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Posts posted by BKKBodhisattva

  1. 20 hours ago, retirementenquiry said:

    Previous bar name "lady joes bar" soi 8 second rd end well known for padding and over charging esan family run bar for years renowned for fiery response  to bills sometimes the bills would just be torn up in the bar and customer told to get out.

    Yes there's no testimony so reliable and credible as that offered by an "old Pattaya hand" with "local" knowledge who's joined the forum just to add to the thread.

  2. 1 minute ago, tropo said:

    Are you suggesting that he should have paid his bill after he was whacked on the head?... because he didn't leave until after he had been hit 3 times, twice while he was still seated.


    Perhaps you think she attacked him, just in case he decided to skip.


    Anything he may have owed her was cancelled out immediately she attacked him. By the time he left, she owed him.

    No, he should have paid his bill before she felt it necessary to whack him on the head.

    In what parallel dimension do you reside where a bar tab is 'cancelled out' upon being attacked?

    He provoked her reaction by refusing to pay a bar tab; evidently one which was for the number of drinks it took to get him into the state he was in as he stumbled from the premises.

  3. 14 minutes ago, tropo said:

    Give it a break. It's obviously not a troll post and she's gone - and I don't blame her. Do you expect her to post her passport ID page on here? This is not a courtroom.


    The only thing which can be verified is what you see in the video. The Englishman was whacked on the head twice with a shoe while he was still sitting down. In no world and even in Pattaya is it right to physically assault someone over a bar tab dispute. 


    It's about time for the people trying to stick up for the bar slut give up. As I see it, if you're trying to justify her assault you're as vile as she is.,


    Chances are that the 'bar slut' as you so eloquently and respectfully dismiss her will have to make up the shortfall from her own pocket.

    That could be two nights' wages & tips. Maybe peanuts to a loaded farang but maybe a big deal to her.

    She had every right to become angry.

    Of course violence over a bar tab is over the top but it's a fairly common outcome in Thailand and I'm reasonably sure the Englishman knew that before he made the decision not to pay.

    I wouldn't attach any credibility to the illiterate ramblings of the account posted by the alleged battleaxe in white in the video.

    Frankly, it could be the same troll who brought us 'Dan Cheeseman'

  4. In my experience, I've found that Thais have a lot more respect and time for foreigners who don't try to change too much about what they are in order to fit in.

    The pressure to conform is so strong in Thai society that many of them appreciate when someone is resolutely individualistic and lives by his or her own set of rules and customs......provided they don't clash with other people's

    I've embraced some Thai traits:-

    Love Thai food and I'll never tire of it - eat it 65% of the time

    I'm learning the language at school but only because I have a 3 yr old. Have to admit that I probably wouldn't bother expanding my basic Thai otherwise.

    I really don't know how I ever lived without the ass gun - the thought of going back to using clumps of tissue to drag shit up my crack makes me nauseous.


  5. 1 minute ago, Don Mega said:

    Some mornings I do when she wants to go to BKK shopping !!


    I was at a beer bar years ago and the cashier was such a sweet lady I bought her a cheap knock handbag from one of those people that walk around selling stuff, A little while later we visited the toilet (she paid the 5b) and she made oral love to my penis. Surely the act of buying a handbag does not label her a prostitute ?

    Classy but, yes, she's a prostitute and you're a John, I'm afraid.

  6. 1 minute ago, LannaGuy said:

    not really amazing and don't expect that reciprocal 'she'll pay for next dinner' here!  I dateb a lot and get free sex a lot too (thank God) but it's often an 'unwritten gig' that we have sex later - or at least on  the next date and I have never gone 3 dates and not scored

    I've been here nearly 10 years so I know my way around, thanks.

    I've been taken out for meals by numerous women - sexual partners or otherwise - I don't have expectations, I see more than just a piece of pussy.

    Sex isn't always the ultimate goal

  7. 2 minutes ago, giddyup said:

    Strange that there's plenty of evidence of highly paid movie stars using the services of expensive hookers. Seems a bit contradictory to your point of it being men who have little to attract women. I have had quite a few long term relationships with women (as well as many short term) that all ended amicably, but have still had my toe in the water with bar girls here and in the Philippines, it's what's known as variety.

    Just because a man uses a prostitute doesn't mean he automatically believes that "we all pay for it" one way or another with ALL women.

    I've used hookers but I certainly don't believe 'we all pay for it' or 'we pay for it one way or another' with any woman we get involved with.


    Your experiences may differ but I've never paid for something without knowing that I'm paying for it.

    If I take a woman out to dinner, I'm not "paying for sex", I'm enjoying her company.

    When she takes me out to dinner next time, she's not "paying for sex", she's enjoying my company.

    Amazing innit?

  8. 53 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

    This is one of those topics I hate myself for even responding to, but what the Hell.


    The idea that men don't pay for sex in general is absurd, we all do, whether we know it or not. Be it an explicit cash transaction, or a form of barter, dinner, clothes, jewellery the list is endless.


    I'm with previous posters, that the majority of Thai hookers, unlike their Western counterparts aren't doing it to support their drug habit, but more to support their families.


    Take a look around and tell me what young trophy wife with a rich old husband isn't essentially a hooker.....Melania Trump anyone????

    Men who have little to attract a woman tend to tell themselves "we all pay for it" to make themselves feel better about current or past failures with women.

    Often, men with that attitude see sex as the only benefit they get from being involved with a woman.

    Now that's fine but while you might think your inducements are having the desired effect, be aware that women can smell that attitude on you and will either suck you dry or take up with the first man who treats them as more than a receptacle.


    Most of the hookers I've met are in it for both material gain and supporting family..........it's very rarely one or the other.


  9. 19 hours ago, rogeroc said:

    Wow that sounds a bit over the top.  Damaged goods! Why has she sold her soul, sexual intercourse is not that precious. You are sounding a little pious and dare i say old fashioned.


    A Western woman who has divorced her husband, taken most of his belongings and refused to allow him to see the kids has sold her soul, not a young bargirl making ends meet and providing for her family.

    Oh come on, be serious.

    How has a woman who's divorced a philandering/abusive/inattentive husband after abandoning a career and any hope of supporting herself to raise a family with him 'sold her soul'??


    'Tutes on the other hand, go against social norms and biological instinct (mate only with the healthiest male specimens) in order to earn money - a far more apt example of selling one's soul, don't you think?

    The fact that most 'tutes are deeply ashamed of what they do is evidence of their belief they've sold their souls.

    Divorced women who've benefited from a settlement rarely seem ashamed.

  10. 100% yes it does matter.

    I would never, ever invest , emotional or financial, capital in a 'tute.

    I accept that there are varying degrees of selling one's body.

    A streetwalker is far removed from the temporarily hard-up office girl who sees a way to make a quick buck out of guy she fancies but once a woman commercializes her pussy, she can get used to it real quick.

    Last thing you'd want to do is run into her previous customers.

  11. 1 hour ago, kenk24 said:


    If you do not like some of the things they talk about, being able to speak the language will enable you to sometimes direct a conversation to some of the things you are interested in... conversation does not always have to be trivial. 


    And Thai3 - that is not true for everyone. Some people can learn to speak so they can be understood by most. It takes time and effort and desire, which you can easily brush off with silly excuses/comments about subject matter. I find most Thai very genuine and quite willing to confide their concerns in life. They can also be quite funny and light hearted. 


    Not being able to speak, I think you miss out on many of the joys of living here. It does take time and effort to learn. If you don't want to make that effort, that is fine, but don't blame your inability to learn a language on an excuse that you think Thai people are shallow and have nothing to say when you can't even talk with them and confirm that... 


  12. Unbelievably stupid reasons for not learning the local lingo.

    If, as far as you're concerned, the only things Thais talk about are somtam, lakhorn and gossip, then you're showing precisely what kind of Thais you're hanging with.

    Trade up to Thais who don't work in bars, restaurants or massage parlours and you should find the breadth of topics discussed much increased.


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