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Everything posted by tingtong

  1. If only they could channel this love of mask wearing to helmet wearing, a lot more life could be saved....
  2. Yet Airbnb website happily operate in Thailand... If the crackdown they really want, block that?
  3. The truth that they have shops, and restaurants on the other side of the road. Only if one could drive to them and/or find a parking spot from the encroaching vendors.... But "common sense" may suggest that anyone should allow to setup shop anywhere without permits ...right? ????
  4. Not sure why any longer term expat American be whooping with joy at this rate.... ( I am a non-US citizen, so excuse me not understanding)... But I recall moving here in 2002.... 1 USD = 43.5 THB 1 plate fried rice street side 20thb or 1 USD = 2 fried rice The current rate certainly off the lows, but I would think to hold the real whooping until buying parity is closer to that 2 fried rice or approx 1 USD = 100 THB Then Thailand would be equally cheap as then. Right now the fried rice meter says it is nearly 3x more expensive as it used to be 20 yrs ago.
  5. If doesn't sell, create an artificial controversy around to help. Seen it in Thailand got talent, where the "contestant" were paid to get half naked to 'paint with her breasts' on stage, seen other times... This sounds nothing more than another publicity stunt, in hope to sell some ridiculously priced tickets.
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