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Posts posted by Chapy

  1. Thanks heaps Tony, oh I see they rushed that in for Aussies too, with this and the new visa price, it has become massively more expensive ! They are a boasting 100mill gbp windfall. Anyway, do you interprete the cost of dependents as 811 GBP each or total? (Thai wife & stepdaughter who we sole support) I can't paste t be link from my phone!

  2. Can anyone confirm my understanding of the UK VFS Bangkok system.

    1. Registrar my family details and make an account- or maybe 3 individuals.

    2. Fill out the online forms

    3. Do not supply any docs

    4. Pay online in USD via a credit card

    5. They then contact me and invite me to go to trendy to check docs and take Biometric fingerprints etc.

    (Some where in there need to do a TB test in BKK)

    What is the time period for #5 ?

    So I can do the online stuff while waiting for docs to arrive from abroad ?

  3. The thread I copied this from is now archived, hence the new thread.

    Mario2008: "For a fee the translation agency can also take care of the legalisation part at the Thai MFA for you. Translation is normally between 300 and 400 baht, legalisation is 400 baht and the express service is 800 baht. All extra would be the fee for the translation agency. "

    Is it 400b per single side of paper, how do they count it ?

  4. I find this Israeli cringe mentality totally weird.

    Democrats seething with anger because Netanyahu is bad mannered enough to accept an invitation secretly above the head the POTUS, but unable to voice their feelings for fear of upsetting the Jewish vote. While Republicans gleefully applaud the Democrats’ frustration and the humiliation of their own President

    This episode alone dismisses all counter claims as to who exactly is running the most powerful country in the world...the elected government (twice) or some pariah state 6.000 miles away, rapidly descending into racist tribal mayhem.

    Talk about the tail wagging the dog. It could happen nowhere else in the world.

    I would be bemused if it had not such tragic consequences for the people in the Middle East.

    Who "owns" America ? One would think it's citizens would at least own it's money...... well they do its debt anyway.

    The Fed is privately owned.

    Its shareholders are private banks. In fact, 100% of its shareholders are private banks. None of its stock is owned by the government.

    The question in relation to this topic....... What religion are the owners of these private banks and how strong supports of the said country in discussion are they?

  5. Kingalfred.

    I see, so you know what happened in a secret ballot do you? You know as much about the vote as I do, so give us a break with your non intellectual views. The secret ballot enables the backstabbers to act without fear or favour, so how in the hell can you make such a ludicrous statement?

    Actually there is very little secrecy as described form one MP in the room. Says there were less than half the required chairs, every one was jammed in like sardines, there was absolutely no secrecy, he described that he could see everyone's vote around him and it was obvious that strong Abbot supporters insisted on standing that gave them a good view of who voted where.

    The party hench men do not like Turnball, the general public seem to. This gives them a year to get either Turnball or the new chosen one ready for a change just prior to the next election. It is funny how the are doing the same crap as ALP did.

  6. Time scales tighten. The clock is ticking and the Libs may mace just made a serious error.

    Surely they are not going to hand this to the morons running the ALP, so that shorten and his mates can continue destroying Australia's future because they will take off from where RUDD GILLARD RUDD left off.

    Australia is DOOMED Under the ALP !

    I'm listening, and agree 100%. ALP has no plans, will introduce a budget that will make Australia South East Asia's poor cousin. All members of the ALP speak only in platitudes and cliché , adding nothing intelligent to a discussion other than generalizations. Both the leader of the opposition and Gillard were members of the CPA in their university years, they cannot be trusted.

    ah getting worried! liberal budget will bury your friends chance of re election. Doubtful Abbot will fight the next election he's dead within his own party.

    61 to 39, Dead? let's wait and see. The fat lady hasn't sung yet.

    Thats Two Thirds of the back benches voted against him. The front benches and assistants virtually have to vote for him at this stage.

  7. Thanks heaps Tony, been helpful.

    Do U have a link to your Biz in your avatar ?

    And the Thai Docs, Birth certs, Marriage certs, Court papers etc, do these translations need the Thai Gov stamp from Chiang Wattanna ?

    I live in Thailand, do I need to also get a TB test ? I presume that my wife and daughter do not need to be delayed to do an English test, just the TB and fingerprint in Trendy building ?

    Been a great help.

  8. Hi Tony & 7by7, thanks heaps for your reply and advice.

    I assume your wife and step daughter are both Thai; what is your nationality? ​I am Australian and Wife and step daughter are Thai.

    You are confusing yourself here. The UK Ancestry category refers to applicants who are Commonwealth citizens, and who have a UK grandparent. From what you say, I don't think this 14 year old girl qualifies.

    With this link (click here) I full fill the eligibility requirements I believe with my Grandfather and being Aussie.

    ​With this UK link here my Thai wife fulfills as my Family Member as my partner under dependents, Do you agree?

    My question: Does my step daughter fall under my wife's application as her dependent with the initial application?

    (I did read somewhere and the link escapes me that simply being my step child does not qualify, ie applying for only myself and step daughter but indicated that as my wife has a "valid entitlement to apply" (and likely to be approved) for this that and my wife is certainly applying that the child can go apply as her child dependent.

    You will, as the sponsor in both applications, have to demonstrate an annual income of at least 22,400 GBP a year, and you will need to demonstrate that adequate accommodation is available to your family.

    From what I have been reading, this 2012 requirement is not set against the Ancestry Visa. From what I have been reading, job prospects, job offers seem to be important, I am reading comments from folks saying they want at least $3000 and 3 months of bank statements and a planned or offer of residence is ideal.

    No where I have seen that I have to make 22,400GBP for Ancestry, it is hard when living in Thailand as my two professions that I am qualified in is banned for farlang here, how ever my wife exceeds that amount annually anyway and can show bank books and Gov tax receipts. We are a married couple, she supports me and our (step) daughter, I offer encouragement :) Surely our joint bank account would suffice? In the UK will be setting up a company that we already have the stock for.

    Also, all the birth certificates and marriage certs are original, my grandfathers birth certificate is a certified copy, the person hold his original, (he is now dead) is not at all happy in no uncertain terms about sending it to Asia...... (scared will be lost etc). A certified copy should be ok for that one would think ?

    Thanks for your replies.

  9. Hi folks, the time has come to make the move to the UK for a business we wish to conducted there.

    -The Husband has a grandfather born in the UK.

    The question in in regard for my wife's daughter (14yo) who would be a "Dependent". ?

    Here is a link to what I am referring to. https://www.gov.uk/ancestry-visa/family-members

    Even though her biological farther abandoned her completely over 7 years ago, my wife and I (married for 6 years) have been the sole supporter and careers, the mother has a sole custody order from the Thai court, I am wondering if she can live with us when we move to the UK as she considereds me her farther, as step children are not considered as a dependent.

    But my wife will be applying the same time as me as my wife, can her (our) daughter apply at the same time as my as my wife as her 'child under the age of 18'.

    Leaving her behind is simply not an option.

    All emails to VFS have been ignored.

    Anyone know ?

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