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Everything posted by QEDDEQ

  1. That’s good to hear. Last time I bought in Thailand (2022), they only had a European generic of Tamsulosin costing around 1400 baht for one month supply. Atorvstatin was similarly priced. There was no Thai brand for either.
  2. I buy Tamsulosin 0.4mg at pharmacies in Phnom Penh for about $3 per pack of 10. Cambodian pharmacies sell a full range of Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi generics. The prices are generally cheaper than Thai brands and I'm satisfied with the quality. In Thailand they sell Thai brands but if that does not exist then they only sell European generics at a much higher cost. The best value pharmacies in Phnom Penh are at the street 136/51 intersection.
  3. Any suggestions? South or Bangkok.
  4. Idk. Just seems a good opportunity to do something. I will only be there for 4 days so no time to start up a business!
  5. I will be making this trip in mid-May. I will have oodles of spare allowance. Any ideas on how to take advanatage of that?
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