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Everything posted by tingtong

  1. Just seen a jet ski in the street down the condo... With Jomtien also under 30+ cm water most part, Jet ski rentals must do better today inner city than on the beach.
  2. The 'sandbox' concept of Pattaya now expanded with the Eastern Venice theme...canals instead roads. Heavy floods, and now hours no electricity.
  3. The whole article almost sound like this: If we create a few more dangerous viruses we can solve the plastic garbage problem. So let set up some more semi secure labs. Good news the Chinese can help the funding, and have the necessary know how too! A win win, plus another recycled paper brown envelope. Bcos we care the environment!! Turn plastic bottle garbage to plastic mask garbage in the dump sites!! What? It is still a plastic garbage??
  4. The world says the lies, delays, barriers China put up to deny and delay any investigation into the covid virus origin already hurt most goodwill ...
  5. When the idea of wanting tourists actually mean wanting tourist's money, but if possible avoiding ppl visiting...
  6. Only when it isnt raining, or sunny, or not at night, or not at mealtime... Apart those times the 'usual' police may do the extortion themselves, without outsourcing.
  7. Same dates, exactly! ???? I would add, that to my current knowledge mixed and match doesn't work/not accepted at many countries if plan travelling, And even fewer if one in Sinovac... so I am for sure not looking to take an alternative.
  8. Looks like a fancy version of the mosquito zapper from above the 7/11 entrance...
  9. Stated it was bellow 40... Now still well above 40... Fail to see a supposed bad news.
  10. Of course not! They did what they grew up in, the only way here: corruption.
  11. Not sure even Anutin believes what he is saying .. But if he does, he is part of a small minority....
  12. After the alcohol spraying the food, I can only imagine, food cooked in mouthwash may be the next step up of a fad?
  13. Won't dine in until the curfew limit dinner time, Can't walk in 7:30pm or so, bcos 8pm all closing... Lunch is the only option for now... All feels just a desperate government attempt to excuse from financial aid to business that actually the government bad policy responsible pushing under the train by large...
  14. If anything, Only surprised that there is so little mention is the case about extreme torture... 6 vs 1, handcuffed and a couple plastic bags on head...and that is only to start... A far cry from a slap. But Jo Public is getting slapped in the face again, another hard core corrupt criminal gets away...real luck there are so many inactive posts to fill in Thailand.
  15. Next: police filing a defamation lawsuit against HRW and its lawyer, and case hurriedly abandoned to be mentioned anywhere for the fear of further lawsuit launches.
  16. "vegan chicken".... Why not call a spade for a spade...vegan sausage, vegan bacon, vegan chicken doesn't exist... Bcos it has really nothing to do with sausage, bacon or chicken...all is a marketing gimmick to make it sound more sellable. If someone vegan for real, why try to call the food the same as non vegans? A new thing a new name. Fried lab mash 1, breaded veggie mix, bbq veg pea powder mix...etc
  17. How to translate this? Customer can take a 300thb test to eat a 60thb fried rice or enjoy the 200thb foot massage? On top, the 9pm curfew still mean no ordering food even for delivery after 7:40 pm ... Hardly the dinner hours for everyone if not a Buddhist monk or a typical farmer.
  18. Expatvac...after registration now over 3 weeks gone, never a message or word... Got this, to register in Pattaya... https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScaN6-qHrki6-EeOEfaHtyh5l1o20VzGiTYsCRIWlTFqQ6NWw/viewform?usp=send_form Within 24 hours were confirmed in SMS and given the next day for 1st shot. Had low hope, based on previous registrations sites, and bcos picked the Pfeizer+Pfeizer option... But, there I was, within 2 days of registering got my first shot. All thanks to a Thai friend for the link. ( Inside English, just this " next" button not). Could wait for expatvac? Or could be proactive.
  19. Indeed, others get back nothing. In turn I had low hope, especially picking the 2 Pfeizer option, not AZ, not the Sinovac mixed one .. Yes, in cropped some, has these on bottom...
  20. Yes, there is another sheet. And yes, they kept that there when ppl leave. I took an image of that too, but won't attach here, bcos has my personal details on, and not going to edit on phone ...so just take my word for it. Additionally they have a signed copy of passport, and the hand filled registration, 3 pages total they kept. The registration sheet is basically identical to the one for the online registration, not sure why to repeat the fill out, but everyone had to. They asked for the confirmation SMS to see, but no one cared or checked for address at all. Hope this helps. The total time from arrival to end, including the after the shot 30 min observation time....took me a total of 2 hours 15 min. Reasonable. After other programs to register and get no answer, I was positively surprised with the fill out and submit application to shot within 48 hours ( confirmation arrived within about 16 hours).
  21. Kept the paper "to register with the government", but everyone got a slip with the date 3 weeks time for the next shot...no details on that.
  22. Here the working age feeding both the kids and the old ...so protecting them means feeding all!
  23. No special treatment? BS! Already got a friendly nickname to go buy ( could be Killer Kolonel, Police Bagger, jabaa joe...) And skipped the finger pointing too, what average joe criminal can't. Surely not locked with another 30 in a cell either, and won't conveniently choke on mama noodles... Preferential treatment until the negotiations last whom get honorary mentions in the story, and who won't. These 100 million baht cars weren't bought in 1 day, hardly believable no one noticed, all colleagues being police officers ...
  24. A work study excursion to Myanmar? As for the car, the got it "from a dead friend" line worked before with certain NACC investigation...why not pull that line again?
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