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Posts posted by clamman

  1. Sell the bar and the Harley and use the money to buy the victim a new pair of teeth. In a perfect world, the bar would go up in flames tonight with the 5 culprits (and the Harley old scrap metal piece of $# ite) locked in it :)

    The French are taking up a collection to fix the loud mouths teeth. Care to donate?

    Your front teeth will do...

  2. Khaosod Thai said that the British guy who reversed his bike and knocked over the French guy's bike is a part owner of the Last Bar and called Thomas. He was the one who called over his mates that carried out the attack.


    Picture of the injured parties with their wives at the police station.

    Thank you for calling out this tiny punk half woman by name. We need more of that. Shame the bitch. He is afraid to fight on his own. What a coward. What a wimp. What a sad, sad sack of a man child. Boycott the bar forever. Pass the word. Do everything in your power to soil this punks reputation. What little of it that remains.

    Guess you don't like him...better man than Casper, and people still frequent that scum bags bar.

  3. If anyone is the least bit interested in what really happened this is part of a local report of the incident .... Apparently a British fellow while parking his bike knocked a Helmet off another bike. A Frenchman from the Bar next door came out to investigate as it was his Helmet. The Brit apologized for the accident which was accepted, and both men shook hands. At that moment the Frenchman's friend came out thinking his mate was in a bit of bother and was quite loud and animated in the process. The Brits friends similarly came out to see what all the commotion was about, and push came to shove before a couple of punches were thrown. There was no such thing as a British Gang, just a silly misunderstanding ....

    Finally, someone speaks the true events. Thank you.

    • Like 1
  4. Very true but if you don't stick around for the police to arrive and give your side of the story this is what is assumed to be most accurate.

    The guilty party slinks away.

    What? It was 1:30 in the morning. Think they just went home to sleep.

    How where they to know to sit around to speak to the Police.

    No slinking...sure when it is all said and done you will see that what was write in this article does not come close to what really happened. If you ask me, send the Frenchy home.

  5. The only people know what really happened are the ones that were there, so if you weren't there. pSTFU.

    so tell us what happened - bad news in the FA CUP?

    Just speculating: Man knocks over bike, two men knock over man, one of four men knock out mans teeth. Sounds pretty simple to me. NOT British "gang" bashing of French tourist

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