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Posts posted by HUTCHY07

  1. Just took spouse visa application in on 2 oct. Now have to fill in 47sp again as it was updated in October.

    Just a warning if you are about to submit check date at bottom of page, should be (Design date 10/08)


    I seen that too, lucky i checked because we had the old one all ready to go..reprinted the new one for submission.

    allthough it said non essential changes on the form, i wasnot sure if you could use it or not?

  2. Hi all,

    Im writing this post for information purposes to those who it might benifit some time.

    All the info here is allready on this site, i thought i might just put my application out there.

    my wife has also just spent the last 12 months in australia on a multi entry tourist visa.

    We married here and are submitting the visa in thai..

    Submitted document for the spouse visa,

    documents that i included for the tourist visa were also submitted again along with added documents to support the continuance of our relationship.

    ie, photos, e/mails, phone records,

    .application forms from the two of us.

    .i payed for the app here in oz as it was 300 dollars more to do in thai..

    .app receipt.

    .letters from the two of us stating how, when, were, we met and how the relation developed etc.

    .marriage cert.

    .3 years of evidence which included, e/mails (selected 2 per month), phone records, photos,

    .photos included our time spent in thailand on 5 trips together (included photos with her family) and

    photos taken in australia at significant events such as x/mas fathers birthday,wedding photos.

    .travel itinaries in both names,

    .western union receipts.

    .8 stat decs from freinds and relatives that know us and state our genuine /continuing relationship.

    .bank statements.

    .group cert, pay slips.

    .certifies copies from me, passport, drivers licence, medicare, family birth cert tree.

    .I live in a duplex next to my parents that they own (free rent) which is on the same title, so rates notice with there names

    and a stat dec from them stating that we have been living there and will continue to.

    .utility bill with my name.

    .letter from employer, (years employed,permenent)

    Documents from my wife,

    .letters with her name adressed to my address in australia whist she was there.

    .joint bank account statements (3 months)

    .letter from here previous employer stating time employed.

    .origional police check.

    .certified copy of new parrport.

    .certified copy of old passport with entry exit stamps to oz.

    .house registration, translated and true copied stamped, along with

    id card, family birth cert, name change cert, (a few pages for that one )

    .marriage cert, stamped by the australian embasy in thai, (800 baht) , as the thai department which i think is equivelant tho the oz births deaths and marriages,

    required that for the name change to take place. These docs were obtained from the ministry of foreign affairs, cant remember the cost but if you wanted it express (same day) i think it was double..we did it express and it was around a 3 hour wait each time, there was a lot of back and forth to the department for us to arrange these docs.

    i think ive left out a couple of things which i cant remember as the app is in thailand..

    im quite confident with the content and whats required for us to be succefull..hopefully there isnot

    something else they request as i beleive this is were that prosess time can delay sugnifently..

    Will let know the outcome...


  3. The police check and medical can be done in advance of lodging the application. If you go to the immigration website you will find the list of hospitals in Thailand that do the medicals. You will need to call the one closest to you and speak with them about a time to have it done. There is also a form on the same website that gives you the address for the police check and what she needs to take with her. This will then sent to her at her nominated address. There is no need to translate these documents.

    With the translation of your gf other documents ie. birth cert, tabien bahn, etc there is a translation service on the ground floor of the building where the visa application centre is. I used them and they were comparable in price and everything was done overnight. I also had to use their quick translation service for a document and that was back within the hour. Price was a bit higher for that one.

    We had our application approved within a week and my family is now out here in Oz with me in sunny Canberra.

    Good luck

    regarding the police and medical check,Is there a specific time frame for this to have been done b4 application?

    my g/f is in thai now for 10 days then will be comming back to oz for 3 months,on her return with me to thai we will be married and

    will submit the spouce visa,so coould we get the police/medical checks done 3 months b4 spouce appliction?.


  4. Its a me visa with the no further stay clause..it will expire in september..we will be heading to thai in september for holidays.

    I was wondering if we could lodge it here and wait for the desicion in thai?

    I know she cant stay here after the me has expired but i was thinknig about this in terms of if we can loge it shortly

    by the time we go for holidays in september there woukd be less time for her to wait in thai for a desition...

  5. Hi guys,

    In september my g/f's ME visa will expire.We will be leaving Australia together and holidaying in thai for 4 weeks

    at which time I intend to have a fiancee visa app ready to submit...

    does anyone have a check list put together that they have used or know of for this type of visa..

    I have all the relevant docs that were used in the ME visa and will put together new photos,stat decs from family members and freinds that have met her

    and who have come to know her...

    Do we need proof of when and were we will marry within the 9 months?

    any addtional onfo would be appreciated....

  6. Has anyone applied for a second 12 mth ME tourist visa to oz for there thai girl?

    I have my girl here now on her fist ME visa,and im looking to see if there may be any chance of another when it

    expiers.....allthough my initial thoughts would be that it would be rejected, as I think they would want the next visa to be a fiance

    or spouse visa.....

  7. How long have you know her for ? I had a relationship with my tg for around 2 years b4 we applied.

    We applied for a 3 mth and received a 12 mnth ME visa...she also had no reason to return,but I sighned a stat dec

    stating that I wold take full resposibility for her not complying with her visa conditions....

    Im also quite sure that the time frame of our ongoing/continuing relationship with all the supporting docs made there desision easier.

    I dont think you should apply for a 12 mth first,just a 3mth and see what happens....

  8. You won't achieve a lot with Australian Immigration until you have known her a lot longer.

    Why are you talking about interviewing officer. There is no interview for tourist visa. Just need a big file of evidence which is presented well. They dont need to have a job either just a good reason to return. I thought of a beauty considering she has never worked or been to higher education and has no money and so on and so on.


    My girl is here now on a 12 month multi entry tourist visa to australia, she had no reason to return to thai but our relationship has been ongoing for over 2 years with all evidence to prove it..so if they feel the relationship genuine, the reason to return issue seems to be relaxed somewhat...

  9. Thanks guys,i had no idea about that,so now im thinking a little short trip to bali with her at the end of her first 3 month stay with me may be something to consider..

    So is it as straight forward as, leave oz,fly to bali,return to oz,no special forms/additional documents,questions asked?

    And also,once the 12 mth visa has expired, is there any set time to wait before applying for another tv?


  10. Visa application to oz has been aproved today.

    Dont know the details as yet off what type of t/v but think it is just the sigle 3 month

    entry visa. All in all it took 4 days to process, they called my g/f once to ask her how long our relatioship had been

    going for..

    Thanks for the help Thai visa members...

    Ok,just got the details of the visa and it is a 12 month multiple entry visa.....

  11. Thanks guys,my g/f has no job or property to go back to but i have financially supported her for the past two years and have all

    the documents to support our relationship..

    Q18 asks if her sister is a permanent resident or citizen yes/no?,ive put yes?

    Your g/f need to provide a compelling reason to return to Thailand at the completion of her tourist visa and/or you will need to convince the Oz Embassy that you will ensure that she won't seek or engage in employment whilst in Oz and that she heads home when her visa expires.

    The importance of this point cannot be emphasized too much.

    Q18 - Answer 'Yes.'

    As Graham has stated, she may be a 'temporary' resident as far as her visa class is concerned but if she has been issued with a Medicare Card she is a permanent resident as far as the Government is concerned.

    On the migration site it said that you could still obtain a visa if they still dont have a job or such to return to as long as you can show that you have financially supported them and prove an ongoing relatioship....the only reason i give is that a state, there is a real future for us together,therefore i see no reason for her to not abide her visa conditions as this would hinder her chances to stay in oz on a more permanent basis in the near future..

    we have been together 2 years,fully suppoerting her,e/mails,phone calls everday,4 trips to thai to holiday together,all with proof.

    i dont see how they could not see that this has been ongoing/continuing and a genunibe relationship with a positive future.

    Anyway thanks all,will see how we go in the next couple of weeks


  12. Hi guys,i have a few questions about some of the questions there asking for the 48r tourist visa to australia for my g/f

    firstly do we put the thai year or the english year for the date of birth of the applicant?

    Q18,my g/f has a sister in australia who is married to an australian,she has been here for under 1 year,

    is she a citisen or permanent resident of australia?

    I took over the 48r app form with me to thai in july this year to help her fill out,allthough it was one that i printed out some time ago.

    I have just looked at the oz booklets site and see that there is now only 41 questions but on the form i had printed out had 48 questions.

    Has it slightly changed/reduced questions?would the form we allready of filled still be ok?

    I thik thats it for now,getting ready to submit app next week


    Applied in May with TG, granted within 7 days, attended CC tower in Bangkok with completed form from internet, let in door by security guards and first thing they do is look at completed form and state she has to complete the form in Thai language, they will give you thai language form.

    My advise is to make sure you have all the documents required and you shouldnt have a problem, reading this forum and others lots of others will tell you the TG will need to prove they have something to return to thailand, ie job. My TG has not had a job for a number of years and has no steady employment history, I emphasised my strong employment history and the funds to support her, made statement that she would not overstay.

    Let me know if you have any other questions and I will help if I can.

    So should i get her to just fill out the thai version of 48r and disgard the english verision?

    is the english version for if you applying for it in oz?

    thoughts on this appreciated...

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