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  1. Hello again, Celsius. I have received no other indication of interest, so am coming back to you to take you up on your offer. In trying to research how we might continue our discussion out of the public eye, I have found that there is a forum rule that one may 'not post phone numbers, email addresses, business names or social media addresses in posts or signatures.' I have looked for but not found a private messaging function in this forum. If there is such a function and you know how to use it, please contact me directly using it. I welcome any other ideas you have for how we might proceed.
  2. Good to know, Celsius. Let's see how it goes here first. I'd prefer to avoid the work involved in packing and shipping, but I'd be willing to do it if there is no other way and the costs are covered.
  3. I would be glad to find a new home for my collection of laser discs. For those who remember them, laser discs (or LDs) are an old but still good physical medium that have long since been superseded by DVDs, Blu-rays and so forth (in the same way that LPs have been superseded by CDs, etc.). I have a collection of several hundred LDs, mostly if not all excellent films (including many issued by Criterion) but no longer have a player for them and have no use for them. I would be happy to give them for free to anyone who would like them and would be willing and able to pick them up from me in Chiangmai.
  4. No. Total cost for operations on both eyes excluding lenses.
  5. 97,227 baht.
  6. Prompted by the recommendations here for Dr Paradee of Sriphat, for which many thanks, I consulted with her and had her do cataract surgery on both my eyes a week ago. I decided to go with multifocal lenses, which are considerably more expensive than monofocal lenses but which cost at Sriphat less than two-thirds the advertised cost at Bangkok Hospital for the same lens. A week later I am very satisfied with the result.
  7. My optician told me today that hospitals accept them as donations, which they share with children who need glasses but cannot afford them easily or at all.
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