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Posts posted by TukTukDriver

  1. Santika Club at Ekamai was on fire during the New Year celebration - early reports have at least 50 injured, and up to 50 dead.

    I could see the flames from my window - needless to say they were fierce.

    Where is Santika located in BKK?

    Sukhumvit Soi 63, near the Ekamai Skytrain stop

  2. ....when they see me holding my Thai wifes hand as we walk around?

    I am 14 years older than her just a regular looking guy, but though she is 30 she looks 22, so some may think the age gap even bigger...

    are they thinking bad thoughts/jealous thoughts?....or nothing at all?

    I am concerned she has got dirty looks from some Thai woman....though am not sure why?

    Some may be thinking "hooker", while others are just bitchy jealous.

  3. great so now we swap yellow terrorists for red terrorists ?

    Indeed, and it will be interesting to see if those posters calling for PADs blood will continue with their hard line towards the Red...as they all clame to not the pro-PPP.

    (Besides what, 2 users that are madly in-love with Thaksin. Even thought he...ehh...has nothing to do with PPP...or so they say...it all gets very confusing when they try to justify their irrational postings. :o )

    If the yellows move out of the airport and reds move in, You will hear me calling for the police or army to go in and end the occupation. Red, Yellow, White, Black, Brown, Purple, Pink.... Does not matter the color of the shirt it matters their actions.

    What will be interesting is if YOU will say the reds taking over the airport is ok in light of them trying to accomplish something as you have for the yellow shirt??? Hopefully we don't find out, as I would hate to see the airport occupation continue

    I don't thin the reds have enough money tp pay people to take over the airport.

  4. The PAD is shooting itself in the foot. They are pisssssing off travellers ...tourists ...businesses ...relatives ...neighborhoods ...friends ...allies ...enemies...pilots...

    flight attendants...hotels...taxis......EVERYONE!

    You forgot "freelance bargirls"....and you don't ever want to piss one of them off. This may hurt them more than help them when people start losing money(the almighty).

  5. Anyone knows smoke can kill you, but the cubic volume of air in there means it would need to be something big to fill it with smoke. A kitchen fire or an electrical panel wouldn't hardly make a dent in that volume.

    What airport in the world is carpeted? :o

    Phuket has carpet. The stains always made me think it wasn't such a good idea.

  6. Sumet Jumsai, one of Thailand’s top architects, however, insists that the airport would have collapsed — corruption or not. Fifteen years ago he had fought against its location on a swamp. “Nature is now taking its toll in this swamp, and I feel everyone has got it wrong in the ongoing investigation,” he said. “The bottom line is that with or without corruption the runways and any structure not on piles will be subject to differential settlement and cracks.”

    You do not need to be a brain surgeon to realise that concrete and steel do not float very well.


    The longest floating bridge in the world is in Seattle, USA. It's made of concrete and steel. All it takes is a big air pocket inside the concrete.

  7. If you read this article closely, it says that any foreigner working in Thailand for a year must have a degree.


    Should the words "as a teacher" be added to the first sentence?

    I am sure it should say teacher, but when I applied for my work permit back in June (for a non-teaching position) I had to provide evidence of my education - including a copy of my diploma. I am sure sure if this a specific requirement for all work permit applications?

    The degree is probably a way of showing you have a skill that many Thais do not have. I worked in Japan last year and even they wanted to see a degree. My co-workers without degrees had to prove their special skills in other ways.

  8. Good post. I have always wondered about this. I usually thought the marginal cost to marginal revenue made the most sense. It's not just retail, you see it in bars as well, even those where you can't barfine the girls. One thing all these shops do get is busy spurts. I have walked into Robinsons and seen all the staff busy. It's rare, but I have seen it.

    I'm sometimes just as surprised by the LACK of staff here in the US. I went to a bar on New Years Eve and even though there were about 300 customers they only had 3 people behind the bar and only 2 of them were actually serving drinks. It was near impossible to get one. Think how much they lost, it save me alone about $30. Funny, but I left saying, "This would never have happened in Thailand".

  9. " The economy here is roughly 70% export and 10% tourism. That means EVERYTHING ELSE is 20%. Wow, that aint much."

    Think how dependent the 20% is on the other two sectors.

    I wonder how much the exchange rate will affect the tourism industry. Even if the rate stayed at something like 33 to the $, wouldn't a drop in demand bring about a drop in prices? Having traveled to remote parts of Thailand as well as Patong, I have learned the price difference between the two is wide. Does the 1200 baht hotel room really have to stay at 1200 when they seem to get by dropping it to 600 in the off season? It sure wouldn't cost 1200 if it were in Nakhon Sawan.

    It sure will be interesting to watch.

  10. I have only been with one Dutch woman so I am know expert on them but if they are like the ones here in the US I could see them getting into trouble in Thailand. Here in the US it is common for women to start guys up by kissing and such but then back off with a "no, I'm not ready" or something similar. I could see that as a problem in Thailand because the guys aren't used to it. I have never had a Thai woman do that to me. If they get close to you they are prepared to finish what they start.

    I do know a few bargirls and two of them have told me that someone in their families tried to rape them as young girls. I'm sure that happens everywhere but I have yet to hear that story anywhere else. They probably do have more of it going on in Thailand.

    As for going with stangers...how long does it take to trust someone? Most violent crimes occur between people that know each other, and know each other well.

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