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Posts posted by killbill

  1. 53 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    Your post itself and what you are writing here should tell you that you shouldn't be coming if you are so frightened by these possibilities.

    I share the same concern as the OP. I want to visit Thailand and did plan to go. The issue raised byt the OP is real  for everybody that do not have a family or property in Thailand.  Some few days ago there were a post discusising the Thai Pass. It is the total of all regulations you must meet that make me delay my travel. Also considering that possible new rregulations my make return flight difficult.  


    And to add to that - the risk of getting covid when travelling (I am dobble vax with booster) as apposed to stay at home and can avoid crowded areas.

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  2. On 4/16/2019 at 3:02 PM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    farang seems to misunderstand how thai people deeply and religiously

    respect their parents.

    i saw a french man get attacked in a restaurant because he "spoke no good"

    about his wife's parents.

    she did'nt care to die that night while attacking him, and he did not

    seem to understand what's the problem.

    so whatever you do, don't curse a thai person's parents.

    Also .....no mild critisism ! 

    What is simple logical talking in western is reason for kill in Isaan.

  3. 6 hours ago, Khun Loong said:

    I thought it was a Chinese colony? Isn’t that why immigration officials let Chinese push to to front of ques at the airport? And say nothing when they piss and spit on the walls at the airport toilets because they couldn’t be bothered waiting for a spot at the trough.

    Why bother to go to the toilet?  I did see a chinese piss in the waste basket in the check-in hall.

  4. 1 hour ago, Yann55 said:


    DSD ... I am soooo fed up with your systematic Thai bashing, your nasty, unintelligent, stereotyped statements about Thailand and Thai people.


    And since you are obviously in front of your computer every day for endless hours (nothing better to do, sure?) it's difficult to read even one  thread without coming accross your haughty attitudes and white supremacist pose. You're as ubiquitous as you are unpalatable.


    Will you give us a break and turn down the volume of your barking ? I won't even ask the usual question "why do you stay if you hate this country so much?" but it does boggle the mind.

    DSD had some relevant observations  about this story. I am sorry, but I can not find any interesting observations regarding the OP in your post. You may correct me.


    i remember a case some years ago, when parents did get a big dowry from a norway man. It was so much money that the father of the girl could divorce his wife and buy a new young wife. Happy life in Thailand....

  5. On 14.1.2017 at 9:41 AM, joeyg said:

    Must say, been living here about 2 years, haven't experienced that phenomenon.  Maybe I'm keeping a good distance?  :goof:

    I have experienced that phonomeon with Russian: standing in line for ferry back from koh Larn, this Russian couple just pass the line. An english woman tell them to stand in line, and the Russian man want to hit her. His partner stop him and no-one else want to stop them. Also me. 


    I do not like this part of Russian culture.

  6. 56 minutes ago, mstevens said:

    The idea of a bride price or sin sot in Thai is one of those topics that really divides us foreign men!  Some are ok with it while others are aghast at the idea.


    Personally, I would not go for it.  It just doesn't feel right to me and goes against all that I was brought up to believe in.  I would lose pride in myself if I felt I was forced to pay it and, frankly, I don't think I could look my friends and family here in Australia in the eye and tell them I was forced to pay to pay a not insignificant sum of money to marry my Thai bride.  I would never hear the end of it and fear it would go beyond mere good-natured ribbing and perpetuate the old mail-order bride stereotype you had when Aussie guys married Asian women 20+ years ago.


    I understand that some are ok with the concept and willing to pay it - and to them I say, good for you.  But for me personally, I could never do it.

    I did share your view, and did not want to pay sin sod. So we never got married but stayed together....till she suddenly had a new bf. Then I did really understand that I was a fool not to pay. Some 200.000 bath is a small prize to not loose the girl you love and care about.


    think again ....ot seems brave not to pay but you may end loosing this game.

  7. 13 hours ago, nilster said:

    That is what I meant. Rules are rules but practice may be different. Have anyone been in same situation and got rejected on border?

    Why the six months validity passport rule?

    It is not a requirement of the U.S. government. The six month validity passport rule is a requirement of other countries accepting foreign travelers. The six month passport validity rule is enforced because nations do not want to risk having travelers and tourists overstaying their passport validity. Six months is now the standard validity requirement for many countries. Most visitors to the United States are also now required to have six months validity of their passports.

  8. This is a very interesting subject indeed, my friend felt the same way when he settles in a local street in Bkk. He felt very proud to be the only falang and did get a lot of attention, and felt everybody would look at him.  He got very intimate with the lb 's and ladygirls.  So why did he want to be only falang? As others have pointed out, if he is unique he get attention. That is why many falang want to be new boy in the street.

    Buy the way...he got bored within a year....now moved back to home country.

  9. 5 hours ago, JJGreen said:


    I think this can play a part in it for sure 


    2 hours ago, JJGreen said:

    None of that is relevant to the thread topic.

    Try not to attack the individual but comment on the topic if u have an opinion 


    2 hours ago, JJGreen said:

    None of that is relevant to the thread topic.

    Try not to attack the individual but comment on the topic if u have an opinion 


    4 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

    It`s because many Farlangs that settle in Thailand are running away from their lives and situations in their own countries for a multitude of reasons.  They may have been a Mr average or just plain losers in their past worlds and when they arrive in Thailand they can become whole new people, putting up a facade of being somebody they are not or as someone they always wanted to be.


    When they start living among the Thais they get a false sense of identity as being the big Farlang, the big cheese of the neighbourhood, highly respected and looked up upon because everyone thinks they must be rich and successful by just being here. What was once a working class nobody in his own country has now progress to a upper middleclass suburban legend that all the Thais respect because they believe he has status and more money than them. 


    Over time they rely on the nativity of the Thais with their stereotype images of Farlangs as all of us being well to do, it makes them feel secure and smug while they revel in their new found status and limelight as the big Farlang. Then another big bad Farlang moves in on their turf. A person that can read other Farlangs like a book and can see right through the facade. This makes the Farlangs feel at threat and insecure that their cover maybe blown and exposed for who and what they are, so they try to avoid the other Farlang at all costs, some even react rudely making it clear, I don`t want to know you.


    This is what I said. They are people with much to hide and hate being exposed for what they really are, and why these pompous asses love being the only Farlang on the block.


  10. I find you need to some activity to enjoy it here. My favourite place is Tony fitness in soi Buakhao, in afternoon. Stop you from drinking before evening starts. Mike swimming is good, also a favourite with no beach vendors there (yet). Or the nice hotel swimming pool where I am right now.

    I did like sitting on a beach chair before....but that charm has long gone.

  11. i ask my gf about her finances; about salary, debt, how much she pay for the room, how much for parents, downpayment of loan, see bank statements etc. I do not want a gf that is iresponsible about money - it will eventiually drag you down also. So I think it is right to tell her about your finance to show that (?) you are a responsible person that have control of your economy. It is fair that she know about you..... I did borrow my gf 20.000 bath for some short-term need - and she did give me back all money.

    Most posts here show distrust in thai girls - and nobody seem willing to take the chance to trust a gf. You need to build that trust and you should be honest about yourself, and you get respect back....(maybe).

  12. I did make came consideration and the original poster. Going to Thailand for three times a year for the last 10 years, now I consider moving there after early retirement. Using 5000 bath + per day during holiday, how much is a realistic budget for staying three months?

    You can find a room for 5000 bath/month; but not easy to get for short term rental. Most rental are for 6 months plus - minumum 3 months. And rent increase by 50% if you have short term. My best investment was a monthly membership at Tony fitness at 1780 bath (soi Buakhao), keep med from drinking before 6 pm. I did end up with around 2300 per day + hotel = 70.000 per month ex. room. If you get a reasonable room, add 10.000 to give you a monthly budget of 80.000 bath. One thing that I did experience; it is very difficult to change habit from vacation mode to "long-stay" mode if you stay only 3 months. I tend to keep same habits as before even though you drink less, you need the social part of going to a bar and meet other people. If you are not an internet-dependant; in which case you do not need to go to Thailand to fullfill that need.

    A friend do have long stay at 1500 bath per day, including cheap room at 6500 per month, motorbike and and beer/girl maybe once a week, eating cheap out only once a day. It can be done at 45.000 per month.

    About health insurance - you should have. But check condtions, I had a friend have with insurance covering motorbike accident. Insurance company were happy to take money for that cover, he had accident but (after accident) insurance was not valid because he did not have internation/local driver license. Check conditions,

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  13. The answer is easier than the question. That's why the " how long is a piece of string" came up. "Comfortable" is subjective. Also where you live is a factor. What your hobbies, lifestyle, and how you lived back home all come in to play. Even if you were asking the same question about England it's hard to give a general answer, since I'm sure London is more expensive than some small village, and comfortable has a different meaning to everyone.

    The easist way I can think of to answer this question is this, (but keep in mind I'm from the US and think in dollars). Whatever you were living on back home you can do it for 30-35% if you keep the same lifestyle.

    Again, that goes for the US. Maybe a British expat can chime in on the percentages for the UK.

    One thing is for sure, you have enough money to last three months if you do it right. smile.png


    Whatever you were living on back home you can do it for 30-35% if you keep the same lifestyle.


    If the OP wants to keep the same lifestyle as back home: foods, wine/alcohol, clothing, vehicle, entertainment it won't be 35%.

    It won't even be 135%. More like 150%. In the venues the OP is considering, even the rent and quality medical care isn't cheaper, and the other items are higher.

  14. '... local operators demanded up to Bt100,000 compensation for damage to their jet skis ...' And that's assuming the vehicle wasn't already damaged.

    I am reading my rental contract for motorbike; at 200 b/day.

    Hirer is responsible for any damage; maximum payable is 15.000 bath. Hiring jet skis at 1000 bath (?) an hour should have a similar contract. Since earlier post state that you need licence to do this business, then a similar written contract should be requirement from local authorities.

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