female or at least not born female. If this is the case, he certainly has no clue. He announced on facebook he was in a relationship with her and in the 20 some odd years I've known him, the only way this dude is into that is if he's in the closet. While it might not be my business, it partially may be my fault if he gets the big surprise. I recommended a site to check out which is where he found her.

    Ladyboy or not?

  3. Neither do I... But don't down the dude either. None of you have walked in his shoes. And if you had, perhaps you'd of done even 'worse' than whatever it was he did. Perhaps you have, but just weren't caught...Or perhaps it wasn't a crime in the eyes of the law, but people were hurt just the same. Or maybe you think the 'bad' or 'wrong' things you do aren't as bad as the next guys. We're ALL capable of ANYTHING given the right set of circumstances. Or maybe you just haven't lived long enough or been hit hard enough yet. Here I am wasting words too. Keep them rosy farts comin.

    • Like 1
  4. I wonder how many of the people slamming this man have done nothing illegal since they have been in Thailand? Prostitution, gambling, working without a work permit....just to name a few.

    And no, I don't consider drugs and gambling to be "equal" in terms of vices, but most of us make mistakes. Some of our mistakes our just more stupid than others, and some illegal activities are more strictly enforced than others.

    They're Full of purity and goodness with farts that smell like fresh clipped roses.

    Your words too are lost on these angels. Like I said...They can do no wrong...And well, if they do wrong, it certainly isn't as bad as the next man's wrong.

  5. For more information about Mustafa please check out the following link: http://facthai.wordpress.com/2010/02/15/turkish-national-in-thai-gaol-guru/

    People make mistakes. He got a 27 year sentence. Isn't that punishment enough? His family is poor and can never visit him and the Turkish embassy in Bangkok has never send a representative to see him. I applaud the guys that spare some time to go see him or write him a letter.

    Your words are wasted. They are angels who can do no wrong. They live a life of piety and purity and have little time for 'scum'.

  6. Does anyone really believe this story? What kind of a person would ask for the advice of strangers about such important issues? Don't you have friends or family to discusss this with? Can't you or your brother figure it out? Do a couple of sentences give anyone sufficient information to solve this problem for you, if it were real?

    If it is a true story (which I doubt) it is of no surprise that you (or your 'brother') are in this situation. Time to grow up guys.

    Especially someone that's been in Thailand for EIGHT years. If he doesn't know the ropes by now.......

  7. Morden, I replied to Damian's stupid off topic reply which I guess you share with him? Cheers.

    To the OP good luck with your gf. support her where you can but also subtly show her where the business failings may be. Good luck. :)

    My reply had everything to do with the topic. I posted directly relating to MLM. More or less that perhaps for some people this may be a better option than say 7-11 or working massage or in a restaurant slaving away for someone else. Now reply to me again so we can continue this.

  8. All businesses are pyramid schemes. The owner makes the majority of the money with the least amount of work while the manager makes less than the owner with a lot of work and down to the lower employees who make less with even more work down to the toilet cleaners who make the least with the 'crappiest' job.

    Yes Damian you are correct to a certain degree.:rolleyes:

    Your reply is almost verbatim to what the MLM's (Scammers) use to try and dispel their bad image and make the gullible feel more at ease that it is a real money making deal.

    In any REAL business it is only fair that the owner / boss receives the bigger percentage of the takings as he has invested ALL his money on HIS business.:ermm:

    Just because that's the argument they use doesn't make it any more untrue. I'd rather be doing MLM in Thailand than massaging sweaty men or working at 7-11 all day for 150 baht.

    Your argument that owners deserve all the money because they invested the bigger portion of cash is just as ridiculous. They sit around all day while the people who are sweating and slaving all day make a pittance. Doesn't hold any more water than my argument. At least with MLM they're given an opportunity to build and to grow and put in as much or little effort as they wish,.. in a sense making them their own boss instead of being a 'slave' to someone else.

  9. Well that leave a lot up to personal interpretation, for instance:

    Third was sexual gestures, such as looking at others in a "sexual" manner.

    Seems just about anything could be used as a complaint against someone you dont like.

    Anyway how do you prove that 'she looked at me in a sexual way'

    Exactly... This is not good news. Someone who doesn't want to be touched, yes I understand that. But these laws tend to bounce the other way dramatically where it gives the supposedly 'offended' a huge club to use however and whenever they want. Flirting is part of being human. It's natural and it's healthy and if it goes too far (in case man towards a woman), slap the jerk. Business attire for females usually includes some sort of v-neck top and a skirt, and beyond that they're the fairer species for a reason. Females don't look the way they do for nothing.

    Get fired for what looking at or even flirting with what 6 billion years of evolution has coded us to do? F off. Go back to England or America if you like it like that.

  10. Crap man...Thanks much for the effort gotlost.

    Thought someone might have it on hand... I ended up googling "kasikorn chiang mai thapay" and this thread is at the top... haha.... But the third result down (and last..Probably because mis transliterated thapae) bore fruit... Here is the web address for all Kasikorn street addresses and phone numbers in Chiang Mai if someone needs in the future.


  11. 1) Thanks... Do you think it might be better to have him deposit it in my Bank of America in the States and withdraw it from the ATM here and then deposit it at Kasikorn? Maximum he sends will be 3k. I figure ATM and my bank fees to be about $60 if doing it that way. Though there's no BOA near him, so not sure if it's worth it to have him go through the trouble of travelling to one.

    I'm assuming the wire transfer fee will be at least $40 if wiring to Kasikorn. Think Kasikorn fees will be substantially more than $20 on 3k?

    2) Anything else I'm forgetting in the equations? Times are not exactly looking good with the dollar crashing the last week or so... every dollar counts...

    3) Also, any sign the dollar might level out or come back up a bit? Would it be worth it to wait or does it look like it's going to get worse?

    @Bill.. How large is large?

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