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Everything posted by gerrytraveller

  1. Please tell me where I can buy 5 rai for 300k that is Chanote or Nor sor sam. If you do not have that then your "lease contract" is totally null and voidable..
  2. Pls tell.. what are the different requirements for 'o' retirement and 'O' based on marriage and why is 'O' retirement considered easier.??
  3. Ubon Joe. My question was as I assumed like you said..the extension starts from the expiry of the 90 days initial period.. but then I read on the Hcmc thai embassy where it specifically stated.."from the date of first entry". I am presently in Hcmc and trying to get all my "duck" days in a row.
  4. Re "O" visa 12 month extension after 3 months initial period.. When does the actual date of the 12 month extension start.. I.e. After the initial 3 months expires which I assumed or from the first date of entry as per Thai embassy website in hcmc..
  5. Maybe big Joke may have to look out for damage to his car again..
  6. July 15th. Dmuang 1.30pm. Check in at air asia for VNAM.. 10min.... Immi .. 5 min. Security at boarding 3min. I guess it all depends on depart time...
  7. Oh oh . Mr Governor what outlandish words you speak. Soon you will be saying "students should be allowed to think". Please be careful Mr Governor the dinosaurs may well be knocking on your door soon. P.s. i do wish you well!!
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