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  1. How about this: Instead of demanding more loos perhaps they should demand less beer. You're welcome.
  2. I see some confusion here. Thee are a number of portable air conditioning units available, and NONE of them require ice or water. The important thing is to check whether the BTU output is suitable for the size of room you wish to cool. If you buy from somewhere like Lazada you will normally find in the product description the size of room suitable for the output of the machine. Machines that require water and ice (or freezer blocks) are not, strictly speaking, air conditioners.........they are air coolers. Two weeks ago, I invested in a portable air conditioning unit for our small bedroom, which I purchased through Lazada. The output is 7000 BTUs and the cost was 4400 Baht. the unit has wheels and can be stored out of the way when not being used. A wall mounted unit would cost around three times as much, including installation. The unit works well, but it was always going to be a compromise and only for temporary use at times of extreme heat.
  3. He led police to the body. If he was innocent, how would he know where her body was to be found?
  4. According to local sources, she has been found dead on farmland a few km from her home.
  5. How about YOU read the linked story. She recently married her current Swiss husband. Her previous husband left her the money!
  6. NO HE DID NOT! Did you actually read the article? She recently married her Swiss husband. Her previous husband died three years ago and left her the money.
  7. If you do decide to go to Savannakhet you will find the process so much easier than dealing with immigration in Korat. If all of your paperwork is correct they don't ask any questions. The downside is having to leave the country every 90 days. The nearest border crossing to Korat is Chong Chom in Surin province. There is another border crossing which may open up soon in Buriram province, which will be closer to Korat. On the Cambodian side of the border there are casinos, resorts and a market but currently only Thais (with a border pass) and Cambodians can use it.
  8. Andrei Gromyko served as Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1957 to 1985 so the assertion that Lavrov is the longest serving diplomat is incorrect.
  9. A local doctor did mine. He charged 100 Baht.
  10. Yes, non-O based on marriage to a Thai is still available at the Royal Thai Consulate in Savannakhet. The only requirement I have seen that had changed is that there is now a requirement for a copy of your wife's passport. I took a copy of my wife's passport, which had expired, and presented all documents, except for the passport. They did not ask for it anyway, so all was well and I received my passport with visa on the following day.
  11. One for me, one for you.........one for me, one for you................until it is all properly counted;
  12. So why is the policewoman pictured with an open-faced helmet? And.......... Why do you never see a police officer on a motorbike wearing a full faced helmet?
  13. When you get to the other side of the bridge in Savannakhet you need to go to the office that issues visas and hand over your passport and the printed e-visa. Your passport will be returned in a few minutes with the 'Entry Permission' sticker affixed. The actual size of the sticker is 1" X 2 1/4". Once you have the sticker, you then proceed to the Laos immigration booths, where you will be stamped into the country.
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