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  1. Still " pocket change" but different circumstances. It wouldn't be smart to top up if the card is about to expire
  2. I use dictation software. I forgot to proofread. I meant useful, not " usual"
  3. Thanks for all the usual replies Especially "You could contact AIS's perfect English-speaking call centre and get it from the horse's mouth. 1175" one man's "ripoff" is another man's convenience. Getting to an Airbnb From the airport in a foreign country 3 o'clock in the morning requires the ability to communicate. I consider 1000 baht "pocket change" and well worth the convenience
  4. I purchased a tourist Sim card at the airport when. Iarrived. AIS I paid about 1000 baht. Do these cards have an absolute expiration date after which they cannot be topped up? Will I lose the money in the card?
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